Any games with this feel?

Any games with this feel?

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I second this I would also like to know

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Is there any good doujin or fanfiction with this feel is my question

I guess you could argue that one Muramasa DLC but she's a loli oni most of the time

Absolutely based

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Literally the plot of one of the muramasa dlc.

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im sorry sir but i have to call the police now

>face is just the loli faces
yeah no thanks

feels... like these?

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Any games that let me breed a BUFF ONI PUSSY and create a race of ripped half-children to unleash upon the human normalfags?


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One mission Kinda.

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god damn it...

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good thread

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amazon from dragon's crown?

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or maybe these?

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Anyone else get molested by their 2 older sisters when they were young?

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Imagine how springy their pussy is compared to the rest.

>tfw no qt oni gf

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No, but I got molested by my dad's girlfriend.

I prefer Suika desu. She's cuter, stronger, and perflat.

Modded FF XIV

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>molested by
you a beta

i might as well keep dumping

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Welcome to anime artstyle

nigga I was like seven, you expect me to be a fucking alpha ass seven year old

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>Muscular and sporty girls taking care of their bodies looks hot as fuck
Only if you are attracted by manly features. Picture related. Not hot at all.

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Muscles are for gays

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>tfw you will never fuck an oni girl
why even live bros

part 2

dumb kid

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>the very clearly different art style
>somehow the flowers weren't cut
nice try user

I hope Nioh 2 has an oni girl
With the yokai transformation system it's supposed to have maybe it'll let you be the oni girl

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ow the edge

You're going to need a better example.

>Waist to hip ratio
>Femine jaw and face
>Pelvic bones

Literally, the only manly feature on her is the muscles. Which, arguably, most men don't even have nowadays.

starting to run out here

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But she did keep the flowers, right?

imagine how delicious their sweat tastes

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better try than your life

That's the best part, you retard.

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well she can't eat the flowers

oh my god, who is she?

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