Other urls found in this thread:
Why did he shoot up that Mosque?
Spyro 3 was a great game.
Is Spyro's fat uncut dragondick purple or yellowgold like his belly?
Spyro 1 remains eternal and perfect, not associated with any hate groups.
Spyro 2 and 3 children get left behind with the mass shooters.
What did spyro do
going to subway guys want anything
He was an incel.
Yea Forums has danny phantom and Yea Forums has spyro and madden, what do other boards have?
You can't tell me you don't want to fuck that
the dick would be the collor of the skin in which where it is, in this case, yellowgold
-uck that dragon in the boi puss.
/pol/ has blacked threads
I love Spyro's cute dragon paws!
I imagine Spyro is fucking me when I ride my dragon-dildo.
He actually fell for all the /pol/-shitposting
Spyro was pretty technically cool for the PS1. Not many games on that platform did 3D adventure well, Even Crash is kinda 2.5D
When is the Switch port coming ahhhhh
It was not spyro himself, but a certain fairy.
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
Yea Forums has Catcher in the Rye
isnt that book like, objectively shit
i have never met anyone who liked that book and they just talk about how much they hate it. then again, we were all forced to read it in middle school. I wonder if all that forced reading caused so many to hate books. I know i hated reading books until i read a series for unfortunate events.fuck the great gatsby
Adult Spyro is my weakness
>I know i hated reading books until i read a series for unfortunate events.fuck the great gatsby
are you retarded
For me it was 1984
That was a damn fine book. First assigned reading I liked was Count of Monte Cristo. I don't think I fully appreciated it at the time. Probably ought to read it again, but it's just so damn long.
Why is Spyro being meme'd out right now?
Wouldn't the jew be long dead by the time Spyro grows that big?
What happened with Danny Phantom?
Why didnt you want her in the remake
christchurch shooter said spyro 3 made him an ethno nationalist or something like that in response if video games made him violent. he was joking
i read it of my own volition and really couldn't stand it. nothing really interesting happens and holden just whines and whines
Some autist obsessed with Danny Phantom, and would post YouTube videos about his Danny Phantom OCs, shot up the supermarket he worked at and killed himself, all with the intent of going ghost and join his ghost waifu Ember.
Do image boards have the highest rate of murderers per capita?
Why did he spare the thot but killed the others?
Didn't he go in with a fuckton of ammo, use up ALL of it, but only kill like 2 people?
You could probably argue Facebook has the most murderers
per capita
Its too bad, as someone who wasnt forced to read Gatsby in school i didnt dislike it when i read it on my own time
You can talk shit but at least Spyro is doing something about the Gnorc problem.
No, it's just kind of there. Then again, it's hard to make an objectively bad book unless you're intentionally disregarding basic things like continuity and setting
>those lizards
Either the guy had a crush on her and decided to spare her, or he wanted to leave a witness since he was offing himself anyways.
Four counting himself. It was the grave shift and there were only five people in the store at the time, the fifth being the co-worker he spared. He used up the rest of the ammo shooting up random items on the shelf before blowing his brains out.
This. I'm confused on what's going on. I googled Spyro and nothing came up. If you guys are memeing about the mosque shooter shouldn't it be F to Fortnite since the guys manifesto directly mentions Fortnite?
>bara scalie shit is also nazi propaganda
Fucking typical.
>that video where he fucking missed 60% of his shots in a shooting range with a shotgun
Not so.
The thing is, when you try to run spyro 3 from a pirate disc, all sorts of weird shit happens.
Gems are reallocated, controls fail at random, the language gets changed, the game crash at random, turn one of your kids into a radical communist or fascist.
You know, the usual with DRM.
Reminds me of an user who shared a story about his schizophrenic furfag brother who used to jack off to spyro while the user was pretending to be asleep in his bunk bed; The story was about how "spryo" would tell his brother to do things when he was off his meds.
Tbh I want her if a new game is released
>girl dragons
That's gay.
The manifesto also mentions Spyro 3 in the same sentence. What some people miss is that the shooter was being sarcastic and mocking people who might try to blame entertainment on influencing him.
Is there any word on if Komodo Moe is in the CTR remake, or any other characters who weren't in it originally?
The only video I watched of his was one where he took literally a dozen shots (from the hip) to finally hit a milk jug from like 3 meters away.
that's the vid.
Do you think Spryo smashed elora's goat pussy?
In what crazy world are you living that has noticeable relation between some gay erotic genre with anthropomorphic reptiles and politics propaganda?
Yea Forums is full of faggots. Spyro 3 is for real men who get shit done.
>he fucking named his weapons after the OCs
I mean, to be fair, the Dragons seems pretty adamant on the rule that only THEY can use magic despite everyone being able too.
Everything else that used magic was a fucking asshole though, so I can't blame them.
post it
Spyro the Dragon 3 teaches children about ethnonationalism. And that's a good thing.
I'm glad this has become pseudo-canon
>wanting female dragons in a dominantly patriarchal setting
post more
>Haven't had any interest in Spyro since 99
>Surfing Yea Forums
>See this
good thread
I always knew the purple fuck was up to no good, normal people play Crash
Yea Forums has Kevin Nash
>bdsm dragon daddy and spyro
I wish user would bully me again like last time
post more m/m spyro
Fuck off faggot
what happened. why F?
an aussie shitposter that took it too far and effectively removed ausfags from Yea Forums. incase not everyone has noticed, multiple australian ISPs have blocked Yea Forums. 4channel is still okay though. probably only for moblieposters
>youtube removed kebab because of this shitlord
this dudes a faggot and moot was right aussies should be perma banned
but to the general public, a guy saying “bideogsmes don’t make me violent” and then shooting 41 unarmed people calmly, even capping a women desperately begging for help doesn’t sound very legit
he's a kiwi though
same thing but different
on topic, do we actually want another spyro game that's basically the classics with cynder added in as an alternate skin like coco?
artist name is in top left
I wonder if said user still goes here
no he isn’t. he was an aussie who had bedm living there for a while. he is from the same state i’m from.
Rip in pepperoni Tom Kenni :(
in that case we clearly need an aussie ban
not just from other countries but also the internet
I still can't find it sir
your wish might come true. the footage being spread everywhere is causing boomer politicians requesting internet censorship. our country is pretty much owned by china anyway
thots ruin everything
why are people against adult spyro being masculine?
artist is literally first result on google
or do you not have an fa account
or is this bait
Why did they give him such a big butt anyway?
>Unregistered HyperCam 3
God fucking dammit, why did I laugh hard at this?
That's normal for dragons, user.
I haven't gone to FA in so long I forgot I could even check it. I found it on YP, but thank you user
Which of the Reignited designs is your favourite for non-scalie reasons?
Those are the only ones I like honestly, everything else is neutral or worse.
for the lulz.
when will activision make adult spyro canon
god he's fucking hot
We're still here you fuckwit
He thought it was a Rhynoc den.
>thread is still up
Im kindof surprised there has been no rips of the models in the game.
Scorch because they didn't fuck him up somehow.
thats not how hemipenes work you mong. they'de be flesh colored. if not slightly pinkish.
Why is he so perfect?
oh christ
>matured well
>youthful looks but well-built body
>outfit implies an adventurous hobby
he's a perfect bottom
Because we wouldn't get gems like these.
Jesus fucking christ, user
I wonder if anyone showed this to Pewdiepie?
I still wanna fuck Komodo Joe
Just him though don't care about his chubby brother
lol, someone already posted it on Youtube. I wonder how long it will take for them to remove it. Hopefully never.
a man of taste
yellow foreskin, purple penis head
I'm not really attracted to fat men, but there's something about this guy that makes me feel funny.