Nintendo BTFO
Nintendo BTFO
Imagine getting paid by IGN to make clickbait threads on Yea Forums to add a couple hundred views to some shitty video about a game nobody gives a fuck about.
It barely qualifies as a job.
I decided not to click on it because of you heh
fuck you OP
This looks like shit wtf? If you're making a game show people what the fucking gameplay looks like. Everything about this seems boring S fuck.
Imagine believing companies would pay to advertise on this shithole.
BOTW killer
Not only did it get your attention but you also bumped the thread. :)
>will 100% have ubisoft towers
>dev calls the game towers so he can cover more space on the map with them
Oh great more survival co-op garbage.
Cool bullshots but where's the gameplay?
I'm really tired of this "YOU CAND DO EVERYTHING" bullshot trailers and then gameplay is "Collect 8 monkey dicks to advance to the next stage".
Look at what happened with No Man's Sky.
>pretentious western shit.
>all gimmicks
>no gameplay
might as well go play ark if all you want to do is play minecraft and wag a stick around
Kinda reminds me of a peter moloyne game where "you can do anything" and then cant.
Nintenfags seeth so easily
This from the team ICO guys?
How can I got mad when I got Poppi?
do u no what word mean
>not knowing about sage
go home refugee
no, it's some rando indie studio
Not gonna lie, Nintenfags are looking absolutly livid right now.
>Conan Exiles + BotW + SotC
Could be neat.
We'll see, I'm hoping this'll live up to the trailer since it does all seem to be gameplay, but who knows, the actual game could end up being a lot more tedious.
Not to mention it could end up being a technical mess.
>it's just an open world survival crafting game but with some monsters thrown in
I thought we were done with these
not interested in playing as a little tribal spear chucking shit
People who mass reply on Yea Forums are the most desperate, look at me Daddy!, insecure douchebags on the internet.
But the trailer clearly shows what you can do? It's nothing out of the ordinary, just has a cool look and a world that isn't literal garbage.
>literal garbage
Are you going to tell me Ark, Conan Exiles, or Rust have interesting worlds?
Oh snap. You said the thing, so I guess it must be true.
I'm not going to tell you anything except if you describe something as "literal garbage", it better be inside a trash bag with old milk cartons and empty tuna cans. But thanks for showing me exactly why you missed the point of my first response to you.
Name five games in the last five years that have looked the same in graphical quality as what their early trailers have shown. This means nothing to me.
Based, fuck OP.
Said the guy posting a image, posting images literally screams LOOK AT ME PLEASE
You realize language evolves with its use, right? It isn't a stagnant thing as you seem to believe.
Monster Hunter World
Yeah, let's just do whatever we want. I think those worlds are figurative garbage. And don't @ me, because you do realize language evolves right? It isn't a stagnant thing. If I want to call it figurative garbage then it's fine because I said so.
The Division 2
A Way Out
AC: Origins
Yeah dude totally. Everyone who posts an image is crying out for attention. Totally. Now if this were an image board, then that'd be different.
Pretty sure some faggots do this for free and think it's le epic trollin.
>All that effort.
>for a tower defense game.
not even competing with BOTW. OP is a massive baiting faggot.
Why? It looks like a multiplayer botw clone with weird animals.. I got other things to play on besides a switch but I just dont see how this would make people mad cause they cant play it.
Looks interesting and all but is it actually goal-oriented with developer crafted levels, challenges, and bosses and a main quest and sidequests or is it just another shitty survival crafting sandbox?
thought it was the plastic beach cover for a sec
It's a prototype made in a year with 6 devs, I doubt the developers even know what they want to do with it.
Looks pretty cool, but what does Nintendo have to do with it? Is it an exclusive or something?
damn, shitch owners missing out on this one
Imagine being so butthurt over BOTW that you have to compare every single open world game to it
I thought of a way to get people to click the thread and bait was the easiest thing to go with, also the glider is a 100% rip off of BotW.
See that also confuses me, not exactly here, but in other instances on Yea Forums. Things apparently BTFO BotW by....copying its mechanics? If you think it is a bad game why the fuck do you get excited whenever something copies it. Either emulate it or save up and buy a switch, shitting up the board doesn't help anyone. Console wars are and always have been dumb, we should all strive to be idorts on some level. Nothing is exclusive when you own every console worth a damn
BotW has many flaws that could be improved upon, the lack of enemy variety, the world being boring with nothing fantastical apart from the dragons, the lack of proper dungeons, lack of proper quests, etc. I mean, you can enjoy Bloodborne but dislike Dark Souls or vice versa, enjoy Nioh but hate Dark Souls, etc.
But mostly it's just shitposting.
yeah so mass reply is a feature too
Oh look more open world trash. Graphics and art design really good though but I'm not playing another fucking copy paste open world piece of shit
Back to your corridor chump
>I don't know how an image board works
If you can't even figure out the basics of this fucking website you need to fuck off to whatever shithole you came from
He's getting paid at least, instead of doing it for free like nintendo's weeaboo internet defense force.
>all open world games are good
>all linear games are bad
Both can be done equally good and equally shit. Not all games need to play like grand theft auto and not all games need to play like cawadoody
>being inspired or amazed by tech demos
>Anytime post 2014
might as well pull a blizzard and just show me a cinematic that has nothing to do with the game, because im expecting as much
>not appreciating the cinematic experience that is provided by blizzard
What are you, straight?
Who gives a fuck? It's not a kickstarter trying to sell me something, if it comes out and it reviews well I'll pick it up, if it's trash I won't.
>I don't know how an mass reply works
If you can't even figure out the basics of this fucking website you need to fuck off to whatever shithole you came from
>make a proper thread about this yesterday
>no replies
>OP throws some console war shitposting
>instant replies
Why is this board so awful?
It's like fishing, without bait you're going to get nowhere.
This applies to every game that isn't a major AAA game, usually.
Gow only becuase gameplay is simple and playing space is extremely small with hours of walking segments
Spidey got downgraded from the first trailer
You got three, two arent that demanding and the rdr2 made by the best
Yeah nah, dont want coop garbage.