Update and stats soon.
Marisa best bunny.

Attached: ss+(2019-03-18+at+08.04.22).jpg (503x898, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh yay another banner where I hate all the characters. Except this time none of them even have any skills I'd like.

>he doesn't like Vero

>he's one of those faggots that doesn't even call Veronica by her full name
>hes one of those faggots that unironically likes the shit ocs from this game
Fucking kill yourself please.

>yet another lance flier
the art is cute but I have a +10 cordelia why should I bother

あll characters are ocs. FE sucks anyway

Post green bunny

>He doesn't like the only good oc

Attached: 1549768992007.jpg (480x480, 31K)

A cute girl deserves a cute nickname. Plus she needs all the help from fans she can get since IS keeps going off on dumb tangents about death metal goo skeletons instead of finishing her character arc.

Attached: 1490698574878.jpg (819x1200, 182K)

>this time none of them even have any skills I'd like
Truly unfortunate. I'm just gonna see if I can get a lance from the free pull to give to Thea if she gets demoted. If I don't, then whatever.

Attached: DqO_zGHVsAA0iF3.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1945, 311K)

>IS keeps going off on dumb tangents about death metal goo skeletons

Play a real game fags

Attached: z1ZeoYx.png (1758x813, 1.82M)

When are they going to add my wife?

Attached: __cynthia_fire_emblem_and_fire_emblem_kakusei_drawn_by_haru_nakajou_28__a90b7134e593528f8be04863e5f1 (1100x1600, 2.24M)

>not liking Sharena
>or Henriette
>or Thrasir
>or Laegjarn


Here's a bunch of ultra high res pics of the new bunnies and also the FE6 units. No Loki unfortunately.

Attached: loki_spring_trickster_slide01.png (640x750, 357K)

I replay Der Langrisser every year though

>that BD art where she holds the bunny ears to her face

Attached: WtNPT1.jpg (4000x3800, 898K)

replay it MORE

That song alone already makes book 3 better than the trash that was book 1 and 2.

Been waiting for mine since launch

Attached: Miriel confession.png (512x512, 90K)

i already have spring catria so i guess i have to try to get spring palla even though i don't really like her art

>Shit OC's

Mostly, but not completely.

Attached: sample_123bc18e5baa870a4c5a53385910f0c7.jpg (850x850, 186K)

surely 100%ing it once a year is good enough, I already have a bunch of games I replay every year

>he doesn't like loki
>he doesn't like Laegjarn
>he doesn't like Helbindi

Are you a necrophiliac, user?

You literally posted the worst one.

Who here is building Starless Loki?

Attached: DrRy3ePVAAAPn1E.jpg (850x753, 128K)

Better hope she's a Libra/Thea type and actually demotes. Would suck if she's 5* exclusive

Attached: 10020.jpg (500x700, 495K)

more like >shadman loki


Attached: loki_spring_trickster_slide03.png (640x750, 536K)

Still mad about no demotes from the latest banner

Attached: 5ea5d5981958bd8dbdc2a357d784978f.jpg (1024x768, 258K)

inb4 they slap a rally+ on her to justify her staying 5* exclusive

Literally, just edit some piercings and there you go

how did you find this? Are there other high res or is this it?

What makes me really mad is that they gave Kaden/Velouria 4 skills. Keaton with 4 skills I could still see being 5* exclusive since he had Special Spiral but the other two not having full kits making us think Spd/Res Link or Close Defense would actually demote was fucking cruel.

And then Lugh has a non full kit also but has a Rally+ which makes him automatic 5* only.

Fuck IS

It was on a press release from Nindori World. Only those two banners had the high res, the previous ones were the same as most other press kits(about 1000x1000 res)

>deleted a kagero because u got bullied
Gee i wonder what's going to happen this time

This is a free unit though.

Attached: loki_spring_trickster_slide04.png (640x750, 388K)

Did Marisa get a boob upgrade or was she always a titty monster?

You shouldnt have deleted her in the first placr

>Don't have orbs saved up, and want to save orbs for the next mythic hero
Wish I could get that anti-trap skill though

I haven't kept up with FE in a while, but what the hell is this? Why is there screaming and metal music in an FE game now?

Attached: Tumblr_o36xojz15F1s0fo0zo1_1280.png (854x476, 278K)

why don't you take this shit to your shitty general

Sometimes I have second thoughts about getting rid of her and Sonya but overall I feel it was the best option.

Now to do it all again when Shade gets added

Attached: Dark Sage Shade.jpg (596x811, 188K)

Cause the latest story stuff is about facing death itself and the underworld. It's pretty metal, or at least as metal as FE can get.



She can get annoying most of the time, being literally happy about everything 90% of the time can be really annoying

Also she doesn't have character development,not even 2 years after


Literally no personality,how I'm supposed to like a character who appears only 3 minutes?, it's like the stupid decision of killing his husband, he literally appeared like 10 minutes,there's no fucking way to one would miss him


Same as before, no personality at the moment so no likeable at all


Killing her before her character development was stupid, literally died in a stupid way

Attached: 1467993658520.png (1360x768, 231K)

You take that back! My general is tough and strong!

Attached: FEMN_General.png (472x929, 903K)

>unironic mobile shit thread
Yea Forums is dead

I genuinely quit the game because of this. I had been waning in and out for a month or so after playing the game near daily for 2 years, then I watched the book 3 FE channel. Never again

I dont have slow enough poke for your post

>likes metal
You better have 14 coz' if you are older you are just a faggot

God you're a faggot.

Can you niggers stop pretending to like Heroes OCs as characters and just admit you only care about putting your dick in them? You're not going to convince anyone that a character that gets 5 lines of dialogue every 2-4 weeks is well-written.
Now be predictable as you always are and greentext at me ">implying any FE character is well-written".

>implying any FE character is well-written

I mean it is true. None of the FE characters are well written but at least they have a full fledged game to stand on with actual content and a story that you don't need to wait a month to update again with nothing happening.

Whats wrong with metal m8?

>implying any FE character is well-written
And yes, I do want to stick my dick in them but that goes for pretty much every character in FE. Awakening characters are the most developed characters in all of FE since the supports are everywhere compared to any other FE where you'd be lucky if your favorite character gets more than the two introductory lines. And despite this, people will still have the gall to say the Awakening is has bad characters because they're just secondaries or Smashfags which are also secondaries.

Attached: 1453094968430.png (582x630, 312K)

Attached: 1545193641705.jpg (850x850, 205K)

Stats and Loki's skills fucking where?

Give it an hour and some minutes.

Update time! Only 4MB.

Attached: D162OO5UcAAn7X-.jpg (1447x2047, 399K)

>why should I bother
>the art is cute

>update data found

Oh yeah, I forgot I'm in the shitty Lite Mode at the moment.

Attached: D18caRYUgAEpzEt.jpg (1447x2047, 446K)

Where's the fan art of Est being depressed over being left out of the Whitewing bunny party?

Attached: DBzSYt-V0AAHhre.png (550x700, 292K)

Really decent seals this time.

Attached: 1552969135911.png (843x1084, 1.24M)

Attached: 1552969336578.jpg (576x1024, 155K)

>3 A skills
>All meh
We really running out of A skills to use?

look at those boobs

Attached: 1552969390110.png (1149x793, 1.84M)

So is this game easy to get into and fun if I just want to play casually for free?
I'd only want a few characters, namely Fem Corrin and Soleil.


Attached: 1497477700109.png (836x632, 413K)

ISIS is running out of "good" skills in general.

There are some skills that would be absurdly broken if they were seals. Could you imagine how stupid a Death Blow or Fury seal would be?

That's a shame but I'll still make her work


Is this Rajeet's artist?

Now what about her skills.

>So is this game easy to get into and fun if I just want to play casually for free?

yea sure

>I'd only want a few characters, namely Fem Corrin and Soleil.

should be easy then, both are available as non 5*s

>tfw Veronica's stats here are nothing special, and her skills aren't anything to write home about either
>She's so, so very cute though

Is this good?

Attached: 1534102203908.png (900x900, 500K)

>Could have been a bunny Anna instead of Catria

Fuck you IS

Awakening character aren't developed at all you retard. Hearing the same trope ten different times isn't depth


Attached: 1550645077403.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

>Could you imagine how stupid a Death Blow or Fury seal would be?

We already got a Darting Seal SS. Death Blow wouldn't surprise me, it even feels like the next logical step, especially considering we already got Darting, Fierce and now Warding Stance.

Everyone is gonna kill her for G Dual Flying, it's sad.

Anna deserves nothing

They made the right choice.

Attached: 67845294_p0.png (1240x1754, 1.15M)


>Loki just has Luna, Flier Formation, and Goad Fliers

What is this garbage

I think I heard someone say she's the free one. Probably through tempest trials. Can't put really good skills on the free one can we?

Other TTs have had good skills and this is too much emblem team oriented, I'd prefer good universal skills instead

Attached: Face.png (1600x1920, 1.61M)

>35/36 is bad now.

Attached: 1533930754785.jpg (1280x720, 128K)


Attached: BtlFace_D.png (1684x1920, 1.86M)

What were you expecting exactly.

>first year had Camilla
>next had nothing
>this one is even more nothing

When are we getting a good easter banner?

>New player with no emblem teams yet.
>banner with Three cute ones + a Free one + Aversa

Should I blow my 160 orbs?

>Spd/Res bond
There's someone that can probably use this well but nobody comes to mind.

I don't know honestly. Maybe a bond skill, a smoke skill, a brazen?

Attached: BtlFace_C.png (1684x1920, 2.44M)

My Camilla is going to vore Loki for Flier Formation!!!

Felicia maybe

Which Camilla.

It's called power creep. Have you seen the def/res stats on the armored tanks? Just gonna get BTFO by them, and utterly outclassed by the good attackers who get 40+ atk and speed easy. Maybe even up to around 50. Sure there's worse than 35/36, but you're not gonna be getting anywhere with that.


Attached: gustav.png (945x1916, 1.89M)

I'm actually thinking on Anna.

You can build your emblem teams with much better stuff for cheaper. Save it for a legendary banner; that's good shit if you're new. Dumped most of my f2p orbs when I started and it gave me a kick ass Myrrh

Wow another dead dad in FE. such original much good

bownoka's lesbian lover camilla with her big stat buffing axe.

I always considered Darting Blow to be the limit to what they'd ever make for a seal. The Stances are different as Darting and Fierce Stance are objectively much weaker skills than their Blow counterparts.

The problem with a Death Blow seal is that there are a ton of units that would become absurdly overpowered with it. Do you really want DB7 Reinhardt or DB10 Lilina? At worst I can see them doing Sturdy Blow or Mirror Strike seals. Swift Sparrow would also be pretty overpowered as a seal.

Other skills like Vantage, Solo Skills, Fury, Life and Death and especially the Fighter skills would be way too much.

Wow it's Greil but shit.

There's only one allowed to live.

Attached: mastermind.png (1009x673, 309K)

I'm terrified of the day Vantage comes out and everyone has a Special Spiral/Vantage monster on their team.

It is okay. You can work with it.

all according to keikaku

unironically looks like shadman

Attached: shadmanf.webm (500x280, 2.12M)

MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_HOME1: Saying "hippity-hop" makes my\nears bounce. It's fun, but I don't\nknow why.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_HOME2: What's hopping?$k$pI see how you're looking at me.\nIt's the spring festival. I have to\nsay "hop." A lot.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_HOME3: My brother must be the best-\nlooking bunny in this world.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_HOME4: Prince Alfonse dressed this way?\nHmm...
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_HOME5: This is a lot of fun. I wish I could\nspend more days like this.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_FRIEND: The spring festival is on, and\n$Nf is there.\nYou should come too.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_LEVEL1: Hippity-hop. I'm getting\nstronger.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_LEVEL2: I'll hop around the festival\nsome more.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_LEVEL3: Not funny, bunny.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_SKILL: I like this festival.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_JOIN: Hippity-hop. I'm Veronica. I hear\nthere's some kind of festival here...\nI'll join in.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_STRONGEST: Hippity-hop... A happy rabbit,\nenjoying the springtime...that's me.$k$pIt seems everybody is having fun\nhere.$k$pHe's usually so serious... And he's\nbravely suffering... But today, they're\nboth happy.$k$pI think I like spring...$k$pIt's getting to me, too. I'm about to\nlaugh—watch me. You can join in.
MID_VERONICA_SPRING03_VOICE05: Spring is here.
\ Fuzzy creature!
\ With rabbit strength!
\ I'll celebrate—not you!
\ Heading home...
\ Umm...
\ I am a rabbit.
\ H-hey. You startled me.
\ "Hippity-hop." Loki told me that this was appropriate. Isn't it?\n
This festival is really jumping! Get it? Jumping?
This clothing...well, it is nothing that I am used to.
He looks dashing dressed up like that, doesn't he? My brother, I mean.
As long as the spring festival continues, I will stay here. Even if that's forever...
Do what, exactly?

Post your orb saving face

Attached: 1551929179678.gif (280x304, 656K)

I want Palla, but i'm not confident on my luck.

Attached: 22196008_966364113519262_2844583977344033474_n.png (568x385, 276K)

>Not funny, bunny.

Attached: 1484584566500.jpg (214x175, 6K)

Feel like I'm gonna go for Palla, she seems like she might be a bit better than Flora.

I don't know if I should call this lazy or not.

MID LOKI SPRING03 HOME1: I'm an adorable little bunny now, so I'll use these big ears to listen to any request you have...just for today.
HOME2: Winter has ended, dear. Forget the chill, and enjoy yourself under the warming rays of the spring sun.
HOME3: Rabbits, eggs, and all the rest signify fecundity...$k$pI'm interested in hearing your interpretation of this symbolism, darling. I'm listening.
HOME4: Don't let me get lonely... I might just die. Bunnies don't do so well all on their own! Hee-hee.
HOME5: I told Princess Veronica that "hippity- hop" is a spring-festival greeting. And the sweet girl believed me...
FRIEND: Oh, come to the spring festival, won't you? Your dear friend $Nf says you will!
LEVEL1: Suddenly, I can't contain the urge to hop! Hee-hee.
LEVEL2: Spring is so refreshing... And it's put me in a good mood.
LEVEL3: I got caught up in the whimsy of spring, and look at me now.
SKILL: Isn't this nice? Maybe I can do something for you next.
JOIN: I am Loki, a harmless rabbit. I wanted to go to the spring festival with you, dear. So here I am!
01: そぉれっ
02: Having fun?
03: きゃああっ!
04: Oh my...
05: Spring is here!
06: Welcome to spring!
07: All warm and fuzzy.
08: Let's have some fun.
09: Defeated! Oh my.
10: a sniffle?
11: I like outfits that send people into a tizzy. *laughs*
12: Ah! Don't be so impatient, darling!
13: Well, there IS one thing bunnies are famous for. Besides eating carrots...
14: I wonder if I could hop, hop, hop right up into the heavens?
15: Make sure to take a look at Princess Veronica. She makes an ADORABLE bunny.
16: I wish everybunny would dress like this. Don't you?
17: You're trying to reform me, aren't you? Or maybe you have another motive, hmm?
18: Of course.
19: Funny bunny!
20: Springtime!

My only weakness.

Attached: 1551668532345.jpg (480x360, 33K)

>Built in Flier Support bow with Prf
Basically a better and free Hinoka.

Can't let free units be too good now that they're trying to get more people buying orbs.

Honestly, at this point with things like the Close/Distant Def, Heavy/Flashing Blade, or Quick Riposte being a seal, I wouldn't be surprised to see them toss in a more rare B at some point. Those would be some interesting game changers without being nearly as outright applicable as a lot of these bonds/brazen they've tossed out.

Like Renewal. Give me that, I want a 30 HP every other turn Chrom. Or a single Chill skill would be cool so I can turn Soren into a triple-chill like how Titania/Seth can triple-tactics.

So lewd

>Well, there IS one thing bunnies are famous for. Besides eating carrots...

Attached: shiroulostme.jpg (275x275, 14K)

>13: Well, there IS one thing bunnies are famous for. Besides eating carrots...
What is it?

>DB7 Halloween Jakob
I'm ready

Hopping you dumb fucker

Bunny cunny


Jesus Bruno that's awful nigga

>13: Well, there IS one thing bunnies are famous for. Besides eating carrots...

Attached: 1424304058236.png (180x240, 73K)

Bruno youre not a fucking dancer what the fuck is this shit

People seem to forget that Veronica is a fucking Tome Flier which works extremely well with a Bladetome

Yea Forums hates bladetomes for some reason. Probably the same people that complain about armors.

Attached: 71694973_p0.jpg (800x952, 300K)

>teen sword vero never ever

it hurts, bros.

Attached: kymg302.jpg (750x500, 64K)

>connor kelly

The fuck? Connor is a lad name

>wanting yet another basic bitch blade tome set

Vero's weapon gives her +3 Spd which gives her an effective 35/39 neutral offensive spread, along +4 on all stats when above 75%. That's good enough to not be turned into yet another bladetome as it's the only set a mage can use.

Goads are better than Hones on flier teams.


Honestly where the fuck is Frederick's wife?

Post your orb saving face.

Attached: 1537646965968.jpg (1000x1000, 90K)

Please play Dragalia Lost.


Attached: DkC7j14UcAAHxFA.png (975x600, 785K)

Attached: 1549509382535.gif (444x250, 1.86M)

>marisa and vero
best banner in quite a while, those two are the best FE girls.

Attached: marisa.png (500x613, 208K)

>Really want Bunny Vero
>But I want to save orbs for W!Fae reroll and any possible new Nowi seasonal
>I don't need yet another flying green tome when I already have Sanaki and Nino
>Will only free roll with any other green that appears in that summoning session

It will pain me to skip her.

Attached: 1522670794193.jpg (409x427, 37K)

Wish me luck. Going all out for a month sniping blues with every orb I can use.

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-003752.png (1080x1920, 2.12M)

People still play this whale trash?

too tired to stay up to the reset. have fun getting veronica and loki, fehgots.

Attached: Feh_BtlFace_C.png (312x312, 107K)

I fucking wish.

I don't like how this artist handles blush. She looks like she caught a fever or something.

People still play FE games in general

She's got allergies dude, it's Spring.

She's in major heat, she even references fucking like rabbits in dialogue

Fuck off. That has no fanbase.

>I haven't kept up with FE in a while, but what the hell is this?
Here, watch this. It'll be a treat.

Really not a fan of this artist, something about the faces just looks off.

FEH needs more Nino
Three houses should have Nino DLC where we teach her to read.

GL Marisabro

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-232657_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (1080x2220, 1.48M)

Kind of wanted Vero but getting Duma annihilated my orbs.

Attached: th.jpg (511x350, 24K)

>atk: 30
No! That's too low!
Like for real, what's even the point of a conditional atk boost skill, if even with the boost characters like Mikoto, Maribelle, Sakura and Laevatein are already as strong or stronger than him anyway?

Attached: 1546209116438.jpg (803x899, 82K)

Well she is battered half to death and is using all her strength to carry on anyway.

At least he has the highest Def of all staffs (maybe highest among ranged units in general) :^)

Yeah that's without a doubt his saving grace. But still.

Do we know if the Year 1 Easter will be back or not? I kinda want Bunny Chrom and I don't like the units of this year

Probably yeah we'll just have to wait and see.

All previous Spring banners will run, just like all the others

I really don't get all this hatred towards all FEH OCs.
Spoiler: All Fire Emblem characters were OCs at one point.

>mathilda free roll
And that's all I'm doing on that banner.

>take away orbs
>dont give us summon tickets for easter

Free roll btw

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-000114_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (2400x1920, 2.09M)


Game is fanservice for existing characters, people want to see said characters rather than ones only from the phone game originally. Not really hard to get unless FEH is your first go at it.

That's +Atk/-Def dude

Not like I really wanted her, she just had the most interesting fodder and I was hoping I'd get a Subaki or Shanna

I like old characters too, but if I didn't like new characters I'd never be excited for new games either. That's what I don't get. I do not get the idea that the game should only be about past content.

>Game is fanservice for existing characters,
The game stopped being that when they gave Xander two alts befoe CYL1 and pushed Book2. It's not about FE and IS doesnt care about some niche part of the fanbase that likes Ymir or Devdan.

Fanservice, which is why people are playing user.
If guy X promises to deliver Y thing that man B grew up loving and delivers Z thing instead, man B will continue to ask for thing Y, regardless of his attitude towards thing Y. If they keep putting thing Z on a pedestal and not giving him thing Y, then he may grow to resent thing Z.


Attached: Screenshot_20190319-011154.png (1080x1920, 2.06M)

Can I get her by summoning?

Xander's very popular, so that's still fanservice for them. They cater the fanservice towards a larger group. I doubt there's a Ymir fan here given the recruit conditions for him.
However you're partially right, because there's many units that seem more like they're just there to cater to people who have only played FEH (and I'm not talking about the OCs) or are simply Arena whales who want high BST units or powerful skills.

>0 orbs
Thats too close Congrats user.

She's a free unit, a point reward in the tempest trial coming out in a few days

You have a warped sense of fanservice.

>120 orbs
Nothing. Hold me bro!

Attached: 1550985516938.png (388x233, 77K)

>got Veroinca
>+Hp -ATK

Attached: 1501883810455.gif (480x351, 1.06M)

I disagree.
And what do you consider fanservice? T&A?
It is a service (putting out new art/letting you play as X unit again) for fans (i.e. existing consumers of the series that desire more of it). That's not warped at all, it's a basic definition in every sense.
Here: People who don't like the OCs don't like them because they have prior no attachments to them and they're not characters in a full FE game. There's not much to latch onto here.

>when the colour you want isn't one of the choices
>when the orb you have to pick anyway breaks your pity rate
! ! ! ! ! !

Attached: 1517375635983.png (410x259, 246K)


110 orbs for fucking Morgan fml.

>go to the free summon
>guess I could go for Bruno to give Loki dazzli-
>only greens and reds
>well I guess I could go green to finally get a +spd Camil-
Yeah whatever.

wait for the 8% banner like everyone should

Should I save my orbs for summer? Or spend them now?

Attached: 30075801-A9AD-444B-B657-16B13FFCA0D8.jpg (750x551, 212K)

I don't know but give me your friend code so I can have another Lucie on my friends list.


>-spd Lucie

>Only 4 star I get from blues is Florina
>But I finally have +10 Catria

I'm in it for the long haul, aren't I?

Attached: 1498680369199.jpg (325x212, 17K)

>blow 140 orbs
>only 5*s I get are Lene & Nanna
>accidently sent home a Shanna in a blind rage at infinite Hawkeye, Reinhardt, and Raigh
>it’s going to be a repeat of the Hot Spring banner where I’m stuck only with the trash-art free unit I’m never going to use
>also woke up sick
Just let me die

Attached: 13DA8804-3608-43E0-9561-BD27C279CC73.jpg (1200x675, 74K)

Oh my fucking god I hate Anna so god damn much
>noddle as fuck arms that can't kill *ANYTHING* even with arena boosts and drive/spur support
>just barely fast enough to avoid doubles from some enemies but nowhere near fast enough to actually double the slower ones
>paper thin defense, so you attack into even a lance unit and she's getting chipped hard
>barely any decent res, any non-Odin tier blue mage can probably put a good dent in her

At least Sharena has some Atk Bond stacking potential and Alfonse can hit like a truck once he gets going, but this bitch can't do a god damn thing. Fuck you Anna.

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-005425_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (1200x1920, 1.34M)

you make worse decisions than i do and im a loser dead end job having alcoholic

Who the fuck is this artist, she barely looks like Marisa

Every fucking time! I just wanted my chocolate bunny

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-19-03-18-26.png (1080x1920, 1.93M)

hey guys dont let this thread die so soon

fuck off to /vg/ absolute mouth breathing gacha retards

are you ok, man?

>Lute broke my pity rate
Fuck she's not bad but I already have her and she has tough competition with other blue tome heros I have.

Attached: 1510021432478.jpg (600x754, 50K)

Did you get her?

Attached: vero2.jpg (852x1200, 182K)

Look, I know you're attacking a mage with a melee unit but the color based rock /paper/scissors shit does matter. Be mad at yourself for expecting attacking a green with a red as your strategy.

The fuck is with Yea Forums's obsession with Veronica?

She's cute. What other reason does anyone need?

>cute autistic loli
gee I wonder why Yea Forums likes her?

But that's wrong, which is why your obsession is fucking weird.

>introduce character
>barely does anything
>kill off character
Am I supposed to feel sad?

WTA is an important thing but strong mages can still take down low res enemies, just like strong melees should be able to take down low def mages. But here I'm even doubling and with spur/drive support and she can't take down an enemy that has 19 base defense

I want to roll for Vero but I'm still trying to get Idunn and have a fucking 5% pity rate going. I don't know what to do.

I felt bad for Sharena, she's the only one that seemed upset by the whole thing.


It’s okay to not feel sad over Gustav, only if you recognize his design made him a superchad & his genetics were wasted on Benchfonse.
If Book III is anything like Book II, you’ll actually feel sadder about the villain general deaths than you should, and will be actively cheering when the good guys die, & getting assmad when they somehow cheat death.

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>you’ll actually feel sadder about the villain general deaths
I hope to god you're not implying you got sad at Helbindi/Laegjarns deaths

>tfw used up all my orbs to get a +res-atck Idunn, and want a Vero but know I probably won't get one even if I tried
>Also want to save for the mythic banner
Here's to hoping it's a cute mythic hero and not some fag like Duma

The stick better be a second weapon refine for Alphonse.
I can agree with this, although Laeg wasn't much in the way of a "villain." She was on the antagonist's team, but more out of the fact that Surtr's a lunatic that burns all who disobey.

You know what to do.

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I want to see Gunnthra in this outfit.
It's all she deserves for not to coming to me during new year (fuck you Micaiah)

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Nope, I'm doing well all things considered by not whaling, I'll make it through this although I don't know how I'm going to get more free orbs.

I'll whale once Anna gets an alt though.

Laegjarn was a beautiful & kind woman and she didn’t deserve the shitty hand she was dealt.

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>only got 80 orbs
>need to get both Palla to complete the whitewings and Veronica because cute

>Gunnthra's dump truck ass shown off in a revealing outfit
Hell I'd be fine with it.

Laegjarn is for disgracing

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I'll disgrace her

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Debating in giving her galeforce. Think she'd make a good user for it.

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>soend 40 orbs
>get Palla
>pity broken by Amelia
I guess I won't be getting Bruno or Veronica this time.

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>wasting gf on a shitty IV unit
Why though?

>what are merges
also I'm


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too op

Using resources on your favorites is the correct way to play.

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You use her on a mixed team?

Both a Tactics team and a Horse Emblem team, yeah.

Slingkini Gunnthra this summer please

I wish. I meme'd about that for Camilla but it didn't happen.

I want the male vero!!

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Damn straight.

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>no summon support
You don't really love yourself.

Based linde user

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>male corrin is his favorite character

Should've been more sensible and picked Oliver.

Sonya free pull, then got Vero and Bruno in like 30 orbs. Ez.

Bad IVs though besides neutral Bruno.

i just started playing thia game and this is my first game in the series of fire emblem. i want to play the earlier games too but i dont have my pc.
how is the series in general? is this game as good as the other earlier games? how is the story generally? btw i lack friends so please send me friend requests if you would like.

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-162436_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (720x1280, 606K)

W-what is this picture?

It's more simplified. Stories so far have been hit or miss depending on the chapter with Book II having a decent amount of Missteps in storytelling.

There is still complexity to be found in the skills and the like and the higher difficulty mode challenges and PvP modes once you raise your rank on the ladder will get progressively more difficult.

It's still a fun romp so far though in my opinion. Regular FE games have you regularly recruiting new members to your army in every chapter but you also generally have to make certain decisions on who you want to keep out to fight and who you want to bench because the games throw alot of recruits at you.

Stuff like Forging Bonds is kind of the replacement for getting support conversations with particular units though they only happen with event characters (currently it's based on 4 FE6 characters).

I think you'll have a good time since you're just starting out and there's a decent amount of modes for you to mess around with.

FEHxDMCV units when

Red Dante, Blue Virgil, Green flier Nero, Gray mage V

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thanks whoever cropped out the name of the person I don't mind the lil doggo watermark.

this banner is yikes and save unfamma lammy.

tfw probably gonna dump 40 orbs into rolling for a single bunbun

>didn't pick brave vero
roll again famitsu. at this point you get some nice free 5* units just for playing but you're gonna want to pull some in your rolling too. Since you're just starting out make sure you roll a focus on the existing banners.

>He looks dashing dressed up like that, doesn't he? My brother, I mean.
Oh Bero. How cute.

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Brave Celica is pretty damn good though. Especially if he can get his hands on Reyson or someone. Granted that Brave Veronica is Brave Veronica, but Brave Celica is probably the #2 Brave Hero.

She is legit the worst along with Roy. Bike isn't too hot these days either. They're not bad units, but the other Brave heroes are a in another league.

>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Yea Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

thanks for the overview.

Nothing wrong with pulling a BCecilia but compared to Vero it's a fucking wasted pull especially when you get the free vangIke for a red. I endorse brave Lucy though from all her goddamn drive stats for early clear on story content and monthly missions. Vero just blows everyone from second Brave completely the fuck out as a f2p unit and all the shit she comes with if you get the neutral one. She only needs an A skill but you can easily get away with a atk+3 off a kusopull.

I really should start to tripfag for newbie advice since I've dumped hours into this over the course of 20 minutes a day since release. Shame I'm a brainlet filled with luck or I could help with builds and GHB for new players too.

I also recommend trying to get the GHB zeph to 5* ASAP for a free awesome fucking armor unit. He can carry some good shit.

Attached: zeph-insert-46fc4.png (943x360, 474K)

see my post and also it would be worth it to use story time orbs on maxing out your castle early on. Make use of the double SP weekends (fri sat) in conjunction with blessings to help you power build units. Start saving up feathers to rank up pulled units with good IVs too.

Go to settings and turn off enemy music (subjective based on personal taste), turning on Asset/Flaw color display makes things easy at a glance for pulls(blue good red bad), auto battle button on bar, double tap wait off, smart end on, and support animations off (subjective based on personal taste).

These will help you with rolling through a new account and getting through the prologue.

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sorry i am unable to comprehend your instructions well. btw what are castles for?

My bad my dude which part don't you understand I'll elaborate.

>what are castles for?
In the shop section you can upgrade your castle for orbs. Each upgrade not only changes the aesthetic of the castle but increases the experience you gain during combat for your units. You can change what your castle looks like in one of the settings as well.

Ask for details on whichever part doesn't make word good. I'll make it more concise this is all to help out new feh players.

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I'll keep waiting until pic related or a W!Fae banner.

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Very wise user.

>I really should start to tripfag for newbie advice since I've dumped hours into this over the course of 20 minutes a day since release. Shame I'm a brainlet filled with luck or I could help with builds and GHB for new players too.

That's dangerous, you're not the only one who has dumped hours upon hours into this game since launch. And everyone will be demanding to see your AR/Arena stats and how many of the CCs you finished and with who to see why you're qualified to be a trip.

>to see why you're qualified to be a trip
>being a tripfag is a sign of superiority

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Wrong what? I literally said that killing him and expecting the players to feel bad for this was stupid, literally no one misses him,sharena didn't even cry,her mother already knows about his dead so she didn't even care, Alphonse killed him faster and Anna doesn't even care

Literally no one misses him

>literally 300 orbs in idun banner
>Got absolutely nothing but trash
>Got pitty breaker at 7% by alm

>22 orbs in vero's banner
>Got her
>-HP +Atk

I guess I'm a loli fan or something

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I got nothing on both banner but 5* Sigurd.

Brave Ike is pretty shit. Even at the time of his release he was a sub standard tank because the reduced damage of the second hit(s) were never enough to compensate for his by no means notable defensive stats and him taking full damage from the first hit.
He is like an infantry unit playing armor unit, except that he lacks the offensive capabilities of the armor units, while still only having one decent defensive stat instead of two. In that sense even Lukas is better than him.

Brave Veronica > Brave Celica > Brave Hector > Brave Lyn > Brave Ephraim > Brave Lucina > Brave Roy > Brave Ike

Switch Lucina and Ephraim.


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>Loki and Camilla got shit art
>Titania has great art but is cavalry so she can never use fun skills

I just want to use my grails, can I get groom Seth for the bridal TT reward?

>shit art
You don't know what shit art until you look at Easter Palla.

you have to post your friend code for people to add you

>Easter Palla
It's not fucking fair

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Does anyone even like Marisa, she has Fir's growths with the personality of an austimo

Saving orbs for Edelgard since I'm sure she'll be an infantry axe and this game has none that are waifu material.

>Hating best sister
What a fag.

I'm gonna save my orbs and probably just enjoy Loki at least. I'm gonna wait for the child bride banner.

My Anna has no trouble killing reasonable enemies. Stop being retarded.

I'm surprised how good she is. Gave her Wo Gun with Death Blow, Desperation and Flashing Blade and she kills stuff pretty decently.

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I want ninjabbit back

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