Where the fuck can you get authentic PS3 controllers...

Where the fuck can you get authentic PS3 controllers? Bought one online as the right stick on my old one is beginning to wear, thought it was legit. It isn't. The controls are stiff as fuck, and both sticks get stuck. So, seriously, where are you supposed to get actual ones now? Ones that are legitimate, and actually work.

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1074x630, 63K)

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You can't get them new anymore dipshit. Knockoffs really aren't that much worse than normal DS3s, considering how fucking awful the DS3 was in the first place.

Gamestop my friend.

In store you can see it for yourself and feel it

I ordered one online recently and it feels brand new. $29.

Ive ordered from Ebay before and have gotten very mixed results.

Knock offs are super easy to spot once you plug it in. Itsead of having 360 degree control you basically have the range of motion of a dpad. Its not the fucking same unless you are playing puzzle games or some shit.

Say what you will about the DS3, but at least the joysticks weren't stiff as fuck. Seriously. I was trying to play some Resident Evil 6 Mercenaries on it with the new controller, and it felt like the slightest movement would just make the aiming reticule move all over the place.

Maybe someone can help me diagnose my DS3 problem.

>Have 2 DS3s in great shape
>One day they won't charge.
>Wiggle cable around until it starts charging at a certain cable angle
>Only charges sporadically with that ONE cable. Ive swapped out other spare cables and cannot get them to charge.
>One day wiggling doesnt work anymore
>Buy replacement and all my cables work and it charges jsut fine.

I dont think it was the battery because when it would pick up the cable and charge, it would hold the charge for the 6+ hours it can be on.

What is the deal?

Attached: 1444067822517.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

I have a knockoff and other than a bit of resting drift on one of the joysticks, it's perfectly fine.

Open it up, recconect the

It's fake. I looked up stuff to figure out if it was fake or not. It is. This video perfectly demonstrates how I realized it was fake.

Just plug in a DualShock 4 you idiot

I guess if yo want a gimped version of a DS3 that handles like a DS4.

"Unfortunately, the PlayStation button, vibration, and Sixaxis tilt controls still do not work. But you can now turn on the PS3 using the DualShock 4's PS button, which was not possible before."

No rumble. That might not seem like much, but it is to me. I play a lot of RE6 Mercenaries, in which every shot you shoot has rumble in it, and it feels nice.

Why would you need any of those anyways? You only need one controller for the PS button, and you can use the remote for that.

Colored DS3 have a higher chance of being fakes. I dabbled in them a while back, it is hell. I really don't recommend ordering PS3 controllers online.

>Why would you need Six-Axis
To play an exclusive that "makes use of" (requires) the Six-Axis gimmick

Like what? I genuinely can't think of any exclusives that use it

Six axis is irrelevant in most games and vibration is unnecessary.

Who cares, the ps3 has no games anyway.

Uncharted 1-3
The Last of Us (HUR MOVIE HUR. Bayonetta 2 has more cutscenes)
Valkyria Chronicles
Demon's Souls
Infamous 1 and 2
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Twisted Metal
Little Big Planet 1 and 2
Gran Turismo
God of War III and Ascension
I'm sure I'm missing some, but I literally just thought of those off the top of my head, and I played all those and enjoyed em

Literally name one
You forgot one of the biggest reasons.

Attached: ps_vita_cover_template_by_aaronmon97-d5jtza7.png (900x541, 1023K)

lol whoops wrong image

Attached: MV5BZjI3ODZjNjgtZDBhOC00ODhjLThmODEtNTcxYzhlODQ3YjYyL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1 (640x734, 89K)

Yakuza 3-5 all use Six-Axis, but even if we don't include those because of the upcoming PS4 remasters, Uncharted 1 also does. Along with Folklore

Pretty much every exclusive game up until around 2009 (so all those that started development prior to the console's release) made some use of it. Killzone 2 (turning valves and other misc), Wipeout HD (steering), Ratchet and Clank (when sky-diving / free-falling), Uncharted (grenades), Folklore, Flower/Flow (movement), Heavenly Sword, Warhawk (vehicle control), Motorstorm (steering), Lair (since patched to allow normal control)

From my own personal experience it was seemingly required for Ratchet and Clank + Flower/Flow (my non-DS3 didn't work) but was optional in the rest. It's been a long time though

why do the ps3 analog leak a weird greasy liquid if you leave them alone for months? is it the rubber breaking down or something?

it happened with ps2 as well but doesn't seem tobe an issue with ps4

This didn't happen to mine if I recall.

>steering in Wipeout HD with tilt
Hi, I'm user, and you must be Retarded

Oh and Beyond/Heavy Rain also made plentiful use of it

This. What causes it? No matter how hard i clean them it always happens. Why?

>forgets to mention killzone 2
shame, shame, shame
>forgets to mention yakuza 5
shame, shame, shame

My friend says it's fun but I preferred the normal steering. Just be grateful that it's OPTIONAL, unlike some of the others.

PS: Didn't Resistance 1 require you to waggle the controller to dodge/avoid certain attacks?


the superior dualshock

Attached: jpg.jpg (640x355, 29K)

Should I start stocking up on DS4s to sell em 10 years from now at double the price?

analog sticks too close together, thumbs knock into each other.

That depends on how good ps5 controller will be.

Its the dog nose skin grease. Sony are sick.

How can i check if my controller uses Authentic Dog Nose

Time to get RE6 on a real system.

The performance increase in this game from last gen to current gen + PC really enhances the game.

it’s your sweat particles getting mixed with air fat particles