Here's your System Shock 3 Shodan, bro

Here's your System Shock 3 Shodan, bro.

Attached: D1_RHRlU0AMi42k.jpg (938x481, 80K)

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looks even worse in motion
not surprised considering warren spector has nothing to do with system shock 1 or 2 aside from being a producer on the other side of the country

Attached: Untitled.png (242x25, 11K)

looks like a we wuz. Also


Attached: 1550545258235.jpg (548x512, 25K)

Name a single game that has had a positive graphical overhaul between pre-alpha and release


Every game since Alphas don't have textures, let alone pre-Alpha.

So Yea Forums can you tell me what's so bad about unity, persides that a lot of bad games were mad with it.

>shodan is a nigger

>Underworld bombs because of the rampant amount of glitches and the shitty limitations of the Unity engine
>lmao lets use it again for SS3
Still cautiously optimistic. SS2 was also on an outdated engine, but still turned out to be an amazing game.

Attached: Shodan SS3 Concept.jpg (1000x636, 118K)

SS2 had a low poly count but great use of textures and looks better than Deus Ex.

>but still turned out to be an amazing game.
Because it had the best dev studio of all time dragging Levine's sorry ass past the finish line
Like holy shit it's a wonder the game actually was finished

Attached: ss3.jpg (1280x1120, 191K)

From Otherside's discord.

Signed, Discord Tranny.

Attached: shodan.png (826x254, 37K)

That's a weird way to say concept art

It also had a great use of shadows because it was on Thief's engine.
Fuck. I need to replay SS2

Attached: SS2.png (1022x1345, 2.19M)

Use Newdark patch, SCP, and the balance revert that makes it so unpowered power armor is better than combat armor.


boring, cant they do anything new with this setting outside of reusing this bitch fucking again?

Attached: DyMwO3zV4AEd6N9.jpg (976x1004, 97K)

The lip synching is the least of the problems. Going from SS2's svelte rendition of SHODAN to this fat faced archaic looking monstrosity is absolutely horrible.

SHODAN literally is System Shock.


>Shodan will probably look radically different by the end of the project
they're already responding to criticisms of it, so it'll probably be addressed
also have to see it in motion, too

They will replace tho whole model. This was just a quickie done for the teaser.

SS2 was about The Many. This is just low effort cargo cult.

Not supporting this SJW garbage.

>ends up looking even more niggerish
we wuz AIs n shieeet

Attached: 1537577593559.gif (280x498, 2.58M)

They have to fix her in a huge way though. I always kinda looked at shodan looking like pic related with dreadlocks, but now she looks like a straight ape. Her nose is fucked, her forehead is a goddamn sphere, her lips are fat and narrow. She looks awful

Attached: constance bell.jpg (800x1067, 920K)

>developers use discord

Attached: 1538941665170.jpg (1241x1173, 110K)

>tfw you don't have a face to ruin

Attached: 1448374766745.jpg (800x600, 344K)

They should just make her more inhuman
It was always thematically jarring that she tried so hard to anthropomorphize herself. SS2 could be excused since she's playing the part of the seductress.

Attached: shodan.gif (300x220, 211K)

>It was always thematically jarring that she tried so hard to anthropomorphize herself.
I think that was deliberate, as it brings a sort of weird sexual undertones to the dynamic between her and the Hacker/Goggles. Especially with her dominatrix-like attitude.

>that image
peak zoomer

It gets worse.

Attached: SS1.png (1060x1500, 3.06M)

>according to the release video they modeled her after a niggress

All is lost.

I have a few mods.

Attached: F20FBCEE32A1226C7DB44EE06A18EEA88DA62F08.jpg (3840x2160, 652K)

I didn't want this though
let the good things stay dead in peace rather than drag their corpses through the mud

considering what a shitshow Underworld was, this has no chance whatsoever

It's time we take a stand.

Attached: GAMER PRIDE.jpg (1272x920, 260K)

That looks awful and the video overall was shit. It lacks creativity.

>Name a single game
Almost every single game you've ever played looked drastically different from PRE-ALPHA.
Fucking moron

>It lacks creativity.
Just like your post.

the tranny is mad

My post doesn't have to be.

Attached: System-Shock-2-HD-Wallpaper-640x400.jpg (640x400, 86K)

This game has no reason to be made except to cash in on nostalgia. It's going to be worse than Prey.

Prey was just a watered down System Shock, zoomer.

And still better than all 3 Bioshock games, funny enough.

And? It's still going to be better than this nostalgia cash grab.


>SS2 could be excused since she's playing the part of the seductress.

> Look at you insect
My flesh is weak

> panting and sweating
Running through her corridors ALL NIGHT LONG

Attached: NoCheeseExtraCheese.jpg (412x627, 54K)

they need to revamp ALL the fucking lighting in the game from the looks of it too

They probably will. This is not a stage to do visual polishing in yet.

>the underworld fags are making this
pls stob

>a remake of Shock 1 was actually kickstarted and then fell apart because the "developer" only did it as a nostalgia cashgrab and won't cancel it only because they'd probably be legally obligated to refund the money
>an actual remake of Shock 1 done by one bored/autistic modder has continued development this whole time, and may even actually come out althought Nightdive might try to DMCA it when it does

Attached: otherside branches.png (1770x157, 34K)

It was a different team behind Underworld Ascendant. Similar with Ion Storm and Daikatana, Deus Ex.

>looking for a new publisher
thank god, this won't see the light of day then

>SS2 was also on an outdated engine, but still turned out to be an amazing game.
The SS2 devs were intimately familiar with that outdated engine because they wrote it. You don't devs with that level of intimacy with their tools anymore. Theifengine has amazing audio, even by today's standards.


It's called Dark Engine.

It bothers me how often controllers are reused in that image.
Low effort.

>an actual remake of Shock 1 done by one bored/autistic modder has continued development this whole time, and may even actually come out althought Nightdive might try to DMCA it when it does
prove it nigger, i've seen enough half-baked vaporware SS1 fan remakes to last a lifetime. They never get past making an unplayable mockup of medsci

But we already have System Shock 3.

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Citadel. although the guy hasn't made a status update since sept, although i'm sure work goes slowly if you're one guy doing your tests at best part-time.

Attached: he cute.gif (544x544, 3.16M)

>shit story, shit writing
>no RPG elements beyond PICK YOUR SUPER POWERS BRO
>levels as constricted as Bioshock, a game that came 10 years before it
>like 3 enemy types
>same ugly ass art style from Dishonored
>weapons feel like shit, have to use super powers to feel kinda strong, but the game penalizes you for using them
>adds absolutely nothing new to the space horror genre
Prey was shit.

Is Shodan supposed to look good?


>head splits open
nice touch, miss sprite death animations

She's supposed to be peak feminine perfection, but they completely messed up her appearance in the trailer for some reason.

Attached: MTS2_EsmeraldaF_967212_SHODAN_closeup1.jpg (506x454, 96K)

literally wrong on all accounts besides the fact that you can choose your sex (as if that's even a flaw at all)

>levels as constricted as Bioshock
>game penalizes you for using them
>adds absolutely nothing new
confirmed for never having played Prey

>Prey was just a watered down System Shock
So it was System Shock 2?

>y-you're wrong!!
Maybe actually have an argument next time. Like this retard:
>confirmed for never having played Prey
Pirated it and finished it one weekend. Looking back, I do believe I was wrong about the levels being as small as Bioshock, so I will concede there. Your other points are wrong though. You literally are penalized for using the Typhon powers.
>turrets murder you on sight
>human NPCs will kill you for using them
>you get the bad ending for using them
Ah, but please do tell what Prey adds to the space horror genre.
>trapped, practically alone on a space station
No, System Shock AND Dead Space did it before.
>alien enemies
No, System Shock AND Dead Space did it before.
No, System Shock AND Dead Space did it before.
No, System Shock AND Dead Space did it before.

There is no metric in which SS2 is shallower than SS1. It's one thing to prefer one over the other because you just want a pure metroidvania style shooter but SS2 is much deeper and doesn't involve every enemy being a hitscanner that just idles in the middle of corridors.

>negroid nose

SS2 really didn't have much in common with SS1 other than the backstory
Also it was a braindead shootan maze game, just a really good one but you niggers should stop being so butthurt that SS2 has been embraced as the true classic. Honestly you're as bad as SH1/Nier fags at this point.

Attached: day-of-the-viper_3.png (320x200, 8K)

She had dreadlocks since the second game.

100 to 1 odds they ditch all the RPG aspects of 1 and 2 and make it a full action focused game instead.

I think they were supposed to resemble cables/wires instead of dreads, just a hunch
SHODAN should be Japanese if anything

i spammed typhon powers the whole game on nightmare difficulty dafuq you on about penalties r*tard
the turrets aren't even a threat

>>turrets murder you on sight
>>human NPCs will kill you for using them
>>you get the bad ending for using them
Wrong about everything but the turrets, but turrets are weak and you can just hack them anyway. Humans don't hate you for being part typhon, I suppose they might shoot you if you turn into a cup in front of them like a total retard. Never tried it. And it doesn't punish you in the ending at all.

This guy knows what's up.

Attached: shodan kimono.jpg (600x260, 19K)

>Humans don't hate you for being part typhon
>I suppose they might shoot you if you turn into a cup in front of them
Imagine contradicting yourself in the same sentence lmao
>y-you're just a retard for using your powers!
So humans will shoot you for using them? Thus the game penalizes you for using them?

amazing arguments
maybe prey was just too intelligent for you

>ur dum!
Damn. That was a sick argument, bro. Keep playing Watered Down System Shock: Baby Edition.
Don't let me ruin your fun. :)

yep, this sweetie got pleb filtered

Please keep weapons divided up by skillsets; we don't need to be going fallout 4 here and ditch the skill system. It adds replayability with different character builds.
Additionally, keep psi skills locked behind rpg requirements so that non-caster builds will get very little if any abilities.
Bring back the many. They were 10 times the villain that shodan was in 2.

Your flesh betrays you

The Many were better antagonists.

This is one reason I fear them putting shodan as the primary villain role of system shock 3. I get that it'll be viewed as "traditional" to make her the villain, but honestly she was pretty shitty in 2.
She basically became a big threat at the end because the plot handed her a bullshit deus ex machina by saying "She can rewrite reality with the ship's engine!"
If you can literally rewrite reality with that thing, it wouldn't have been sent off on a ship voyage to test faster than light, the government would grabbed a stranglehold on that shit because it LITERALLY can control reality.
She worked well as a "less of two evils" character in the plot, but the many just had more charisma and were more terrifying.

missed some flying skates in there

What happened to the SS1 remake?

only one pic accurately (or at least used to) describe the ss2 experience

Attached: ss2.png (726x599, 515K)

>but honestly she was pretty shitty in 2
No she wasn't, she stole the fucking show and all without doing a tired repeat of SS1's setup.
Also the drives were tampered with heavily, SHODAN was quite the inventor on Citadel Station so it's to be expected

Attached: shodantrash.jpg (487x690, 51K)

So it's another Mighty No9 situation?

It's not a kickstarter.

I was more referencing the similarities in a guy who was tangentially involved in the original using that connection for marketing points.

Anons who say he wasn't involved are retarded memers.

>levels as constricted as Bioshock
literal retard

sick argument.
At least the other retards TRIED to refute my points.

Explain how a guy on the other side of the country had meaningful input compared to the people that actually made the game like Doug Church.


Like I said I have no idea because I'm not a absolute brainlet who thinks pretending to be a mimic in front of terrified survivors with guns is a good idea.
I did however use kinetic blast during the cargo bay shootout and no one gave one single fuck. So just using powers doesn't make people hostile to you.

Prey was unironically the best shocklike in ages. If you want something to complain about, try the fucking sound, compared to SS2 it's terrible that the sound was so bad. Has anyone even managed to reach the level of the Dark engine in 20 years? Fucking sad desu


Easy, he didn't. He worked directly with the team. And in case of Deus Ex, he was the director of the whole project, literally same job as Doug Church had for SS.

Too bad Warren Spector used Unreal Engine 1 for Deus Ex instead of the Dark Engine.
I personally think the sound (and maybe even gameplay) would've been better if Deus Ex was made in the Dark Engine instead.

because at the time dark engine had pretty restricted polygon limits that no longer exist with newdark

Unreal Engine 1 always looked and felt like soulless garbage to me, DX to this day is unpleasant to play
Dark Engine was all loveable jank that felt solid, but of course Ion Storm didn't have access to it right?
Seem to remember LGS had planned a some sort of modern stealth shooter withg it before they closed

You exaggerate but I completely agree with the ugly art. Like what the fuck arkane I get you like a sort of cartoon art style but god damn.

Oh, and by the way, Doug Church, who you fap to so hard, also worked on the shitty Deus Ex sequel.

In fact, here's games he worked on since Ion Storm:

>Tomb Raider: Legend (2006)
>Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (2012)

What a genius.

>tfw you always puss out halfway through SS2 cus the spiders and worms freak you out too much
I cant even imagine going through the body of the many part of the game

Deus Ex might be one of my favourite games of all time but it should've used the Dark Engine.
Hell, if Warren Spector can produce Thief 3: Deadly Shadows in Ion Storm, then they could've got the rights to use the Dark Engine.

>that fucking grinding teeth section
I mean gameplay wise it was dumb but it creeped the shit out of me because of the sound design and that guy's audiolog

>being mad at levine
Levine wrote the shodan twist, created the many, and designed some fantastic side characters like captain diego and delecroix.
Get mad at his future work, but his writing in SS2 is great and memorable.

SS2 would've died in development if LGS hadn't made that big baby's game for him and let him stamp his name all over it
The fact that he's a total disgrace to the LGS legacy is a different matter

>total disgrace to the LGS legacy
You know what user, let's make a bet.
I bet that Warren Spector is going to fuck up System Shock 3 so badly that he will redefine what an artistic hack is.
If I win, you have to remember that I told you so, even though I'm just a comment from someone you haven't ever met and won't ever see again.

There can be more than one disgrace user, I have infinite quantities of spite as well

What episode of ReBoot is this?

>"I'm being taken away now... it's my turn... I'm being dragged into some kind of chamber... We've stopped moving... Now they're all kneeling beside me? What is going on... One of them is starting to chew on my arm... it is very painful... The other one grabbed my leg and is pulling it towards his mouth... This is it... I'm recording this as a vital element of further studies for someone else that might find this audio log... One of them started chewing on my fingers, the pain is excruciating... Claudette if you find this tell Polito I always loved her... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH..."

Attached: -.jpg (500x281, 30K)

>shitty limitations of the Unity engine
what are the limitations?

how does this happen?
did they not type "shodan" into google images even once when designing this?

Hey, don't be shit talking reboot, it was actually pretty good.

Sucks that it ended on a cliffhanger. Also, Adult enzo was a better protagonist than bob.

>another western game ruined because of trannies

Attached: jontron3.jpg (960x540, 189K)

I think it looks fine. I mean nothing really pops out as "bad"

she looked good in 2, so probably yes
she can choose to look like whatever she wants, so why would she choose ugly form instead of good looking one?

She has cables and wires coming off of her head because she's a fucking AI.
I guess the advisor from Starcraft is also a nigger. And the Predator.

why is her nose so fucking big

she looks like a downie more than a threatening ai

Attached: IMG_20190318_165535.jpg (2000x1500, 234K)

i don't know why but i want her to wear this

Attached: costume.jpg (800x800, 154K)

You're referring to actual alpha and pre-alpha, not marketing ones.

Attached: but it's a beta.jpg (1599x664, 195K)

They shouldn't have gone for 3D hologram interpretation.
They should have done screens with animated (or maybe even stationary) 2D face. (similar to pic related)

Attached: file.png (920x518, 403K)

>SS2 was also on an outdated engine, but still turned out to be an amazing game.

>Thief engine

In what way? It was the first 3D stealth game to have huge sprawling environments and non-disappearing bodies.

he is retarded, anyone who shits on unity without a reason is

>attractive females
>modern western media
