What other based games have they made besides the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series?
Can we not dive into /pol/ shit please?
What other based games have they made besides the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series?
friendly reminder that whining about /pol/ posting in your opening post just encourages /pol/ posting and you should probably kill yourself
Crimea is Russia.
like poetry
I don't recognize this flag, what country it belongs to?
The topic is about video games, sir.
For a second I thought this was about Sonic.
Who are you quoting?
Most of Crimea speaks Russian, and so do most Ukrainians. Most Ukrainians dont mind becoming a part of the Federation anyway.
Russia and Ukraine and Soviet Satellite States are prime time for Stalker/fallout/horror games because theres thousands of abandoned bases, silos, and industry everywhere. While a lot of games dont take place explicitly in Uki there are a lot of games inspired by Post Soviet Ghost Towns and what not. Like Tarkov.
>.tfw find out a large portion of your family came from the Ukraine but it's impossible to find documents from the Ukraine
Kinda sucks.
lmao in your dreams Ivan
>Countries must decide their own fates! National sovereignity is important!
>But not if my based daddy is doing it
>tfw 50% ukrainian
>always has been made fun of for being "fake russian"
should i kill myself at this point
You jump to conclusions like a needy white girl with her first love slave.
That's a weird way of describing things user.
Probably stop caring about Russian trolls and their state funded operations, m8.
>the Ukraine
Crimea river, bro.
i think they don't like the word "the"
Oh. It's a force of habit for me.
it was a bad joke
sherlock holmes series
Cossacks was a good meme rpg. Russia on the other hand barely develeoped anything. Some indie developer here and there, some old point and clicks from 90s/early 00s and often they are made by jews/tatars. Mostly just cheap shit. This upcoming soviet style neo futurism game looks promising though.
lol sup crycrycry
Ukrainska Slava?!?!?
i don't know about you guys but the russians on this board might be mentally unstable