Which one are you?

Which one are you?

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Jump once

top because i’m a safe pussy

Depends on which one is cooler

hold right no jump cause good game sense and better setups

What kind of retard just walks off the edge and then jumps while falling

I jump at the apex of my first jump.

Both. Depends on item and platform placement. If it doesnt matter and you can double jump just bc i do the top.


top, so the longer falling animation shows a pantyshot

Double jump is for fags and casuals. Single jump master race

Play games without double jumping

top one will result in fall damage

Top gives you a better angle for fragging fags and snapping necks. So top.

Only do the bottom in DKC because it is required to get some letters.

I do both.

Whatever the level demands me to do.

Only the top one is a double jump. The bottom one is just running off the edge then airjumping once.

Top when I'm playing

Bottom when I wanna look cool

Blushing while pushing the skirt is also acceptable

lmao why jump when you can just walk off nigga

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Bottom if fall damage is an issue, top for max airtime to abuse height advantage as long as possible

Don't jump at all, that gap's small enough you can just walk from one ledge to the other.

This. That's clearly a gap you can make in one jump.

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Jump once then airdash

>not dashing
Plebs, all of you.

this, unless im using Zero, then im dashing and spinning in the air

I use half a jump

im a top, not a bottom

and if i were a bottom id be a power bottom

>dash into a rusty piece of sheet metal sticking out of a favela
>get tetanus

The realistic one

Long jump because its faster

don't take risks when you don't have to. double jump high, assuming that its not slower than just walking off the edge and air jumping.

There we go

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Depends on what game and if I'm getting shot at, the lower jump is better for dodging shots, also
>le 1 jump face

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bottom if I can grab edges, top if I can't because I'm not losing a life because I missed an easy jump.

>not autistically reaching the apex possible height of every jump regardless of practicality

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Single jump, until it's clear I won't make it without more jump.

>Not Jump Roll

Literally everyone is missing the point. It's about which of these constitutes a double jump, which is of course the actual double jump and nothing else. Falling down and jumping once is one jump.

The point is gay.

Both are double jumps. *dabs*

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How the fuck are you jumping from two separate angles from the same spot?
Does the game have Mirrors edge level psychics or something. There's no reason to not go with the top one in that case either, but normally bottom would give you more distance.

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Depends of whether the game has fall damage or not. If no then top, otherwise bottom.

You’re walking through an obscenely long horizontal hallway, there are five places you can walk
>Very back edge away from the screen
>Kinda far from the screen
>Middle of the hallway
>Kinda close to the screen
>Pressed right up against the screen
I’m a close to the screen as possible man myself.

Jump from the edge so I don't have to double jump.

games for this?

>Single jump if I can obviously make it
>jump at peak of arc for maximum altitude and air time
>jump at lowest point to negate fall damage if relevant

Could be like any other game where the amount of time you hold the button determines how high you go when you jump.

that's why double jump is a stupid term and people should use "air jump" instead

You should take fall damage when you airjump after a long height, after all it’s not the falling that kills you but the sudden stop.

Pinko: Top
Sicko: Bottom

The second one's for distance and the first one for height. Why even make this thread? How fucking stupid and desperate for interaction are you? This isn't a day care for fat autists, fuck off already.

Bottom one, i lead a dangerous lifestyle and live on the edge.

Same but walljump to waveland

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Move over jump cucks

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The top one because some games won't allow you to double jump after you have fallen a certain distance. Usually below your starting height. It's really annoying.

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single jump only
if you can't do it right the first time you don't deserve the next

Either one of those

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Anything else is objective trash opinion.

Smash has taught me to do the bottom one

I've played games where doing the lower one won't work because you can only double jump for a certain amount of time after the first. So the top.

>not running so fast you dont need to jump

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What a scumbag.

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Depends how comfortable I feel with the movement mechanics of the game, if I am still getting a hang of it the top one, if not the bottom one since it is the faster option

I bet you answer "Yeah" or "No" to yes or no questions.

A Dmc thread died for this

Bottom, since there might be a secret in the pit and I need to take a look.

Yeah yeah im sorry wrong thread blah blah blah.

Attached: secrets bitch.png (800x651, 57K)

The bottom isn't even a double jump, you just fall and do an air jump

Truly CHAD

dragon marked for death (wizard)

Attached: doublejump.png (640x596, 101K)

>not jumping at the apex of the first jump


The lower one isn't a double jump. More like a fall and jump.

Chad would walljump into the pit

jump jump and dive

That's objectively the coolest way to do it though

>The "I failed the firs jump because I'm a retard"

Incorrect, if you walk of a cliff you shouldn't be able to jump twice in the air. You've already left the ground once, you just didn't do it by jumping

Crouch Long Jump

nobody should do the reds.

Attached: longJumpGang.png (640x561, 81K)

chad would slam down

Exactly, testing to see if there's a secret area

bottom because i'm a top in bed

I drop down the ledge and wall jump to the other side.

>using A presses

Attached: whydoublejump.png (640x561, 79K)

Nier:A, Gravity Rush 2 with the Nier 2B outfit, Senran Kagura games

>playing mario
>see pit
>jump in because it might be a secret exit
>repeat 900000x
Wow mario sucks

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that pic is wrong in so many ways

>air time
what are you playing? most games have you keep your momentum or have you gain some.

Falling is usually faster than the air time you get from a jump.

that makes sense

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Top of course, you can potentially reach goodies if theyre high up

The only right answer.

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jump airdash move

FPBP this gap does not require a double jump, or possibly even a jump at all

>or possibly even a jump at all
Depends how much momentum the game lets you carry off an edge.

you dont get lateral speed from falling

You don't even need a double jump to get across that gap

>he doesn't know if you touch the end of the ledge and then turn back around there's now a secret warp to the bonus stage
>doing the jump at all

Holy shit why is Yea Forums full of casuals

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I want to use up all available resource so I'll jump instead of just fall.

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Sounds like a fpbp to me

bionic arm grapple boost off the left edge