This is the greatest game I have ever played.
What does that say about me?
This is the greatest game I have ever played
good taste bro
N2 did nothing wrong.
You like butts and high school level philosophy.
DoD 3 > DoD 1 > Nier > DoD 2 > Automata.
weeb, underage, hasnt played many games, prefers controller over mouse and keyboard
It was my favorite before RDR2
DoD3 is one of the worst games I have ever played and all of its characters are grating. I couldn't even suffer it for two hours.
wrong, only japshit i play is mainstream stuff. i hate anime
wrong, 28
>hasnt played many games
been playing games since i was 7
>prefers controllers over m&kb
only own 2 consoles - ps2 and ps4. spent the rest of my life on pc.
Why did they have to ruin A2 by cutting her hair?
you just have shit taste then
Pleb filtered.
RDR2 is my #2 user.
You're a postmodern nihilist. Congratulations, you're also likely a pinko
got em
Shit taste or Sperg. Or both
Reminder that both niers have the same story but just backwards
Reminder that Taro has to actually make something original now that he did the same twist twice and revealed how he writes every game (kill a cute girl halfway through lmao)
You are an ass man
It says your a faggot who likes garbage.
It means you're probably still in highschool.
Poor bait. No one should ever put Drakengard 2 in a positive light Despite how much I like it
>postmodern nihilist
its always funny when people project when other people like NieR
the whole story of Nier:Automata is straight up nihilism nothing matters shittiness. Of course that might've flown over your head since you're obviously a dumbass.
Is there romance?
>contrarian: the post
definitely glad you can get back her old hair but yeah would def be nice if it was never cut to begin with
automata btfos nihilists though I don't understand how you can reach that conclusion if you played the game
oh look, a waifufag
why do you let someone who replies to your post with "seething" actually get to you
>the whole story of Nier:Automata is straight up nihilism nothing matters shittiness. Of course that might've flown over your head since you're obviously a dumbass.
its kind of funny how much like nietzsche, nier's message is completely misinterpreted as nihilistic
except it's not that funny because in nier's case the game isn't even subtle - it literally ends on the most hopeful note there is - which can only mean the people misinterpreting it are either mentally retarded or dont understand what nihilism is.
oh look a moron
good point, it is just 2019 "u mad"
Nier Automata is a game to make dumb people feel smart.
Neckbeards and horny teens who jack of 7 times a day come out of it all sophisticated and shit, it's comical.
You haven't played many games, although it does shit on most western games that are hyped up as "Classics" It's still nowhere near being a top 50 game, let alone top 10
The entire game is full of suffering just for the sake of it and points out that none of it really matters since they're robots and time will march on anyway. It ridicules meaning and purpose by heralding the seemingly random and cruel nature of the universe as the only constant through time and leaving nihilism as the answer to turn to. Expect things to go terribly because the nature of the universe is terrible to any conscious being.
Hey now Sister Two was alright. If you paid extra for her DLC.
You're one of those idiots who thinks they're really smart.
Drakengard 2 has loads of wasted potential, and a lot of weird story choices, but I can't bring myself to really hate it.
The pact partners, the dragon flight, the underlying cosmic horrors blended with high fantasy, seeing Caim appear again and literally kill a grim reaper, etc. I just miss being in that world.
You haven't watched enough anime or played enough vidya
THIS CANNOT CONTINUE. Is there a 2nd game of this being developed.
Is this bait
>normalfag fapbait
take 2E to facebook
This, I can't wait for Nier 2
would it still be your favorite if the protag was a male?
But the protag is male
based, atleast you're better then toobie fags
Am I the only one who cringed watching the liveplay? Is there some summary out there that I can read so I don't have to watch that shit show?
you haven't played alot of games.
I love a few, very few tracks of this game. But its all overall shit
>Using a video essay that's nearly an hour long.
Ask me how I know you're underage.
You are probably young and haven't played enough games.
Oh, nevermind. You just have poor taste.
Nobody asked you, brainlet.
How's the combat in this game? I've just finished dmcv and had more fun than I have for years, how does it stack up to that?