Do you agree Yea Forums?
Do you agree Yea Forums?
>last of us
lol no
>New Vegas>Red Dead
>Sonic Mania and Mario Odyssey>Persona 5
No way fag
>That wiffle bat combat and potato graphics game Morrowind
>Over GTA:VC, R.A.D., Dungeon Siege 1, REMake, and Neverwinter Nights 1
No, he is right about that, the only decent game you even mentioned in that list was REmake.
Almost forgot
>Ratchet and Clank>Morrowind
>SoTC over RE4, Killer7, or DMC3
Sonic Mania is not better than Persona 5 you retard.
2007 portal was not a good game
>Persona 5
You fucking weaboo, get the fuck outta here
persona 5 is pretty shitty compared to 3 and even 4.also bloodborne is far better then witcher 3
Persona 5 is technically a 2016 game.
How’s it not?
Are you a jap?
Everybody knows 2007 was the year of Super Mario Galaxy. What's wrong with these faggots?
>this kills the Nintendo
>2017 Persona 5
2007 was halo 3 or bioshock dumbass nintendoh
galaxy is shit zoomer
you can see the exact point neo Yea Forums started adding to the list
newfags dont know how to dougie
Halo 3 is better than portal
>Dragon Age
>Dong Freeze
Excellent choices.
Wind Waker isn't a good game though.
> PC Garbage
No, this is the one time when going based on popularity is actually accurate
> GOTY's based on GF User Scores
> 2000: Majora's Mask
> 2001: Metal Gear Solid 2
> 2002: Metroid Prime
> 2003: The Wind Waker
> 2004: Metal Gear Solid 3
> 2005: Resident Evil 4
> 2006: MOTHER 3
> 2007: The World Ends With You
> 2008: Super Smash Bros Brawl
> 2009: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
> 2010: Xenoblade Chronicles
> 2011: Ocarina of Time 3D
> 2012. Persona 4 Golden
> 2013: Animal Crossing New Leaf
> 2014: Journey
> 2015: Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate
> 2016: Stardew Valley
> 2017: Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> 2018: Super Smash Bros Ultimate
>2004 not vampire bloodlines
>2005 not republic commando
>2009 and 14 not bayo1/2
>2017 not zelda
>3D Mario but your core ability kills all momentum and it's linear but pretends not to be
Galaxy sucks honestly.
>Animal crossing
>Monster Grinder
HL2 wasn't even the best FPS of '04. Halo 2 was.
I haven't played any of the games, which one should I try?
Seeth more Westcuck
>Actually remembering or caring which games launched or were goo in which years
Imagine being this much of a virgin
imagine that you are imagining the imagination of the imaginative faggot from reddit.
Because that is where you belong
>2000, 2001, 2005
Good picks
>everything else
Jesus H. Christ
dragon age is a pure dogshit.
Top mostly right, bottom mostly wrong
2009 should be Bayonetta
2013 should be MH3U
imagine thinking that complaining about people talking about video games on the video game section of a chinese cartoon board doesn't make you a virgin
Does reddit has more or less virgins than Yea Forums?
You seem like someone who would know that
not even close
>fucking BRAWL
I don't fucking care if the rest of your years were decent picks, fuck you asshole
I don't actually, but I do know basic English. Something that you, apparently, lack.
>Something that you, apparently, lack.
Im not american and i dont see a problem with this
no for every single year
Of course you don't, Pedro. It is the white man's language.
>white man's language.
Are you having trouble breaking down the sentence? I know it is probably tricky with your intelligence.
>Half-Life 2
>Red Dead Redemption
>Max Payne 3
>The Last of Us
>DKC Tropical Freeze
>Witcher 3
>Persona 5
2000 - Kirby 64.
Very nu-Yea Forums opinion, bro
>Dark Souls
this is some top quality bait
Whatever you say darling
>Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate over Bloodborne
What's wrong with you faggot
>Portal over STALKER
>Go to refute the list
>Check to see what fucking serious contenders came out in those years
>Can't even decide on 2000
Deus Ex
Diablo II
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Counter Strike
The Sims
Majora's Mask
Baldur's Gate II
Perfect Dark
Final Fantasy IX
Banjo Tooie
C&C: Red Alert 2
Vagrant Story
Jet Set Radio
Megaman Legends 2
Time Splitters
Shogun: Total War
Icewind Dale
Jesus, what the fuck happened? These years we have to scrape and dredge to get a fucking top 2018 GOTY, and I can't even make a top ten from 2000 without hitting serious dilemma.
The 2020 decade better step its shit up. The first year of the 2000's kicked more ass than the last five years on the 2010's.
Nobody unironically likes Bloodborne
> Literal Who boomer euro jank garbage
Kill yourself
eating a shit sandwich is better than persona 5
>all that western shit
Fuck no, whoever made that image is clinically retarded.
Why does this board suck GTA IV's dick so much? It's a complete step down compared to its predecessors, yeah the characters are good and the storytelling is a tad more mature, but that doesn't excuse the complete lack of side activities, repetitive mission design and other smaller issues that IV has.
Even V is the better game, the story sucks sure, but it's definitely the better game. And no, all those realistic details from IV don't make up for it.
>fucking persona 5
what are you smoking
>mother 3
>persona 4
>animal crossing
>ocarina of time 3d
ok mr nintendie
GTA III should be in the 2001 spot, revolutionized a whole genre, which is why 4 also needs to be removed from there. Even if you disagree with me, the same year had DMC1, MGS2 and FFX, and I think they're much more deserving.
That motherfucker does not even care about his life, he will not spare a single drop of energy to stop the dog from bitting it's fucking neck, he has only one mission, and that is to fuck with you and he will not stop until he's fucked with you enough and there's never enough for these fuckers. Fucking spawn of satan these things.
Even Ep.2 was better than le ebin reddit jokes Portal garbage, let alone based STALKER. Feel free to neck yourself, zoomer cuck.
2007 was the most stacked year of the decade. I can name 10 games off the top of my head that contended for GOTY.
It was a very detailed and immersive world for its time. It was grounded enough to feel like it was plausible, yet also had fun gameplay when it wanted to. The story was meh, but pretty much all the characters were a joy to be around.
It was one of the most immersive game worlds done by a AAA company.
But, yes, when it came to missions, the game sucked hard ass. It's fun to dick around in, but the game only opens up after almost ten hours of driving and escort missions.
I had to try three times over 6 years to actually finish it.
I can easily make a top 10 list for 2000:
Deus Ex
The Sims
Jet Set Radio
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Space Channel 5
The Operative: No One Lives Forever
jesus christ the nintendo bonus is real
For the most part, but replace GTAIV with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Deus Ex with Zelda: Majora's Mask.
>not a single fighting game on the list
its garbage
Ah yes, nothing is more fun than being told I can't play the game when I try to do literally anything as an unlikable cunt acts like hot shit and a douchebag cat shits on better characters while repeating the same two unfunny jokes.
>level editor
>Persona 5
you weren't even subtle, you fucking weaboo
>fighting games being the best of any year
they have no story, interesting gameplay, or a game world at all
Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
'Nuff said.
>Think about playing Persona 5 again
>Remember I'd have to listen to Morgana and Makoto
So far for 2019 I'm thinking RE2 Remake
frog fractions is better than all of those 2012 games
>paper mario n64 fanboy
A really good one.
>Meme game
Butthurt TTYD fan detected.
>implying you can afford a switch
Fuck no and fuck you, this entire list is dogshit and here's why.
A "best game of the year" is basically fucking impossible because there's so many different genres and games that have done so many different things for said genres. Deus Ex was pretty fucking solid, but so was Diablo 2, Majora's Mask, Red Alert 2, The Sims, Perfect Dark, AGE OF FUCKING EMPIRES 2, and even (imo overrated but still notable) Jet Set Radio. What makes Deus Ex better than all of those other games? They each do something better than it.
The same shit applies for almost every single fucking year on this list. 2011's best game is Dark Souls? 2014 is fucking Donkey Kong of all things? 2004 is Half Life 2, a mediocre game saved only by it's contextualized storytelling? When NFSU2, GTA:SA, HALO 2, Battlefield Vietnam (best one IMO), Spiderman 2, and MGS3 came out that year, among MANY, MANY others?
Like I said before, fuck your shitty list. You simply can't call any game the "best game of the year" unless it either does everything in the game better than any other game of other genres, and no game does that. Period. There is not a single game in history that came out that was so good it outclassed every single other game that came out in the same year.
>Persona 5
>game of the month, let alone year
Persona 5 is style over substance and nothing more.
for me, it's between 2000 and 2009 as the most stacked years of the decade.
>a fucking anime girl
>Meme game
See, I would disagree with some of those.
Space Channel 5 was more unique than fun and got repetitive as it went on.
Shenmue was much more impressive visually and expressively than engaging.
TO:NoLF was cool, but an inferior shooter compared to Time Splitters, and Perfect Dark.
Came here for this. No one should be fucking up 2k3 and 2k4.
I have notorious shit taste.
2001 is tough, Ico/MGS2/Shenmue 2/THPS3/SH2 could all be interchanged depending on my mood
>witcher 2
it shows
>Portal is reddit
>Judging something not by its own merits, but by the people that you don't like that also happen to like said thing
Hold on sir, let me see if I can find where your parked your bandwagon :^)
Seriously consider taking a break from the internet. It's obviously doing you no good.
that's even worse
While I can give some respect for KuF, you lose points for having Vanquish in 2017 and for having two Gears of Wars and Witchers, and also for your massive Microsoft bias for almost seven years.
Nope. No. No.
There were tons of games in 2001 that were better than Silent Hill 2, e.g. GTA III, Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion, Halo...
Resident Evil 4 and Lego Star Wars were better than Shadow of the Colossus.
Mass Effect 3 was better than Max Payne 3.
Legend of Zelda: BotW was better than Persona 5.
Don't get me wrong, all the games on your list are good, but there were better options, IMO. But honestly, everyone isn't going to agree on the same list anyway. ESPECIALLY not on Yea Forums. Come on now.
Step aside, plebs. 2001 was the hardest pick though. MGS2 and Silent Hill 2 are both stellar.
Nah, it's decent. But Vanquish came out in 2010
Post yours, user.
i had to open up photoshoop and fix that for you.
This is true for the past 8 years.
>MGS2 and Demon's Souls
You're alright by me
Neither is Mario odyssey.
Man, gaming was so dead from 08 to 13
>starting in 2000
I'm a zoomer and even I cringed
bring on the hate.
>not zelda
>P5 of all fucking things
i mean, the word weeb is enough to summerize your taste. now list your top 3 anime's FAGGOT
Initial D, Baki the Grappler, and Hajime no Ippo
digimon tamers, the big o, outlaw star.
>Shadow of Rome
what a weird and unexpected pick but it is a great and highly underrated game
Not even close
Can confirm.
>2004 not vampire bloodlines
>not god hand
IGN's shit review drew people away from it at first. Then it drew people in when it was too late.
>Not Bloodborne
Baldur's Gate 2
Metal Gear Solid 2
Knights of the Old Republic
Half-Life 2
Chaos Theory
Twilight Princess
Mass Effect
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
New Vegas
Arkham City
Xenoblade Chronicles
Bayonetta 2
Pillar's of Eternity
Nier; Automata
Return of the Obra Dinn
>Pillars of Eternity
>Obra Dinn
You were doing alright until 2010 hit.
Naw, Nier was better than P5.
And yes I played both.
How many autism points do I score?
Okami is a slightly better realized game with a more ambitious scope than God Hand, although both are excellent in pretty much every area and I don't like comparing them.
Persona 5 fucking sucks dink
Shit list even worse than OPs
None,but congratulations, you have the worst taste in this thread. Hell, you might have the worst taste on the board.
Redpill me on Tropical Freeze, is it really good? looking to buy it.
First game in year is best game.
This might be the only honest post in this thread.
>Last of Uncharted
lol, nope
>Literal who garbage
>best game of 2011
>Dark Souls
The same year that gave us Skyrim, Dead Space 2, Rayman Origins, Portal 2, Gears of War 3 and Binding of Isaac? No way, fag. Dark Souls as top 10 material for 2011? Sure. Dark Souls as number one best of 2011? No.
>dragon age when there is demon's souls
>rdr when there is nuVegas
>the last of us when there is mgr
>The Witcher 3 when there is bloodborne
>last of us
I like New Vegas as much as anyone, but that's mighty wrong, friend.
I feel as though your first = best idea doesn't hold up 70% of the time.
You've got 93, 95, a very debatable 2000, 2004, 2011, and a debatable 2016.
MGS(MG: Ghost Babel)
Neverwinter Nights
Xenosaga Episode 1
X-Men Legends 2
Hitman Blood Money
Persona 3
Lost Odyssey
Dragon Age: Origins
MGS: Peace Walker
The Witcher 2
Persona 4: Golden
Metro Last Light (Honestly this year was shittier than usual)
Bayonetta 2 (Another shitty year)
The Witcher 3
Persona 5
Honestly didn't really enjoy much of anything last year, maybe Hitman 2 since I played it so much?
Shit list as its biased as fuck. We get it, you like MGS and Hitman, so do I. That doesn't make them automatically GOTY every time a new one comes out.
Peace Walker. Come on.
>Gears of War
>Gears of War 2
Based. I don't understand you but I had a friend that loved this series and I never understood what he saw in it either
Someone's personal goty is different than yours? Holy shit!
I'm going to take a different approach and make a 3x3 or something similar for each year of the 2000's. Please reply to me with some of your favorite games from each year so that I make sure I don't miss anything!
Dumb dead meme pic to get attention
i literally agree with none of those
except maybe sotc and p5
Post yours, pussy.
Too many western games. This is dishonest and therefore inaccurate
None of these are even close except maybe Deus Ex
A personal list is biased? Who knew?
2000 -> SoF
2001 through 2008 -> Flashpoint Resistance
2008 through today -> ArmA
fuck that shit op
This list is fucking sad. What I notice here is the easier the game is the more likely is to be "GOTY", except for dork souls due to being dramatically boosted by reddit with memes/pics stolen from /dsg/
VTMB has unironically aged better than Half Life 2
>last of us
>dragon age
>wind waker
not even remotely my lad
>I like New Vegas as much as anyone
you obviously don't if you prefer a R* game over it
well you still play nincel shit so you are familliar with eating shit
portal 1 in 2007 , nice bait
>Silent Hill 2 instead of GTA3
>Shadow of the Colossus instead of Battlefield 2 or Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
>fucking Dragon Age
>The Last of Us
good games should at least have decent gameplay, but half the games on that list have objectively shit-tier gameplay
Already working on something similar, but sure.
Diablo II, The Sims, Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy IX, Jet Set Radio, Red Alert 2, Baldur's Gate II, Kirby64: The Crystal Shards, Deus Ex, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Ace Combat 4, Halo, SSBM, Silent Hill 2, MGS2, Soul Reaver 2, Luigi's Mansion, Serious Sam: TFE, Runescape, SSX Tricky
Morrowind, Vice City, Metroid Prime, Warcraft III, Wind Waker, Jedi Knight II, Kingdom Hearts, Eternal Darkness, Spider Man 2, Metroid Fusion, Battlefield 1942 but no one's online anymore
KotOR, Prince of Persia, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Academy, Command and Conquer: Generals, Beyond Good & Evil, Max Payne 2, The Simpsons: Hit + Run, Need for Speed Underground, Viewtiful Joe, Mario + Luigi: Superstar Saga, Freelancer
>In Progress: Narrowing it down
Half Life 2, GTA: San Andreas, The Chronicles of Riddick: EfBB, Dawn of War, Star Wars: Battlefront, Fable, VTMB, Unreal Tournament 2004, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Katamari Demaci, Paper Mario: TTYD, Ace Combat 5, Halo 2, Garry's Mod
Shit taste senpai. The only real competition for Dark Souls in that list is Portal 2
>2010 not New Vegas
>2015 not Bloodborne
Absolutely disagree.
if you own any other console u can afford a 100$ switch sy but ur trash meme console has 3 good games and you have to go back to the gamecube to find any others
FTL is the correct choice but all the rest are garbage
what's with Yea Forums and bloodborne all of a sudden i swear to god, it's the 4th best souls game
u gay as fuck nerd
pillars for 2015 ....
i like your taste
that's rich from a movie watcher
Mother 3 is really good though.
>phantom pain
this is just sad
Yea Forums told me to get neir:automata and now i wouldn't trust Yea Forums to tell me anything anymore that game is worse than dogshit on your pretty new screen
only game they have on their ps4
smt iv > tlou
bloodborne >>> shitcher 3
>2001 not Halo CE
>2005 not SW:BF2
>2006 not Gears of War
>2007 not Halo 3
>2010 not Mass Effect 2
>2013 not Metro Last Light
>2014 being a nintendo game
>2017 not Nier
Go fuck yourself, Absolutely vile and disgusting shit taste.
You disgust me
>Gears of War
>Mass effect
>not nintendo
I thought Microsoft blocked Yea Forums on the xbox...
>Halo CE
>Halo 3
>Mass Effect 2
ok now you're just trolling
kino a fuck
my penis can only get so erect.
the only good pick there is deus ex
Wow this is fucking terrible.
> max Payne 3
Are you sure about that?
C'mon, team fortress mang
> Wind Waker
> Best of 2003
Was 2003 that underwhelming?
>Reignited Trilogy
If it was actually finished, maybe it would qualify for family game of the year at most.
Yea Forums is trash and all of you have shit taste. you know shit about games and just shit post all day.
here's how that list should look like
based and redpilled