>Include no one sided black and >white but grey espect
>Ditch the child shit
>Include ability to murder children
>Include ability to rape
>Make atmosphere more grim and polluted with radiation and toxicity
>Remove green vegetation and bright blue skies and replace it with stalker like skies and take atmosphere inspirations from stalker, fallout one, the road and mad max old movie
>Make death animations realistic and use new engine so blood is physical
>Improve character build and actually make genders have pros and cons (male gives you extra strength but your more prone to >low charisma unless you put points into it alot. Female gives you charisma boost but you are weaker and have a debuff point permanent on you and you are easily overpowered in physical fights)
>Allow you the ability to either be a tree hugging peace loving "war is BAD ace combat 5 level mentality" faggot or be a cold hearted and emotionless person or just be a douchebag however you want
>Allow the ability to actually make weapons out of anything and make durability depends on the quality and actually make of the weapon in your hand
>Allow you to kill anyone and be able to have a huge impact on the status of the world on who you have killed or hurt (kill major >leaders or people and the system goes chaotic or kill everyone and the entire world would be barren except for some animals if you had not killed those already)
>Remove metro morality shit because fuck that this is a goddamn apocalyptic world not a goddamn fairytale land
>Include sickness and make hazardous waste and areas a real concern and include weather and make the time of day according to your current time zone on your xbox
>Make guns loud as fuck
>No level cap but make it get harder to level up so you could potentially max your special needs stats but you beat the game already by the time you get the chance to max it out
>Make all political sides (if there is any) fucked if they succeed
>No 2deep4you shit
>No online
How to make an actual fallout game
>include ability to rape
>no _______
You made this a while back. Did the moddensteins deleted it?
>Include ability to rape
you've already lost 99% of people
>No black and white morality system
Ok, sure
>Ditch the child
>Allow you to murder children
This won't make the game any better
>Include the ability to rape
Literally what
>make atmosphere more grim
No, just play metro
>Remove green vegetation
Go fuck yourself, I don't want brown everything
>Make new death animations
Sure, ok
>Make genders have pros and cons
No. Download a mod if you want this autistic shit
>Allow me to play how I want
>Allow you to kill anyone and have huge impacts on the story
This would be really hard to code
>remove morality
Play metro
>Include sickness, hazardous wastes
Play metro
>Make guns loud as fuck
Please don't
>No level cap
>Make all political side fucked if they succeed
>No 2deep4you shit
When has fallout ever had this?
>No online
4 doesn't have online.
probably more like a loud 33%, max.
there is an astounding percentage that actually craves it, and most people simply do not give much of a shit as long as it is not graphic and creepily tries to be gratifying.
I read each one of these points and think "yeah, not going to fly with bethesda".
Watch out boy. You'll cut yourself on that edge.
>make it EDGY!!! \m/
>Remove metro morality shit because fuck that this is a goddamn apocalyptic world not a goddamn fairytale land
Completely wrong, a lawless, anarchic, goddamn apocalyptic society is EXACTLY the place where you give the player morality spectra and karma points, because this is the environment where the ability to impress your own values on the world and seeing repercussions from it shines as a gameplay mechanic.
fallout is all about the redevelopment of society, removing that from the player agency is idiotic.
watch out, dont slip on that bullshit retort.
>make it edgy af then it'll be good
sure lol
Not edgy if it is done right.
If that is edgy then mad max (first movie) is edgy then
Please dont try and rationalize your delusions
>mad max (first movie) is edgy
but it is
Fallout by definition is suppose to be apocalyptic hell hole like how fallout 1 was but it has been casualized and kiddy-up to hell that when fallout 4 came out they got bitched hard by players about raiders not enslaving that they had to include that back in due to multiple complaints (not counting other issues).
If you want a fallout game to actually be a realistic apocalyptic hell then you need to include realities and the fact that shit is fucked and everything is not okay in the world aka make it fallout one but better and darker.
>no black and white
>ditch the child shit
Idk what the fuck you’re talking about nigger
>Include ability to murder children
Based (having NPC’s that cant die is retarded, if they didn’t want you to kill kids they could’ve just not added kids)
>include ability to rape
I mean I guess, but it would probably be creepy and out of place
>make atmosphere more grim
Based (depending on the supposed year and area, not everything in the world would be completely dead and barren even after a nuclear war)
>remove vegetation and bright blue skies
This is basically the same as the last one, depends on the year and location but based
>make death animations realistic
>improve character build
>allow pacifist or murderous play through
>allow you to make weapons out of anything and durability is based on quality
>allow you to kill anyone and have impact on the world
>remove morality
Karma is retarded but faction reputation is based
>include sickness and make hazardous areas more dangerous
Based, but again depends on the year and area, not everything would be irradiated to shit, and unless you stumbled somewhere really shitty where the flu evolved into super AIDS you wouldn’t really be that at risk for disease
>make guns loud as fuck
Semi-based but this is more about player experience not just being loud gunshots for hours on end, it isn’t call of duty
>no level cap but harder to level up
>make all sides bad
What’s the point of “no black and white” if everything is black
>no 2deep4you
>no online
Double mcWat
>Fallout by definition is suppose to be apocalyptic hell hole
Except it isn't.
Yes I too am a genius IQ ideas guy. These game companies dont know a damn thing. If I had my own studio i'd own the industry.
If you ever played the first fallout it definitely is a lot darker. It’s also comedic and has good references, but the humor is dark and a lot of it is supposed to show both the humanity and the loss of it caused by being plunged into a world with extremely scarce resources.
Fallout 4 is a fucking walk in the park compared to that shit.
>no slaves
>no whores
>nowhere near as many people who are dying or in severe need of resources
>bright, beautiful landscapes
>happy music
Literally dudarino, fallout 4 is the best FPS in the series but also the worst RPG in every way. It’s supposed to be much farther in the future than Fallout 1 which somewhat explains the idea that the world isn’t as fucked up as the California fucking desert, but honestly the timeline of radiation and how it affects the environment has always been kinda retarded in the fallout universe
>fission reactions
>causing long lasting radiation
Guns are loud and making them respectfully loud and even have a tinnitus affect would be someone interesting not make it permanent but make it work you could have a tinnitus affect depending on where you are firing your gun at and what type of gun
Also the make all sides fail part is pretty much pointing out how all sides contradict themselves ans will fuck themselves over which is how fallout new vegas did it (depending on your perspective)
>you shouldn't be able to roleplay as a rapist in a post-nuclear wasteland role-playing game because _______.
the radiation being around can easily be explained.
You know Chernobyl incident? The world in that game had alot of nuclear power plants so imagine what would happen when nuclear missiles hit those plants? Mix that and meltdowns and you got a good recipe for extreme radiation poisoning plus some of the nukes that was launched could have been dirty bombs which would explain why vault 87 was radiated as hell.
Not that hard to think about user
I have played FO1 and while yes it is the darkest game in the series, saying that Fallout is supposed to feel like an "apocalyptic hell hole" is completely wrong. It is quite the contrary actually.
I get what you’re saying about the guns and that’s somewhat interesting, but would mostly probably just interrupt the flow of normal gameplay.
>have a choice between earplugs and lowered hearing or risking getting into a fight and being able to hear less permanently or random ringing
Bethesda would end up just putting some shit earplugs that block gunshot noise but nothing else because they’re faggots though
The factions part I guess depends on how they want to write the story but always having nothing but factions that fail is a little unfulfilling, you could have a choice that brings permanent stability but significant human right’s costs (like if the legion was the best choice in terms of long-term stability even though in NV it was fucked from the start)
>This would be really hard to code
Only way to really do it is like morrowind or something but I doubt that's what he's talking about
We have fission nuclear reactions user. The world of fallout uses Fusion.
Do some research into how stars work, fusion would have significantly less radiation over a long period of time because inevitably you just have a lump of non-radioactive metals. While it’s happening though, it’s definitely dangerous as fuck.
That wouldn’t be that hard to code you dumb nogs.
>kill leader
>subordinates all turn hostile on eachother
It’s no different than shooting someone and them all turning hostile on you, or shooting a robot into a frenzy.
>corporation willing to drop 33% of potential buyers
Just amplify the gunsounds when you are inside buildings and tunnels and have that "EEEEEE" effect go on the screen til it fades away. Also the factions could be better written so they ain't your typical "good guy vs bad guy" one sides shit and should actually be written and explored out better and look at how the effect would last out if one of those factions wins and you could make it so it dont fail but it should be where you have to do missions or things that you start to question yourselve if it is worth the bullshit you go through to make that faction ending goal worth it.
Even i can't do it right whoch means it should be thoroughly checked and looked at if you know what my autistic rambling is about.
What is nuclear meltdowns?
For all we know there have been likely alot of nuclear meltdowns alot and think about it.
>what is Hatred?
Nigger those are FISSION reactions
You take a bunch of heavy as fuck, very large atoms, and you nigger them until they begin splitting apart and doing wild shit.
Fusion starts with hydrogen, the smallest of atoms, and involves essentially smashing those atoms together repeatedly up until like iron or maybe iron+iron I don’t remember the exact stopping point of fusion reactions.
Fusion is only dangerous up until the point when it stops, while fusion reactions are occurring they release gamma rays and shit like that, but the amount of radiation that would produce would more than likely not be significant after 400 years unless some maniac used an extremely large amount of hydrogen in the fusion reactor.
Note: this would also be as hot as the center of the sun. It would be fairly obvious if the reactor was still active or not.
Note 2: if whatever contained the hydrogen broke, even for a second, the hydrogen would disperse extremely quickly as the plasma exploded out of the reactor and rapidly cooled and became gas in the atmosphere.
Then why is Chernobyl still fucked?
Nigger one last time
If your African brain can’t figure this out then go back to tossing rocks at cop cars you swarthy monkey
>ability to rape
>Not wanting to rape raiders and rapists therefore become the rapist raper that rapes rapists
>Not wanting to rape all the faction leaders
>not wanting to get super aids and then go on a rape rampage and spread your super aids to everyone so everyone has aids
Shiggy Diggy
Okay I first said it might be kinda creepy and out of place, but when you put it like this...
Why not make another skyrim?
Or keep the 4 style but make it good.
>Be man
>Have kid and dog
>Be in island. Hawaii or some shit
>Natives kidnap your kid because he has alleged magic powers
>Island is also apparently magic
>mature game for mature gamers like myself
>according to your current time zone on your xbox
You missed the memo bro. It's gaming enthusiast.
Just make it more like 3 and get rid of that stupid minecraft building/garbage collecting shit.
"You insert your trusty Vault 13 Ear Plugs!"
user rape is for mods what the fuck is wrong with you
>fallout 5 is out
>it ironically has everything op has mentioned in it
>everytime you talk to someone you have the option choice to pick [attempt rape]
>it comes up on every single discussion you have with everyone
>it has a rating number that indicates how successful your rape attempt may be
>you could be talking to someone and out of the blue attempt rape
>you can attempt to rape your enemies in self defense
Been playing some skyrim mods huh?
Nope just thought this out from my own head, i never played skyrim.
>has ability for females to rape males
>sjw's praise this
> Yea Forums complains about sjw's forcing themselves onto the rape genre
>jim sterling says something like "triple rAAAAAApe games"
>play as female with big titties and strong built body due to getting thick and tight in armor
>go around and rape innocent young men and some boys
>you are the rapist milf
>Play metro
>Not stalker
>fallout 5 comes out with this shit in it
>find fursuit with decomposing wolf head as helmet
>go around raping people and faction leaders and raiders
>become wolf man greg
Fucking sickdark idea user. I'd kill for a fallout like this, this is what fallout should have been
>be playing fallout
>be walking down the road
>crazy batshit insane woman with big jugs in her thirties comes rushing out of nowhere and she is thick wearing tight raider armor
>she clubs you on the head with a stop sign
>she screams this as she yanks her armored panties off and rips your pants off and proceeds to rape you against your will
>she injects you with erection inducing syringe so you are effectively raped for three hours straight
>you pass out as she has her fifth orgasm on top of your now painful hurting dick
>you wake up with your character half naked laying on the road with a card written in blood saying "IF ME GET BABY THEN ME COME BACK AND YOU BE FATHER FOR BABY AND FUCK FUCK SLAVE FOR ME!" with a heart sign and a smiley face in blood
>you feel woozy from the experience
>you realize she injected you with a particular spider venom that makes you get a painful erection and your dick still hurts
>game crashes to desktop
>last autosave is just as she is running up to you
>you forgot to make multiple save files
>you are plagued to be raped by the rapist milf
>runs at me
>"Alright user, you've practiced this, now's the time"
>she dives for me
>time a flying knee at the right time, catching her right on the temple
>she crumples to the ground, begin ground n pound
>Mike Goldberg: "SHES DOWN, user LOOKING TO FINISH"
>ref steps in and separates
>JR: "Wow. Unbelievable."
>include ability to rape
>its a bethesda game
>she clips through the ground and disappears
>random bit of geometry you are walking past one shots you somehow
>woman appears from the floor "Not bad rookie"
can we include the ability to consume the child's flesh once we kill the child?
>bethesda removes cannibal perk to "streamline" the game
Enjoy being banned from every storefront.
early stoppage, I win the rematch
no woman will be left unbeaten
Just play HELLMOO you edgelord.
It's impossible to market and will just cause a shitstorm in the media only to include one dark aspect of the game that's honestly unneeded. There's tons of things or features you can include that don't stop the world and don't just feel oddly singled out among the rest.
Why would you want that in the game
What if we just go and create this game with everything op mentioned but eith better engine and not have it called fallout (for obvious trademark reasons) but have it called apocalypse or something.
Could be a good group project.
>inb4some faggot suggests kickstarter
>"gray morality" fag is just another fag wanting to do bad shit in a game without repercussion
No shut up idiot. Fallout like most games want SOME realism, not all of it.
Go download a mod if you want to do that creepy shit kys
Because rapists exists in apocalyptic books and movies so why the fuck should it be left out if it is gonna take place in an apocalyptic game?
Kill Bethesda
Give IP to someone who can make good games
>>Make all political sides (if there is any) fucked if they succeed
>>Include no one sided black and >white but grey espect
This post just reeks of some loser mad that he sided with a shitty enemy faction and got a bad ending. Also, learn to spell.
Because everything listed can be done with mods or in another game, its pointless. His suggestions are also retarded.
>>Include ability to murder children
>>Include ability to rape
I want my game to be rated AO!
>>Include no one sided black and >white but grey espect
You don't know what you want. That was F4's problem
>Railroad: We believe in Synth's rights! Oh and we are also extremists!
>Institute: We want to help the commonwealth! But for OUR use and convenience, fuck the current inhabitants!
>BoS: We are basically Nazis but a cool kind of Nazis!
>Minutemen: The tame option for those with no spine
They would need to get better writers cause Bethesda trying to copy the grey morals of Obsidian is just laughable
Then make it grey in the right way like how fallout new ve- i mean fallout 1
Just because it's edgy, does not mean it's good
Yeah it exists, so what?
You're not going to tell me the game should incorporate fucking RAPE just because its realistic.
ITT fags using word "edgy" because they don't like realism in apocalyptic game
Chernobyl happened roughly 33 years ago. In Fallout 4, its been over 200 years since the bombs drop. There's a thing called radioactive decay. Expected decay rates are what's called half-lives. There's been a lot less time for decay to occur in Chernobyl than the world Fallout 4 takes place in. I believe that most of the harmful radiation should have decayed during that time. Bethesda doesn't care about how accurate their world is, though. Plant life would most likely be lush, as plants tend to take over in the absence of people. One reason I hate the dead plant life they like to have in places like Sanctuary.
As far as Chernobyl goes...
>Generally the levels of radiation in Pripyat and the surrounding area, although far higher than the norm, are safe for the time you will be exposed to them (just don’t go licking stuff).
Generally speaking, Chernobyl is not that fucked. While they still don't want people to live there, animals and plant life are doing pretty well.
>ability to rape
Are you okay, OP? Do I need to call the police?
>how to make an actual fallout game
It's simple. Bring that shit back to California. Connect the game back to its lore. Let go of the linear story lines, let go of the whole warring factions story lines, and let the player play. Give the damn game some subtlety. Make the player interact with the world, not the other way around. Bring back the humor, the fun, but most importantly the grit.
If they did that. They'd be so much better off.
>No level cap
the fuck
>It's aspect. But I wouldn't mind a world with some moral ambiguity or something.
>I'm not following.
>Well, it was in the interplay titles, but that would cause a stir...
>Definitely won't fly, edgelord.
>On the contrary, I'd rather have the world look like it's starting to heal, but still having the ever lingering remnants of the war and the world before remaining.
>Some steam explosions from lasers, and burns from plasma, would be a nice touch, for starters.
>Just S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, and traits.
>If you're talking about completing quest in various ways, then yeah.
>What, like pipe guns? Or the craft-able weapons in 3?
>I don't know. I'm not the kind of guy that indiscriminately kills anything I see unless it's a threat.
>Edgy. Also, doesn't this conflict with your first wish?
>Eh, wouldn't mind some biological and chemical hazards.
>Why? Rather have them actually look and feel like feasible arms instead of gun shaped objects designed by rule of cool alone.
>Sounds like something Chris Avellone would do. And again, dosen't this conflict with the first wish too?
>Well fucking obviously.
>You're not going to tell me the game should incorporate fucking RAPE just because its realistic.
Yeah, I am. Gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe? Or maybe shit and cum?
basically the adventures of raid and swat.
i approve.
Keep the no level cap like fallout four but make it hsrder to progress it so it would take time of completing the game three times before you able to max your soecisl needs stats
So we don't need it in games got it.
a level/perk cap allows for multiple replays of the game by its damn self. company is foolish to remove caps. the power creep of bethesda games is godawful as it is.
That's a different game. It could be good or bad, but make it a unique IP instead of Fallout if you want to change things so radically.
Then it is not a real apocalyptic game if it does not have the dark grit realistic look and feel of it.
Call of duty world at war and red orchestra 2 got the war aspect spot on showing the brutality of war and how fucked it is.
>Then it is not a real apocalyptic game
Who gives a fuck edgy PFFT HAHAHAHAHA!
I like this but
>include ability to rape
>include ability to kill children
Even if you want these more than anything, regulations aren't going to give it a pass. literally impossible.
You don't like fallout. Maybe you would have a better time playing a call of duty?
Good keep your disgusting filthy fetishes out of my video games.
Worst Fallout opinion
Why does everyone have issues with rape and murdering children? Fallput one has it and no one bitched until fallout got causalized to shit thst someone screems bloody murder if you say nigger in fallout.
>Include ability to rape
How about no, faggot.
Redditers hate mature toned things and are obsessed with kitchy immature violence type shit.
I could see it if it were part of a quest plot, but "I should be able to rape anyone" is a fucking narrative and programming nightmare.
Even then, it has to be a damn good plot to warrant it. "because I can" is a fuck stupid story, and your apocalyptic books that you've never read dont toss edgy shit in for the sake of edge. If they do they're shit books and you have shit taste.
>>include ability to rape
Your just as bad as faggots and trannys forcing your filth down everybody's throat. Neck yourselves.
Make rape a perk for low karma users then you snowflake
Grab a gun put a bullet in and blow that edgy head off cunt!
choose a setting that is interesting and has it's own flavor like New Vegas did. New Orleans would be a good choice, or somewhere in Florida, or a midwest city like Chicago or St Louis. Anything with some signature architecture is also great, like the Arch in St Louis or the Sears Tower in Chicago. Imagine the St Louis Arch with a warlord or something like that living in the observation deck.
>narrative nightmare
>any psychological effects are game design nightmare
An awful lot of resources to satisfy your fetish.
>how to make an actual F game
>almost everything you listed has nothing to do with F1
Why don't you just make your own shitty game?
When did Yea Forums became a safe space for reddit fags?
When did you start posting here?
It adds realism to a post apocalyptic world
>we want the RDR2 audience
You know what it doesn't add? Sales in a modern non-apocalypic world.
No big studio is going to add rape any time soon to their video games..
>reddit was founded in 2005
>you started posting here when shit got bad
Checks out.
People need to just stop putting children in RPGs, full stop. Game designers will never let you kill the kids they put in the game, so all they do is serve as hard breaks to your immersion whenever your weapons do nothing to them. A fucking indestructible 10-year old awake at 2 AM and fucking me out of my robbery mission in Skyrim is way more harmful to the experience than there being no kids in the world at all. No human being on planet Earth ever said, "You know, Morrowind was great and all, but I just couldn't get immersed because there weren't any obnoxious fucking kids running around." No one fucking cares about kids, no one wants to see them. No one.
What's the gameplay incentive to rape NPCs? I guess you could steal all their stuff in the process, but how is that functionally different from giving an option to just mug them?
All I'm reading is
>Add a bunch of tiny, autistic feature details that 95 percent of people won't care about and many of which even alone would be enough to piss off the mainstream and encourage a widespread boycott of your game and company and possibly even get your game banned or severely censored in several countries
Also, shit like making guns super loud is literally just bad fucking game design.
>muh realism
No one fucking cares if the gameplay is obnoxiously uncomfortable to listen to as a result. That's retarded you autistic faggot.
You should also have to poop and suffer random bouts of ptsd
For realism ha ha
Who cares big aaa companies sucks and dont care exceot for making kiddy safe space games for faggots like you
Sex gives 15% xp for 8 hours game time.
-kinda weird but i don't care, not a selling point for me and it shouldn't be for anyone
-while the ability to rape would be realistic it still makes me somewhat uncomfortable, i'm glad it'd never happen
-please no brown and bloom, i don't want everything to be a different color of shit and dirt
-genders having pros and cons is fucking retarded, there's plenty of charismatic men and plenty of bodybuilder women, if anything that make it harder to roleplay you brainlet
-more choices is good
-would be much harder to program, much MUCH harder, but i would like it
-make sickness and hazards like that optional, some people find it tedious and don't care for it. i'd try it though
-this is the most retarded one yet, gun volume is fine you're just grasping now
-i don't mind the fallout 4 leveling rate
-sounds retarded
all in all pretty shit thread op
And who owns Fallout? A triple A studio.
You are dumber than the chair you sit on.
goddamn are you a retarded fucking nigger.
You should have the option to piss and deficate on your enemies
Then get indie faggot to make it or some aa game. I mean hatred was made and it did not get stopped from being played by people for fuck sakes.
I actually kind of like this, if you made committing a rape some kind of extra risk, like it gave you a larger bounty or it took time during which you could risk getting caught.
Why don't you OP? You are the one who wants pure autism and rape in your video games.
I think I agree with you on maybe 1 or 2 points.
Also I think the "2deep4you" shit that OP is referring to is the institute, I guess.
Fallout 1 doesn't have different stats per gender
Protagonist can't rape anyone in fallout 1
Adding these things doesn't make fallout 1 better
>>Include ability to murder children
>Based (having NPC’s that cant die is retarded, if they didn’t want you to kill kids they could’ve just not added kids)
>>include ability to rape
>I mean I guess, but it would probably be creepy and out of place
>Killing children is fine
>Rape is not
Why can't you guys just settle for mods
Fallout needs to go back to early apocalypse, it would make more sense in their engine.
>Diamond City/ megaton/ etc. would have made more sense as a powerful settlement 20 years after bombs dropped, 200 years of progress makes them very underwhelming.
Bring skills back
>skills add replay value in making you approach things in different ways. They also make your character feel different from others. Also, make explosives another "break in" skill to draw some power out of the science and lockpick.
Ditch VA for PC, allow for more skill/perk dialogue options
>This allows better role-playing, more defined characterization for the PC, and adds replay value.
No karma system, replace with NV style reputation system.
No obvious evil faction (legion, institute) all morality should be gray.
No sudden left turn as part of a late in life DLC that makes no fucking sense in the context of what came before.
My prediction for F5:
* Bethesda will either use this game or Elder Scrolls 6 to debut their "games as a service" business model (always-on internet DRM) where you pay monthly just to play the game because, you know... Progress!
* Beth will stop giving the creation kit out for free. Also no more "free mods"; All mods must go through Beth-approved pipeline so no more nude mods or "inappropriate content."
* Data-collection techniques will make North Korea look like a libertarian paradise. Beth will be able to observe you playing the game in real time if they want although the most common technique will just be massive data collection (did you start X quest, how long did it take you, which weapons do you use most, what dialog options did you choose, etc.).
* When Beth no longer officially supports the game, you will no longer be able to play it.
F5 and/or ES6 will start the new era of single-player games acting just like MMOs. You heard it here first.
Classic Fallout didn't let you rape, but it let you murder children. You've been allowed to enslave, murder and eat people, and rape has been referenced though never shown on screen. They've already let you have consensual sex, and personally I don't think allowing the player to rape would be a big leap from graphically killing a child on-screen.
That said, it definitely wouldn't be easy to release. They originally removed child killing from overseas releases after all, and I think restrictions today might be stricter if anything.
>Game designers will never let you kill the kids they put in the game
Ultima V would like to have a word with you...
It's mandatory for you to play fallout 1,2, 3, and NV before giving any input on how to make a fallout game. Nothing that comes after those is real fallout.
>Including 3 in a real fallout list
>how to make an actual fallout game
>Include ability to rape
holy shit, rekt
chernobyl is nowhere near as fucked as it would've been had it been the target of a coordinated nuclear strike using weapons specifically designed to salt the earth for centuries. if anything, fallout is a best case scenario
there absolutly no reason for rape option in vidya. You should be able to kill and rob every character thou, then you may run your imagination wild. No sane would such a thing in AAA vidya.
2deep4you is great if done correctly.
Bethesda never gonna make good fallout game.
make it a RPG again
you should never recommend anyone to play fallout 3, moron.
>include ability to rape
the absolute state of Yea Forums autism