Where did Bungie go wrong?

Where did Bungie go wrong?

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Kicked all the talent out, they use to admit Marty was the most important person at Bungie, but they fired him for who knows why


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All the talent left
They stopped making Halo
Bought by Activision
There's 3 reasons

would you rather play halo 5 or destiny 2 ?

i've heard halo 5's multiplayer is pretty good so probably that. i can't stand shlooters.

I'd rather play a new game made by the talent at old Bungie than either of those.
At gunpoint, though? Halo 5.

>tfw remember when Destiny was panned for being nothing but a looter shooter
>six years later and that garbage is industry standard

coger a esta Tierra gay

I ironically love destiny in its current state its a good game

They tried to get rid of him so they could use his music he had already done for Destiny without giving him credit. Obviously it didn't go well and there were lawsuits.

>get dragged into a messy lawsuit by your former colleagues and friends
>have to listen to them tell the judge that you are in the wrong

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Having spent a lot of time on both, Destiny 2. Neither are really "good" but Destiny 2 is much more polished in terms of gameplay and general subjective "fun"

I miss him a lot, bros..

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Loadouts in Halo Reach. But shit began to hit the fan during the development of D1.


He literally had no character other than being the unfunny comic relief and even that was only really prevalent during TTK and the very expansion where he died. And even that wasn't done by Nathan Fillion. Fucking Nolan North did Cayde during the Cayde-focused expansion. That'd be like if they called in Eddie Murphey to voice Zavala during Warmind. People would fucking riot. But since it's NoNo and the writing is knuckle dragging boiler plate shit, nobody gives a shit.

Traitors deserve a traitors death.

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so i know marty got canned but what of Joe Staten and Jason Jones? If there was any single trio of people you could point to as the soul of bungie it was them, where are they nowadays?

Joe Staten is still at Microsoft, Jason Jones is working on the NetEase project at Bungie.

Does anyone have the Marty O Donnel Copy Pasta about him wearing a smelly pimp suit and grabbing girls ass at Bungie?

Did they record a new castle super beast or not today?

At that point I'd know they weren't ever my friends, and wouldnt feel any guilt for dealing damage to their new soulless studio. Plus, didnt most of the talent at bungie leave before/during destiny?

They tried to be space CoD with Reach.