>it's an Engi getting real creative with sentry placement episode.
How is he getting these level 3s behind us?
It's an Engi getting real creative with sentry placement episode
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tell your 3 f2p spies and 2 tunnel visioned snipers to look for once
Probably just walked past you.
Hiding in plain sight in this game works way too well sometimes.
>Fighting at the objective
>Man where's the rest of my team
>Die since it's a 12v1
>Nest at spawn
This is one of the reasons I stopped playing, every other game you were guaranteed to be the only player on your team with an IQ above room temperature
Things mainly get stupid when you get a bunch of That Guys who just want to turn the entire public server you and these assholes are on into a "friendly" server, aka "spam meme music and RP as friendly autists". And any time you try to play the game, they all hunt you down like you're a fucking rabbit because how dare you ruin their fun and not let them hugbox each other to death forever. Then you start to wonder if people are even capable of doing basic shooty shooty anymore, or if even that is too much for their IQ or fee fees.
>leave spawn
>look right
>engineer just shit down his prebuilt lvl 3 after hiking it past front lines
>blow it up and then blow him up
i can FEEL the rage through the internet from him
I haven't seen this in forever. Not in casual matchmaking at least.
>getting our shit kicked in
>come up with a stupid plan
>build a level 3 sentry, go through a side route, and set it up in a creative spot to wipe out some enemies
>somehow don't get noticed until the sentry has wiped out half the enemy team and let my team push back
That shouldn't have worked
Half the fun of engie is figuring out the best spot for your sentry and dispenser, before becoming the biggest nofunallowed asshole in the room because you found the most difficult spot for anyone to stop you or your weapon at.
The other half is getting together with other engies and turning the objective into a giant nest of FUCK YOU with 5 or more lvl 3 sentries and then some all ready to shoot anything within a 5 mile radius of you or the objective.
>cap intel
>Medic doesn't know how to uber, keeps his percentage at 100% while we're being pushed back by sentry nests at last point
>everyone yelling at him to activate his charge
>somehow at the last few seconds, everyone rallies and wipes the whole enemy team to win the game
I don't even know why
for real, who still plays this game? i literally have a primeval warrior badge and i haven't touched this game in probably, christ, 10 years now? the orange box was 12 years ago?? oh no
>doing the objective in ctf
now you know that ctf is the friendlies' hangout
Still gets big content updates now and then. 45k in game atm.
>Be Pyro
>About to lose Payload
>Hide near final point
>Airblast any approaching enemy into huge hole, hide, they’re never quick enough to kill me because my team handles the Heavies from a distance
>Don’t get MVP despite keeping us alive on our final leg and we win
comunnity servers are kinda keeping the game alive, sometimes i play casual but thats only when there is an update
average day on tf2
MVP is literally determined by most number of points in TF2
You probably didn't kill enough
Probably but I still feel like I was mvp
that is honestly truly incredible
As much of a faggot you are, I am at least glad to see someone break it to Yea Forums that TF2 isn't exempt from the modern day safespace nonsense.
i've been votekicked and banned from the game for doing this sort of stuff. kids get too angry on video games
you guys are lucky
aren't those for hacking
you literal retard, those are handed out for cheating
>Mfw I’m the scout who goes behind enemy lines to harrass squishier classes, distract and stall beefier ones, and knock out weak/poorly placed turrets while the rest of the team advances.
>There’s always that one faggot who says I suck even though I held the enemy up long enough to ensure a victory.
Sometimes people forget that K/D means jack shit in a match dependent on capturing points or pushing a cart.
When is Valve going to realize Matchmaking was a mistake?
no one cares about scouts though, if they're complaining they're usually complaining about too many snipers/spies
Half of your Team is F2P mexican 12 year olds playing on minumum specs, default FOV on their toasters with the barely working mouse.
>implying I'm not top fragging as I mic spam
i keep getting kicked by fucking bots when are valve going to fix this shit
Post your name so I can report you for being a faggot.
Those are for cheating you fucking mong.
scout: literal nigger faggots. every single person who mains scout is a nigger faggot, no if ands or buts. there are no exceptions
soldier: 2 types: "muh meta" minmax douchebag who only plays soldier or demo, or AMERICA FUCK YEAH-meme person
demoman: just a troll person/personality. loves nothing more than to make other people angry at any cost
heavy: kind of person who likes to go HAM FULL BORE but cant accept that it doesnt work since heavy kind of sucks
sniper: 12 year old edgelord children muh 360 noscope headshot faggots OR actual aimbotters.
medic: unironically thinks he is the 'leader' of his team and that everything should revolve around him
spy: obsessed with dapper suits and nuthin personnel kid
pyro: lol no one plays pyro
engineer: legitmiately loves his buildings more than his real life children. will go into a rage if they die and think he can rambo (he cant)
You’re lucky.
I almost always get some mouthbreather complaining.
I avoid CTF like the plague because of this. It is the most friendly-enabling game mode in TF2.
Removing the time limit just made it worse.
cry some more
i thought they took care of that years ago, do they not care or what
Speaking of time limits. If you were to choose what time limit to set CTF on what would it be?
post it
30 mins with sudden death
leave the unlimited time to community servers
Hightower is waaaaay worse. So many faggots on hightower.
CTF is the deathmatch mode. They shouldn't change it without adding actual deathmatch.
Don't trust what I say
No one goes to hightower anymore because PLR got shunted to alternate game modes.
All the faggots go to community servers
>Take engineer's teleporter
>teleports you on a roof
>tfw you're a heavy
I would agree with you, but there's so many casuals on 2fort it's embarrassing.
CTF was the only one that 'benefited' from MYM
You should watch the Artifact dev commentary from before the game was out:
>"We are aiming to a more oldschool experience, so we arent going to introduce ladder or strict matchmaking"
>In a fucking card game that pretty much requires progression as there are actual tiers of paying players, with expensive broken decks and ones with shitty free decks.
>But they wont bother taking matchmaking out of TF2
It made me seeth for real.
>lol no one plays pyro
I play pyro
Post the Webm. You know which one
you are no one
>demoman: just a troll person/personality. loves nothing more than to make other people angry at any cost
You dam right about that
I held back an enemy push just by spamming pills and chat blew up with cheat accusations.
Is this still a problem? I quit playing a couple years ago when nearly every server was a "don't shoot Im friendly" retard server.
>Tfw you sneak by with Book!, destroy allege tele entrances, hide out near chokeholds to take out stragglers and wait for the entire rest of your team to cap A so you can backcap B and win
>My team's too stupid to ever manage to cap even though I'm singlehandedly holding about half the enemy team at bay and ensuring they can't rush back to A
Every fucking time.
the only reason i play demoman is to sticky jump to their spawn and spawn camp them
No, because most community servers are dead and the only active servers are matchmaking servers. Just avoid CTF
>anything but "I'M FRIENDLY DON'T KILL ME I GIVE YOU SANDVICH!" pony-hat-wearing queers
>sticky jump
I could never get the hang of that, or rocket jumping, so i just got good and landing pills.
Arena mode was supposed to be the deathmatch mode.
Too bad they totally fucking ruined it by making it a no respawn gametype.
Don't you use it to get to higher areas at least
Artifact was a fucking mistake.
Is there even anyone defending it now?
>using a sentry to rocket launch yourself at the BLU spawn at the second point while they're trying to cap the first point
>put up a nest
>watch as it's near impossible for BLU to make any progression to the point as there's little to no vulnerabilities on that spot, especially if another engie comes up and sets up a set next to yours
I've only ever seen that spot fail like 3-4 times in my years of playing TF2. Shame they later patched it so you can't built a nest there, but even I think that spot is bullshit so fair enough.
put sticky on ground
jump in front of sticky
hold crouch
right click
>put tele there
>blu team gets flanked horribly
Scout: still spams lennyface in 2019
Soldier: sweaty mge lords
Pyro: gay furries and women
Demo: either drunk, stoned, or both
Heavy: don't exist
Engie: redditors and fedora enthusiasts
Medic: whiny entitled crybabies
Sniper: schizos and sociopaths
Spy: weeaboos and traders
why did it even exist in the first place