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>march 7th 2016
you forgot to change the date dumb nigger
literally who?
who is this cringe eceleb wh*teboi
fuck off with your E-celeb shit
newfags all of you
so what is it the cuck SJW 3000? fuck moot
Yay mootykins
who tf is chris hates and why is he using moot's picture
What's a newfag?
What was that shit site he made before dropping Yea Forums called again?
not sure if you are baiting because people who post that image are complete retards
Is this the guy who beta tested all of the old memes?
So what was this big thing again?
Can he not speak English? This is word salad supreme
ikr, who does this guy think he is spouting about Yea Forums in public?
He still keeps it up to date as of 2018.
Christopher “moot” Poole is the founder emeritus of Yea Forums, and previously the founder and CEO of DrawQuest. In February 2016, Chris joined Google to help found and co-lead its internal incubator, Area 120. As of January 2018, Chris is based in Tokyo, and works on Google Maps. He is deeply passionate about online identity and expression, and community building.
I miss him
>moot is the project manager of google maps in japan
I wonder if he remembers us
>google console has its own miiverse
>it's an image board
was selling off the smart move because of the legal heat he would be getting from it being, well, Yea Forums
or the stupid thing because that was all he essentially had?
He had evidence on Hillary. RIP
Who is this faggot?
And don't tell me he is the creator of Yea Forums, everybody knows Hiroshima made Yea Forums.
Stupid, he should've shut it down
It's a huge weight off his shoulders. He created this site to discuss anime with his dumb otaku friends, and it spiraled into invasions, raids and political activism.
I would've sold too.
We needed him more than he needed us
you think he has a qt japanese gf?
He's the creator of diet double chan
How much did he even get?
>getting paid to do nothing at Google for 3 years
the guy that reads the google maps bug reports and sends them along to the people who do actual work
>there are actually people who don't know who moot is
I knew this day would come but I wasn't ready for it.
We can't all be oldfags
I hope so user, I hope so.
I just wish he'd come back
Dude I started coming in 2012 and thought I was still a newfag.
>something bigger than Yea Forums
what the fuck was he talking about lmao
Didn't he have to pay out of pocket just to keep this place running at times?
You are.
pls come back
What does moot even do now?
this day has been here for years.
I still remember getting into arguments with moot on Yea Forums. good times.
Works at Joogle
moot has been dead for years
they have some writer getting paid 382K to make stuff up and write it on his blog and accounts
this is all just google trying to get you to buy their botnet console
Yes. The site was a money black hole until Yea Forums passes.
Is Moot even active anywhere? His blog and twitter haven't been updated in ages
We don't talk about Chris since the divorce, son, you know that.
>image board that uses your google account as your avatar
>try to shitpost
>someone looks up your history and sees how much of a faggot you've been on youtube
Hiro is so much worse than moot I'll forgive all of moot's faggotry just to have him come back. Hiro fucked up this site so much.
The owner.
You're a fucking idiot if you actually think this. Moot owns much more of the blame than hiro.
he may or may not have figured out that he could have jumped on the big data sell out train, perhaps he even was naive to think it would have been unethical to do so
moot is a complete turbo cuck, imagine making Yea Forums then going and working for google, the most establishment establishment to ever establishment. Like you pivot from a site that's built on free speech absolutism to a corporate juggernaut that spends it's time censoring the internet because it's filled with opinions they don't like.
>implying moot wouldn't have instituted most of the shit hiro is currently doing.
>forget you're not on Yea Forums
>call someone a nigger
>get permabanned
>google links it to your social media
>family and friends find out
>get fired
Why were both blog posts posted at exactly the same time? This looks fake.
he represented the worst and the most mediocre aspect of us
he simply wasn't extreme enough in any direction to achieve greatness like some anons