who's barry?
some Yea Forums-celeb?
Is there a stream somewhere or is this press-only?
Look at her go
barry and bizshit are you ok? Are you ok?
Will you let us know if you are OK?
Former editor of Game Grumps turned Youtuber and Twitch Streamer.
So probably, though he's small time in most senses.
Sorta, he was an annoying faggot who'd blindly defend the mediocrity that is Final Fantasy XV while shitting on Kingdom Hearts 3 and Devil May Cry 5 all day long. At least that's what I saw back when he was shitposting in those threads here on Yea Forums
Others here may be able to tell you more.
Anyway, KH3 and DMC5 fanboys united briefly to BTFO Barry Kun and so far he hasn't come back to sperg out on Yea Forums some more.
Should just wait until the end of GDC if there's more details about it. But aside from that this peaks my interest because of what I saw during my first playthrough.
As someone who plays these games so many times, the most apparent thing was noticing just how much Osaka team held back on enemy openings and boss openings. If you play BBS and DDD you know how little they openings to attack in those games so seeing it changed so drastically in this game was strange and seemed more like a concious decision.
Oddly enough, if KH3 had DDD and BBS level of unfairness in bosses and enemy behavior it would actually work because you have more tools to deal with bullshit in KH3 than those games so I wouldn't even mind if they went back to that
Not that Barry, dumbasses
You wut mate
you forgot to mention he's trying to turn kh3 dmc5 and gow4 fans against each other
I doubt what Yasue is saying is actually true. I had fun with the game a lot even on Standard, but let's hope that Critical improves the game as much as they're implying.
So it's pretty much confirmed we're getting the first dlc announcement during GDC, right?
We knew about that for weeks now
If these are lies about it being more than just value changes I'm going to be pissed. I'm still upset about the 1999 mode, the cherry on top of the lie sundae that was Bioshock Infinite.
>Yasue said it's "more technical and offensive," and more for those who are "good at action games" and "timing attacks." He said the skill required will change the way you play the game.
Sweet. Now give me my Skuld/Foretellers/What the fuck ever and Gilgamesh secret boss battles with true-data org. Explorable scala, explorable RoD, playable Kairi during main story, in-game Namine scenes, gummi ship sharing, coliseum with FF characters, all keyblade wielders, and all heartless bosses, revamped mission mode online multiplayer, character customization, more keyblades and unique transformations, and an officially licensed Aqua body pillow. Thank you.
Won't a critical mode only exacerbate the problem of doing too much damage? I can't imagine how much more Sora could hit for in a critical mode run. And it's not like taking damage is that much of a problem in 3 either due to general ease of avoiding damage. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think the mode will be the game saver everyone is making it out to be.
>critical mode
>Not a simple toggle to turn off attractions
That already exists it's called the L2 button
this is really important, should be easy to add it as a 0 cost ability
You should still be able to deactivate them completely. They're annoying when you trigger them by accident.
but it's annoying
It's like the most minor annoyance in the entire game that autists keep blowing up into a major complaint
I agree but that still doesn't excuse how they're forced when you can basically turn off and unequip every other tool you have available to you. If the different flowmotion attacks can be toggled separately from each other why can't I turn off the attractions?
Could be one of the things included. The game already has a pretty extensive options menu (at least in comparison to the games in the series) and an update can add something like this if they want.
Either way, I'll never use them
KHfags are cingy af
Imagine liking a game with Disney characters in it.
Because as far as issues with KH3 go, this one seems like it should be an easier thing to patch in.
Maybe they'll change the way enemies behave, or change the way abilities work.
Can you imagine if they straight remove the floatiness?
>implying Duck Tales on the NES isn't rad as hell
Damn nigga you're gay as fuck for typing that out even ironically.
You're guaranteed at least SOME of those.
The aqua body pillow?
Considering how much the FM turned 2 from "meh" to "best game in the series", I actually have a lot of hope in them being able to unfuck KH3.
only if she's THICCua like that
>huffing this much paint
We.all know the only thing changing for the mode is damage numbers, don't delude yourself for a hype train that will never come.
>We all know the only thing changing for the mode is damage numbers
But they just said it's not only that.
yeah, they should play bing bing wahoo instead like a mature adult.
Yea, because changing elemental weaknesses and resistance is that big of difference
Attractions and Links should have switched places to be honest.
I assume what they're actually gonna do is just make the AI more aggressive which makes it unsafe to mash your way to victory.
the ban evading FFXV fanboy that loves to shitpost in KH threads, FF threads, and DMC threads.
If you see DMC5 vs FFXV threads, it's him shitposting
>nd so far he hasn't come back to sperg out on Yea Forums some more.
I saw him shitposting in a DMC5 thread the other day
Honestly, I can't see this Critical matching KH2FM.
There's too much AOE bullshit, especially later on once every spell becomes an AOE in some way. Forms, more AOE, and teleportation shit.
The only good thing that'll come out of this is that the Shield Form won't be fucking useless anymore.
I was genuinely surprised to learn he was real.
Counter Shield was never useless you twat. It does amazing damage.
haha le epic wat face ._. hahah i draw this and it funny hahh right? right guys haha epic wat ._.
why does he draw? being a bad drawer isnt funny, and his commentary does not make up for it. does his streams ride on his GG fame?
>Game still shit, damage values, magic overpowered, lame story conclusion and pacing
>Add one new difficulty
Are you retarded? Do you think something changed?