Gaming will never be the same as PS1 and PS2 era

gaming will never be the same as PS1 and PS2 era

Attached: 1544542508079.jpg (640x360, 62K)

>Corrupted Memory Card

Thank god it isn't coming back.

>corrupted hard drive
Oh right, that's much easier to deal with.

and that's a good thing

no one cares enough to add little shit like this on their platforms anymore, you just get cold writing with a tiny jpeg image of the games cover, in some hidden menu on the dashboard

sad days

yeah it got better
>implying that was common
>implying cloud saves dont exist

how about cloud saves faggot

Cloud saves my man.

Never got my memory cards corrupted
Have gotten my SDs and HDDs corrupt a bunch of times
Cloud saves aren't a thing because I've always been piratefag

I want to go back.

Genuine question: are cloud saves free on any console?

that really doesnt matter, memory cards have a higher chance of corrupting than sds or hdds. thats a fact

Genuine Question: How is that relevant? We all know consoles hide basic shit behind paywalls.

genuine question: why don't you buy a pc faggot

its free on xbox

yeah it is, I have a drive that makes daily backups of everything in the other drives

>your solution to a corrupt hard drive is...?
>lol just pay $10/month faggot
Kill yourself

I'm posting from my gayming PC right now faggot.

At least Xbox isn't jewing you to the max if my hard drive dies!

>being this mad
Calm down retard.

I always looked forward to what the save icon would like when I'd play a new game

>there's nothing wrong with memory cards, hard drives fail too
I'm not at all mad about you paying extra money for your precious Dark Souls save file, I assure you.

>there's nothing wrong with paying extra for a very important feature like saving
>bitches when he is asked money for a backup


Make up your mind retard, is paying bad or not.

Fuck You. I miss it. Every game today should be at least as good as the PS2 era games but they always disappoint even when the PS2 games can be used as a basis to improve upon. DMC5 fucking sucks compared to 1 and 3.