Press F to pay Respects. It's over boys :(

Press F to pay Respects. It's over boys :(

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself OP

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I'm older than 18 so I don't give a fuck about this

They've been in the shitter ever since they moved to LA
>Everyone stopped being happy and having fun in videos
>Forced, recycled content to meet quotas instead of making fun videos
>Joe and Trevor left
>literally who people joining the channel
They're digging a grave right next to the creatures if they keep this corporate plan of daily soulless videos



Literally who? Are they a video game developer or something?

lol why would anybody move to LA
Stupid fags deserve it

They make this masterpiece

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>lol why would anybody move to LA
Cause corporate greed told them to for those "sweet deals" with Jewster Teeth

>move to LA because Rooster Teeth doesn't want them unsupervised in Colorado
>Rooster Teeth joins Disney
>Rooster Teeth makes CowChop one of their core channels featuring them with all their other channels.
>drain Trevor, Joe, and James to the point of exhaustion
>starts to decline.

Pay attention to my post. There's one core name that's important here.

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Seeing Aleks alone on the couch broke my heart, been following them since the beginning, but I knew it was going down when they moved to LA and people started leaving, F.

Only ever watched Rooster Teeth for Michael and the GTA IV MP stuff, fuck them. Haven't gotten any new Rage Quit or Let's Plays in Michael's channel in literal years so he can produce content for the retarded 12 year olds that religiously watch Rooster Teeth, too.

very true

Based Disney killing off properties that deserve to die

>tfw Mega64 will outlive Rooster Teeth
Cockroaches of the internet

>Star Wars
>Lion King
>Jungle Book


Yeah, really.

lmaoing @ ur life

>moves to LA
>one of the most expensive parts of the country to live in
>with an already unprofitable youtube channel
>everyone gets burnt out and quits
all this really proves is that jordan won in the end


Jacob was the only person actually likable besides the big 2 in cowchop.
Also, peak creatures was first world treetopia, and best creature was seamus.

But weren't The Creatures with Rooster Teeth in a similar deal to what Cow Chop are in now? They were also with RT for a bit before they moved to Colorado.
I think they moved to LA because of Brett.

CowChop has been fucked ever since they went to LA and joined up with RT (affiliated with Disney btw)

Oh and gee I sure can't wait for James to be a full time cookie cutter low effort twitch streamer

>(affiliated with Disney btw)
No, Warner Bros.

Press S to spit on them instead.

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I still think it's brett's fault all of this is going down, he was the one that always tried to push CC as a business instead of just leaving it alone and letting it develop organically, a lot of their choices post-house seemed rushed.

>not Chilled Chaos
awful taste

Fuck rooster teeth and these shit tubers

>murder the creatures because of "creative differences"
>dies because they don't have the varied personalities that compliment eachother

Aleks was better than James and did all the heavy lifting after a while

That was always my interpretation considering he used to work for Machinma and wasn't really around much when they were in Colorado.

I wish james was my bf

post the comic

Funhaus is still the best of the bunch, I hope Aleks joins them he had great chemistry with them

I hope Aleks at least becomes more consistent with his channel and stream schedule, but him going on Funhaus would be 100.

Holy shit Soul vs. Soulless going back to the house era videos.

Jordan and Dan are the reason Creatures went to shit. It all went downhill when Max and Seamus left. Hell, Seamus doesn't do anything anymore.

seamus will return....he said he started his channel with mario and will end it with mario. Even if he comes back and makes one last video of him playing mario id be happy

Fuck rooster teeth. They ruined Inside Gaming and are massive corporate cucks.

what group LP channels are even left at this point?

He can't keep getting away with it!

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what sort of underage fucking ding dong do you have to be watch rooster teeth. Straight up bottom of the barrel garbage for retarded normie children and have been that way ever since red vs blue, which was only ever even seen because it was halo bullshit. A literal corporate channel to directly advertise into your impressionable brains yet presented by a person who pretends to be genuine.

Damn you zoomers really get into these little shows huh?

Game Grumps, HFC, BSC, SGB, and Game Grumps' editors, can't think of anyone else

>go to friends house
>always put this on
>isnt this hilarious user

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next one is funhaus screencap this

Jordan was right
Jordan was always right

It's the fucking traffic. It saps away anyone's will to live the longer they stay in it.

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In 2020 CowChop will probably end. Odd how they don't have 1mil yet.

Nah, Funhaus seems pretty stable.
Even more so now since they got Inside Gaming back.


The chad Jordan Mathewson VS the virgin James Wilson

Rooster Teeth is owned by Warner Bros., not Disney.

Screwattack too.

Which is owned by Warner Media, which is owned by AT&T

I love CowChop, seeing James leave fking sucks, but I kinda trust Aleks/Alec/Brett and I'm also wishing that Jakob (or even Matt) will show up more now. (Hoping to see less of Linz tho. xd)


Literally fucking who

RIP I'd say I'll miss watching but I stopped watching around creatures went downhill.
Shame we never got Trapville.

I got your trapville right here bro.

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Fuck off retard which you fucking e-celeb shit and literal whos

fun video with them

This just goes to show the fragility of streaming and YouTube careers. I'm glad I didn't waste 10 years of my life on this shit.

James and Elyse want to start doing writing jobs for tv but i think the others are comfortable with their jobs

that's a funny joke, user
now I'm happy

>Lion King
>doesn't deserve to die

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I still remember them doing a creature talk when they made fun of trannies.

i honestly thought he left a long time ago, after they moved out of the house, it felt like no one was having fun anymore, must be LA i guess

No Jordan and Dan were not the killers of the channel. If anything it was the lack of experience from literally everyone in the group. That and them all in a close environment is terrible to work in. There's only one person who really had a hand in fucking up the group and his name is Kevin.

wow e-celeb gossip LOL

People like to say that the Creatures went kid friendly but their podcasts were constantly filled with them insulting minorities, orphans, and women.

the second they left the house, it felt like they died
the literal randoms joining made me stop watching the channel
i'll always remember the Overcooked series with trevor calling james a disabled fuck while he was in a wheelchair, shit was fun they were having fun
but now...It's Over

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James's streams are at least still great.

Cowchop doesn't corelate to RWBY you shill

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I still say that CT episodes 60-114 are amazingly funny and still hold up after like 6 years.

What the brown

James had some of the best video games ideas

Wasn't he only there for like a month? I know he's all kinds of fucked up in the head but I don't see how that killed the group.

>Brink logo on the table
Sheeeeiiit that takes me back. I wonder what happened to their Brink wall?

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I miss the old red vs blue...

He got into a car accident and his medical fees were covered by the group. Basically that short period of time was them with literally no money and them shitting out whatever they could so they can make money. And then Kevin decides to leave the group the week after.

Red vs Blue stopped being good after they moved to Halo 2. Why would I still care about RT?

Was Youtube really that unprofitable then? I know about Youtube now but back then I thought people could actually have profitable businesses.

I guess we know where the intelligent people are tonight

I always thought James was a complete retard whenever I watched his shit back then but he was actually surprisingly smart whenever he didn't put on a persona.


>DSP wins in the end

>Another youtuber falls into the "Just stream bro" hole
Streaming is fucking cancer that kills creativity.
Who needs good editing or comedic timing etc when you can sit on your fat ass for 3-4 hours at a time and make a couple of hundred dollars from zoomers?

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shit what was it?

>DSP outlived cowchop
DSP always wins against people who have wronged him.

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Blame Brett. He's the one who killed Cow Chop by making them move to shitty LA

F I've stopped watching for a while but it's sad to see.

>it's another streamer gets a donation and spends 10 minutes reading it and giving a heartfelt "thank you" episode
>it's another streamer gets a few subs puts on a funny hat and starts dancing for 15 minutes episode

I guess that makes sense. It's a shame how Youtube turned out. Bending their asses backwards for advertisers who are just fucking with them just to stroke their dicks.

>it's another streamer shoots up a muslim church episode

it has to be either aleks or jordan
aleks use to shill his videos here and jordan used whatever was on the catalog at the time of creature talk

You also have to take into account that these retards rarely took sponsors and they suffered for it.

If aleks is here I just want him to know I'd let him have his way with me ;)

>deleted post
It's okay you're an user here.

I remember watching Nova long ago. Did he ever give a reason why he didn't choose to go solo and become a millionaire like Pewds?

He was like one of the few early solo channels that could have went full supernova.

I think he's honestly just looking for good times and good friends, he always seems so honest and is not the kind to care for money.

James is beyond a nice guy. Joe was the one that kinda corrupted him during his college years with their MySpace shitposts. You can see him change after 2013 and kind of revert back upon the return of Joe in 2014.

Oney, yogscast

>survives being demonetized
>survives being banned from Twitch
>survives the Adpocalypse
>survives the IRS
>outlives Machinima
>outlives Rooster Teeth
>his enemies dropping like flies
>it may not actually be possible to stop him


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Did you forget that he started Cowchop because he just wanted to have fun with his friends? Beyond the fake rage, screaming, and dumb shit the dude is just a legitimately stand up guy.


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can he defeat gout though?

>literally jerks off live on stream
>scoffs it off and continues his stream

Sage eceleb shit

i though these two were gay and together, are they breaking up or just their channel?

Is it so hard to take down DSP because he doesn't rely on anybody but himself to do anything?

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Hasn't been good since Trevor left anyways.

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Someone must assassinate him

>doing a 12 hour begathon on saturday
>has said if it doesnt go well he is ruined and will lose everything

yeah hes unstoppable

James and Joe were apparently delinquents growing up together.

Can confirm. Went to high school with them. They were hardly even at school.

>has said if it doesnt go well he is ruined and will lose everything

He says that multiple times every month. He will never truly die.


>owes 20k back-taxes in april

i dont know i think he's screwed this time

>Jakob returns for one video
>it's the best video they've made since Trevor left

it became unwatchable after he left. such a surprise to see that annoying random nobody dork in their first video become the best thing about the show

brett did everything wrong

They better not destroy Funhaus

It was James. The wording is clearly his. He uses words like Debacle and words like that ALOT. And i dont mean like durr hurr james said it one time its him!!!

I mean like its part of his everyday vocabulary that ive heard him use VERY regularly

>that I've heard him use VERY regularly

U-Uh what? No? No ein here, woo- i mean haha.

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when they left the house it was all over i stopped watching not long after

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>the only one with a real job now
>everyone else is streaming or dead
Doesn't he work at Unreal? I wonder how he's been.

>Youtubers and/or streamers
Imagine being so lonely you try to keep in close touch with people who make videos. lol don't you guys have friends to talk to and listen to instead of this dumb shit?

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They were so good when they were at the house doing random shit. Whoever told on them deserves to be shot
Then they became unironically soulless. Like something happened that changed how they approached the channel. The only stuff I've watched recently is the cooking show and boardgames, and only for the characters they came up with

Cooking show is great. Burger Clown was 10/10 and it made me want to see more of Matt. The boardgames however... Jesus Christ.

I mean not all the boardgames were good, but the card games were funny as hell. Aleks and James always had the best characters.

Why does Aleks sound so fake in the video? Like he seems like a great guy but shit after James I expected more emotion

I was never a fan of James before Cow Chop, but it sucks that he's leaving.

I've always thought that Aleks was carrying most of the humor between the two of them, and recently Alec has been doing a great job filling in. Hope the channel doesn't implode after this year.

>I got a (You) from James or some ex-Creature
Feels weird. Well at least the post has legitimacy now. Though I don't know why it really matters to keep any secrets since honestly it's not like they individually have much Internet presence nowadays.

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>Cowchop started not even 2 years ago.

If Funhaus disbands I might just stop watching Youtube. Been watching them since IG days.

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Their best

>that time james was walking around a area near a playground in a swat outfit looking for a fake bomb to diffuse
never gets old

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>When Aleks sprayed Trevor with Pepper spray, and he kept calling out to James
Absolutely heart wrenching

Channel has been garbage since they left the barn or at the very least when Trevor left, how could you bare to watch after that?

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This video was when I stopped watching them. Eating pizza out of a literal sewer.

It's gross as fuck, but it was absolute kino. Seriously everything during the house era is rewatchable as all hell and will stick with me for a long time. You can't make a video about gallons and gallons of lube not entertaining
Shame they did the EXACT same route the Creatures did

It was all they knew.

At least it ended on good terms, the creatures literally just crashed and burned and everyone ended up hating eachother.

As long as the Funhaus boys make it out okay then I don't care

>last spice gauntlet won't feature james

i mean leaving with a broken leg isnt exactly on the best of terms

The fact people have zero expectations for him mean he's some sort of fucking internet tardigrade

That motherfucker.

I spit on every person involved in cow chop excluding the original members, James, Aleks, Trevor, Aron, Joe and for Brett I extend half a spit.
he already has been for a decently long time now, aren't most if not all videos uploaded to his personal channel just streamed content? He could do both now that he doesn't have to do Cow Chop as well, so I consider this a good thing.

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what happened to his leg?

Broke it on a skateboard ramp

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lindsey sat on it

>Cowchop ending
>Sugar Pine 7 got their editor cuckolded by Funhaus, main cast all hates each other and the channel is dying
>Inside Gaming that doesn't feature FH crew gets instantly dislike spammed

Sasuga, rooster teeth, your days are numbered.

-Only good cowchop videos are the old youtube show and board games

-James is better on his own as a streamer

-Though he has incredibly shit taste in games

What did he think of DMC5? I know he's a capcom nerd.

He plays whatever, from triple A to absolute dog shit on steam.

He didn't seem all that enthused about DMC5 but loved Remake. His first playthrough was on hardcore and was fucking hilarious.

I haven't watched it yet, but I'vw watched James enough to know he won't finish games he doesnt like. He liked the demo, so all things considered I figure he liked it

>shit that doesn't happen outside of e-thot channels

And all of this happening on TrevorĀ“s birthday

>Sugar Pine 7 got their editor cuckolded by Funhaus, main cast all hates each other and the channel is dying
Whats going on with Sugar Pine 7? Stopped watching them a while ago

Took them long enough.

why because he knows ds3 is a shit game

>lead editor of SP7 starts dating guy at funhaus
>convinces SP7 to partner with rooster teeth, drastically reducing the storytelling/plots
>guy who is dating their editor becomes their boss
>fucking steals said editor and puts her to work in an entirely different department
>main cast constantly bickering/hating each other on podcasts and videos
She's dead Jim.

SP7 died once they moved to the office/after they partnered with RT. It just lost all momentum from that point on.

Blackpill me on every major reason I should hate Roosterteeth, besides making all their "partners" move to that shithole LA

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Them moving offices was entirely due to their lead editor dating a guy from Funhaus causing them to be convinced to get bought out by rooster teeth, he then became their boss, stole said editor and then being left to scramble when they were already creatively stifled

Milking Red vs Blue for almost two decades when it should've ended at season 5.

this thread is fucking retarded and you should all feel sorry for yourself

With how drained and depressed Arin is and how Dan doesnt care that much, I bet Game Grumps will be next. And then the era of youtube/let's play will be pretty much over

do your fucking free ass "job" stupid jannies

It's easy to ignore don't like.

They don't fall outside the rules just because you donlt like them.

Grow up.

I stopped watching them when creatures started to break down. Still pre house and house era was great.

You're just bumping the thread and making it more visible on the front page.