The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess.png (292x411, 272K)

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What an ugly mess. Spend two long hours just to get to the most boring dungeon in the series history

Every dungeon in TP is better than any form MM and WW

Great game, if not a staunchly traditional one. Still, nothing wrong with a sound execution of the fundamentals.

MM had the best dungeons of any Zelda.

Attached: Stone_Tower_Temple.png (1366x768, 1.18M)

The swan song of true Zelda.



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Imagine TP x BotW.

THIS. GC or gtfo

>Palace of Twilight

Attached: Excalibur.png (680x750, 135K)

Better than any dungeon in Stench of the Wild

no. Stone Tower is the only okay one and it's just okay at that. Rest are unmemorable/boring.

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>Spend two long hours
what a fucking retard.

I loved the Wii version. Best bow aiming, could have 4 items queued, flipped world doesn't matter if you don't have autism or didn't play the GCN version first, and the waggle was silly but also harmless.

Not TP, but I think the Ice mini-dungeon from OoT was one of the best temples in the series.

Shit bait

Yeah, what was wrong with it? First half is navigating an item away from chasing entities, second half was light casting shenanigans, it's one of the only dungeons to not outright give you its boss key, and Zant's the second best boss in the game behind Ganondorf.


Ice Cavern packed a lot of good shit in for how small it was. I wouldn't put it on the same level as Forest, Shadow, Spirit or Water but maybe above the rest of them.

I really enjoyed the bug catching
I have only played this and a link to the Past to completion.
I've seen a lot of majoras, wind waker and ocarina but they just don't seem fun to me

gtfo here with that shit. Forest Temple, Goron Mines, Temple of Time and Palace of Twilight are shit dungeons. Snowpeak is ok, the rest are good. They all have garbage bosses though.

Yeah the short length to finish it might've been one of the best things about it. It's a quick dungeon that doesn't burden the player with a gimmick, just maneuver the slippery floor, the blades and the keese who will set you back a good five seconds.

>Forest Temple, Goron Mines
Awful taste, the dungeon design and music was great.

>Yeah, what was wrong with it?
Boring, tedious, dreary, uninteresting, kills all the good vibes you had left over from the City in the Sky.

>Zant's the second best boss in the game behind Ganondorf
The game's three best boss fights are Stallord, Argorok, and Blizzeta. Zant's first half is just a shitty boss rush, he's probably not even the fifth best boss in the game.

Lmao good one

Temple of Time is alright. Could have been better but it's got good atmosphere and an interesting gimmick.

>They all have garbage bosses though
Stallord is the best boss fight in the entire series, and Argorok and Blizzeta are great too.

Cave of Shadows on Hero Mode is the best challenge run dungeon in the game

Forest and Mines are better starter dungeons than the other 3D entries save maybe SS, easy enough to navigate while still having fun gimmicks like monkey bridges and magnetized walls. Temple of Time's decently clever in that every room is a puzzle that you solve twice under different circumstances. Palace lacks in the item novelty department but otherwise is a solid enough dungeon with enough excuses to further flex those still fresh double clawshots.

Thats not spirit tracks nigger

>the sound of the goron furnaces

If head to the first temple boss area, swim to the center, put your iron boots on, you will sink for a good minute before respawning. .

>Stallord is the best boss fight in the entire series
That's a fucking stretch. The problem with Twilight Princess' boss fights is yeah they look cool and grand in scale but there's no challenge in them. At all. They're fucking braindead easy, I've had a rougher time with some Kirby bosses. Argorok may be the only that's actually any good so I'll give you that.

Temple of Time isn't really that clever, it's transparent as fuck AND slow. It feels more like a chore to do than actually fun.

Agorok did nothing wrong. The ooccoo deserved it for being so damn freaky.

Honestly, I don't think ANY of TP's bosses are truly dazzling. Zant and Ganondorf get passes for me because they feel like actual fights. The others get a sense of scale right but the urgency rarely translated properly into the proceedings.

Both stages are aesthetically cool but there's almost no serious opportunities for you to take damage. Both the spinning blades of the first half and the fireballs of the second half are crazy easy to avoid, this fight is really just a cool-looking patience game.

Also looks cool but the idea is so paint by numbers. Casually Spiderman your way to the top, lock on to the floating targets and clawshot until he gets tired, repeat until ded. It's also REALLY easy to avoid his attacks.

Definitely the most threatening of the three listed but still fairly easy if you run in circles and maintain an okay sense of traction. Probably the third best actual boss fight in the game.

Now granted, there's definitely worse like Armogohma and Morpheel who are effectively drifting pushovers, but very few of TP's bosses even try to be a challenge.

What did they DO to the horse controls in the HD version?

>Forest and Mines are better starter dungeons than the other 3D entries save maybe SS
Woodfall Temple is the best starter dungeon in the series. None have ever been exceptional, but Woodfall is the best of them.

Yeah, I think that's a fair enough assertion. Been a while since I played MM but Woodfall's pretty ballsy for a first dungeon with the whole poison water thing.

>Talking shit about Forest Temple

It's the best first temple in the series just because it's both long and doesn't treat you like a complete retard while still being moderately easy.

This thread is lacking a Princess

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Zelda was so fucking perfect in this game. Such elegance.

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Not really, she fucked up as hard as Midna did. Unless you meant aesthetically anyways, in which case I hard agree.

Just got to the part where I need to find the twilight mirror but midna isn't being very helpful and just says to go to the city. Also, rupees were handled very poorly in this game, having a cap of 300 is way too low and I filled my wallet before death mountain.

Explain to me in great detail what she did wrong.

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I think everyone had their best designs in this game.

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Everything was handled poorly in TP. It's a mediocre game through and through.

Forest Temple is still better than any dungeon in Wind Waker so nah, it can't be "the most boring dungeon in series history".

Is it wrong to like imp Midna more?


Attached: I love this Imp.png (500x369, 271K)

Is a 3/10 game

I disagree. After you save Midna the main quest snaps into a pretty respectable groove, though it is certainly a little slow before that point. It's not terribly ambitious but I wouldn't call it the worst designed 3D Zelda by any means either.

Attached: Imp Princess.jpg (567x587, 74K)

Maybe a little too relaxed. Hidden Village and Snowpeak while purdy as hell don't really add anything to the game and that's before the final three dungeons which are all basically back to back. It's really a polarising game when the game's final reward for doing the final dungeon 100% is a rupee room that's pretty much telling you to do the Savage Labyrinth instead of the final boss.