Are there any good vidya where you actually play as the incel and don't magically end up getting the girl(s)?

are there any good vidya where you actually play as the incel and don't magically end up getting the girl(s)?

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life is hell and suffering


What's it like to go on a date?

Is Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis a good game?
I remember having played it as a kid but I barely understood English then.

Witcher 3

Just act like an incel and you will fail to sleep with every female presented to you.

A giant waste of time.

No More Heroes 1

nah, the fucking game starts with you naked in a tub with the woman you just fucked still in the room.

>Didn't know how to ask a girl out and date one back then

>Still don't know at age 29

Fucking kill me.

kek, are you literally me?

glass them

i often wonder if i even qualify as a human
maybe all my opinions about humans are invalid because i'm not really one


t. elliot roger

Maybe. Maybe...

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You just have to be in social settings and pussy literally falls in your lap. When I used to have groups of real life/online friends the shit was easy and I'm an ugly fuck of no merit.

You didn't finish the game

>friend (female) gave me dating tips and advice
>she didn't knew it was her that I like

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when i saw this in the movies it wasn't so obvious that he died

Well, which one is Rebecca? That depends a lot

Not that user but I'm the same age and the social settings thing is my problem, my family moved a lot when I was younger so I never developed lasting friendships and still have no fucking clue how to make friends at 29
My work is pretty solitary and my hours are late which precludes me from any events happening during the week that I would be interested and where people would gather, and there's nothing I enjoy during the weekend here

Final Fantasy Adventure

Leisure Suit Larry series is literally this, granted "good" is highly subjective

user at least you have a female wingman, tell her to hook you up with her single friends, women are much more likely to be receptive to people their friends trust



I assure you she did know

Just be more confidant bro

Nah just fucking with you, lie to people that you find them interesting and friendships will start lining up quick. The thing people want most is validation that feels genuine, so just lie that you find them interesting and you got this.

Yes, Bahamut Lagoon. The protag is in love with the princess and although he saves her a few times, he ends up getting cucked later in the game.

if she's a genuinely nice person it can be a great time. if she's trying to get you to waste money on her it becomes really obvious and you would've been better off at home playing vidya

I saw this image like 10+ years ago. These girls are all like 30+ roasties now. What a fucking time to be alive.

>confess that you like her
>oh sorry user i'm a lesbian i don't date guys but we can still be best buds

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I just get drunk and blurt it out. Works about 30% of the time.

Travis fucked his sister though

Smb if you play luigi and the other person is mario and they get the pussy before you even get your turn

>yfw some lesbians actually fuck dudes out of curiosity sometimes and enjoy it
Yes you can be gay and still be pleasured by the opposite sex, only your mind and heart knows the difference, the rest of the body doesn't

it doesn't matter now
we don't see each other anymore

Never take advices from girls about girls.

In the photo, they already look like 30 years old.

I mean he literally had nothing else to live for at that point, so him living or dying is pretty irrelevant.

one of the best lucasgames