Anyone else looking forward to this game?
despite the jank it's looking pretty good
Anyone else looking forward to this game?
I'm not keen to buying into a game like that before waiting and seeing how it actually turns out
I'm keen. I've been wanting a good coop game and this looks like it'll kill heaps of hours and be very memorable adventuring and shit with my mate.
Unironically hope this game will be great.
I'll likely pick it up. I feel like itll get "mixed" reviews regardless, with potentially to be a great niche game.
Theres coop in this?
Euro Jank is back on the menu
For now it looks like a PB game but more PC.
I'll pirate to see how it is regardless.
even splitscreen
Yes there's coop. You can go into a friends world and play. When you leave you keep character progression and loot.
What this game?
I'm curious, it has lots of potential.
However, open games like these are notoriously hard to tune. They tend to be either way too easy, way too hard, or have fun-killing leveling scaling.
Often players lock into one build/play-style that is simply better than all others.
I'm excited. May wait to buy it until I find someone to play with, though.
Who cares what other people play? Play a build that's fun you stupid self-conscious fuckstick
I plan on getting it. It looks awesome. It's not just more of the same. The devs seem cool and passionate about the game and making something fun to play. It's the type of game that big devs are too cowardly to make in 2019.
you sound retarded
that's not at all what user was talking about
the problem with very open games is that you have to make all builds viable, lest you put some of your player in a corner they can't get out of
and of course if all builds are viable, it means that someone with 90+ IQ will find a build that makes the game trivially easy
at that point you either willingly gimp yourself or all challenge from the game is gone
neither of those options is very fun
What are the chances I can con my wife into playing this coop with me? She only plays Mario kart
You sound fucking retarded, you dumb cunt. No one forces you to play an op build. You're not "willingly gimping" yourself by playing another way. Your not playing blind folded or with a hand tied behind your back, your using the game mechanics to build in a way you find fun.
Now fuck off you cunt-eyed cockspotting wankstain.
Just tell her it's a comfy game about exploring a beautiful fantasy land. That's basically what it's meant to be anyway.
Looks awesome, but I'm kinda disapointed because from everything I've seen so far it's more of an action adventure game instead of an RPG.
That's not a bad thing of course, but I personally was just really hoping for another good well written RPG to come out soon.
I'm not sure I'd be able to keep calm while playing this.
Fucking retarded word.
I'm hoping there's passable character creation along with unconventional builds in this game.
I won't accept anything less than a game that gives me more than 300+ hours of enjoyment.
you are dumb and gay
please leave this place
character creation is shit senpai, sorry
Is that all you got, kid? Pathetic. Get styled on and absolutely BTFO'D. Loser!
>devs claim game has all kinds of details to observe while adventuring.
>doesn't have a single menu or UI as intricate as Monster Hunter
Not sold.
What does mo moon star hunter have to do with this?
Eh, I'll withdraw my previous shitpost. The UI is servicable, I see the active buffs now. The alchemy/magic system has me interested.
>survival in a lifeless, empty, dead world
wow what a game.
>deep silver
I'm worried about the grind balance in the game. Don't want to expend half of play time collecting garbage to do a single shot.
Garaunteed the game is more fun than friendship with (You)
Never heard of it, wish more adventuring games would allow you to carry loaded backpacks though.
magic system looks tight
landscape looks a little barren as far as wildlife
the death punishment and planning might scare my brother off of couch co-op
>resorts to insults instead of offering any counterpoint to my argument
cope harder
looks kinda comfy, i'll probably keep it on my wishlist
Naw, did I hurt your feelings?
Pretty easy to cope when I'm not an insufferable faggot like (You).
Looks like a Gothic clone and yes I'm interested because of that.
What's with the shilling for this game lately?
yea people shouldn't talk about any games at all, games are dumb
It's incredibly obvious to spot when a game is being shilled and when people want to talk about a game they like, this is the former.
so people shouldn't talk about games that are not yet released? got it
how does it run on a toaster?
Too monotone, bland mountain.
hey, people are talking about sekiro right now, damn those fucking shills