Tomorrow is the day gaming changes forever.
Tomorrow is the day gaming changes forever
why is google going to delete Yea Forums
wtf is going on?
Google announcing their streaming service. It's going to have a raft of exclusives and will blow consoles out the water
>google phones failed
>google glass failed
>google fiber failed
>google chromecast is a massive L compared to apple tv
>lefty/v/ expects google game to be good
*sips tea*
Please for the love of God, let it have Angry Birds. I always want to play that game at the comfort of my own home.
>what is bluestacks
You don't actually believe this, do you? Google is dumb. They'll drop it after 2 years max.
Over your head.
did google glass even launch?
Gaming changes forever when any Indie or AAA piece of shit is released. What's your point?
>Always think the industry cant get any worse
>Every year it out jews itself
I lived long enough to see console exclusivity but on PC
the future where every action you take in game is tracked and you need a seperate google account for each game you play
I unironically can't wait to become a Googlebro
You'll still be a virgin
I can't wait until instead of loading screens we get surveys and the RPG's are finely tailored to probing your exact character in real life in order to sell shit to you
No nerds were getting beat up for recording everyone in bars and the whole thing got shelved.
>google plus account required for using this service
Let's thanks bullies and chads worldwide for that one
reminder their big innovation is to let you buy a game that a streamer is playing then jump into it right where they were or if it's multiplayer literally let you stream snipe them but only if they consent of course.
>Steam, Epic, Gog, Google and whoever the fuck else are going to end up introducing a Xbox Live/PSN style service that is mandatory for you to play games online
Can you actually imagine a golden age of videogames unified under the Google name and consoles?
I mean they kinda did that with GPSs and searching engines.
>We have less than 15 games worth a purchase if we combine PC, PS4, Switch and XB1 since 2012
>Google bans your account and keeps your money for shitposting on jewtube
you forgot google+
more liek google bluss amirite LEL
>Third worlder can't afford financial risks so he just calls everything bad
if it's only streaming then that's a big NO for me.
oh like that one failed streaming console that happened years ago, too?
i forget the name, but oh man, it made for some fun drama
What gets me worried is that they can afford to lose money in order to get into your house. They might sell this shit so cheap it might work.
Faggots will buy this.