Oddworld Soulstorm 2020?
I hate to sound nit picky but the Animation feels like it has no weight and needs to slow down a tad, but it’s looking alright so far.
This shot will make a good wallpaper
With the mudokons that is. The rest looked alright.
Is there any info on what the fuck the gameplay is going to actually be like? I saw them say that instead of just remaking it like they did with new n tasy they were re imagining it and changing the gameplay.
holy shit
Loved Abe's Odyssey/Exoddus, never played Munch's or Wrath of The Stranger. Should I give them a try?
Why did they change the models of the Mudokons? The sligs look the same, but Alf and that Kunta Kinte mudokon all look like literal cartoons now.
>never played Munch's or Wrath of The Stranger. Should I give them a try?
They're available on Steam for cheap. Munch's Oddysee is extremely mediocre due to being rushed for the launch of the original Xbox back in 2001. Stranger's Wrath is legit sleep hit kino material and worth every penny.
did they died?
the fuck was the point of that
that looks really bad, like it was designed for little kids or something
Looks great, but Oddworld has always had good cinematics. Shame they don't just relaunch as a movie studio.
Still need to see some gameplay.
There was a talk with Lorne Lanning where he showed off some UI elements. It looks like it'll take an RTS approach with every Mudokon you save being controlled at once instead of being saved 2-3 at a time.
I gave up when I came across an interview with Lorne Lanning stating that he wanted to "turn Oddworld into The Simpsons, something that the whole family could enjoy."
the original oddworld was a very dark game, the main plot elements were slavery, genocide and colonization and the world felt as grim as it sounded.
This looks like a dreamworks cartoon. It doesn't inspire confidence.
its been 20 damn years and they still can't don't realise what made oddworld good was the creepy, unnerving atmosphere
Even Exoddus was lighter hearted. I love the gameplay of it but Oddysee is still the best in the series, and I doubt anything after can reach that level for me. I know a lot of it is rooted in nostalgia but still.
Meanwhile in the Kaurava System...
Really? Slavery, genocide, slamming major corporations and corrupt business I get, but where was the colonization?
>a lot of it is rooted in nostalgia
i don't agree, and that's why it's so disappointing
new and tasty was so wildly different to oddysey that its flaws can't be pinpointed to a single element
they copied the designs but chose not to copy the chilling ambience or atmosphere of the gritty factory
and design alone is worth brand recognition and fuck all else.
enslaving mudokons, building factories and capturing wildlife
some sanctuaries exist but even those are in-part under occupation
Building shit heaving factories and lumber yards all over the land and basically pushing the native mudokons out as they exploited the land.
Hoping we get to see Sam in Soulstorm. Supposedly she was supposed to appear in Munch's Oddysee in Vykkers lab, but as we know, time constraints and rush for launch title.
funniest thing about that was that when i little my parents wouldn't allow me to watch the simpsons, and back then the show got a lot of hate for being a bad influence
that and nowadays nobody enjoys the simpsons
Remember when Oddworld taught a lesson that corporations are evil and ruin everything, then turned around and put an actual soft drink brand in Munch's Oddysee without a trace of irony?
hello matthew
Stranger's Wrath was one of my favorite Xbox games. One of the best games from that era that probably doesn't get talked about enough.
Ah, okay. Colonization and industrialism.
Of course, New & Tasty was flawed in countless ways. Matthewmatosis' video scratches the surface, but I'm specifically referring to if they made another game with a similarly dark atmosphere. To me everything about Oddysee was spot on, and it would take more than just atmosphere/ambiance to reach that height again. The cinematic platformer "genre" is pretty much dead these days which really sucks.
I think Exodus is the better of the PS1 games. It just feels like a more fleshed out and upgraded Odyssey, and had way better scenes imo. Both were great and a big part of my childhood though, so I have nothing bad to say about either.
yes but they didn't even try to emulate it
we don't know how badly they would have missed the mark because they never even took the shot
god damn it's been a hot minute since we've had any Oddworld news
Well this sure is a cutscene, huh? We still know so little about the game that I can't even form much of an opinion but even if the gameplay isn't too hot what really matters in the end is the story and writing, so I just hope that they deliver on that aspect
Is Abe gonna say fuck in this game
I never played it bc Abe isnt in it and it was another 3rd person Oddworld which Munch didnt do that great at. Ive always preferred the sidescroller style. To me thats how all Oddworld games should've been, but apparently its great and everyone loves it so I suppose im missing out. Anyway to play it in 2019 without an OG Xbox?
forgive me for being skeptical
who did this and thought it was a good idea, and in an oddworld game of all things
I guess. I'd want them to stick to a similar movement system with screen transitions though, it definitely contributes to the atmosphere. Each screen is a piece of art that can be hand-crafted with lighting and positional focus, and even though the pace was slower it made chase sequences way more tense since you didn't know what you were running towards. You'd hit a screen transition and have maybe half a second at most to process what you're looking at. It was a slow game but never sluggish.
It's on steam. I don't know how well it runs on modern systems but it worked perfectly when I played it on Win7.
there's no reason they can't do that now
imagine immaculately hand-painted scenes in high definition, the plethora of opportunities that weren't feasible 20 years ago
such a waste
Stranger's Wrath is on pretty much everything these days including vita. You can get it on pc, ps4 or xb1 if you want. Pretty sure it's on ps3 too.
>ps4 or xb1
It's not on either of those systems yet.
There's a Switch version of SW coming soon.
i'd say it's debatable how good of an oddworld game it is, but being judged as just a game removed from the franchise, it's very good
>a GLIMPSE of a cinematic
>its a minute and 30 seconds long already
whups its a shit movie game, dropped
I agree. It's not that they can't, but I doubt they will because it's less marketable to casual players (in the eyes of your average publisher at least). They stripped most of the weight from Abe's animations in New n Tasty because a more deliberately paced game means extra work and again is a risk when appealing to new players (and based on this new trailer the trend will continue). The best we can hope for is an indie/AA game from a new developer who manages to capture a similar atmosphere/game design approach. I don't know about you but I'm way more attached to the gameplay and ambience than I am the character of Abe.
They sound like South Park characters.
Nice playlist OP
How much involvement did the original devs/creators have in New n' Tasty? Doesn't make sense that they'd let some third-party nobodies remake the first game in your series.
Intradasting but I'm with on this one. Slow down your fucking frame rate. This isn't a race and it doesn't always make things look better. Jesus.
Would love to see where it's going but you know they're going for movies? For a long time now they've been planning to go into the cinema industries but first they're going through their old catalogue (Remakes of Abe/Munches Oddysee) so I'm not sure what is being thrown at this project.
I for one would welcome Oddworld Inhabitants to rival the stale Disney - Dreamworks back and forth. They've always had a ghibli-esque message to them which I like too.
Munches gameplay is trash but has an important story. Strangers wrath seems the most 'video gamey' of the three series omitting that Abe started it all but has an interesting story that shows the rest of oddworld apart from the corporations.
I always put oddworld into the same bin as Flashback and Prince of Persia, and to be fair I've not seen much of any kind of resurgence of those kinds of games
They remade flashback but it ended up being very similar to New n Tasty, so they had the same motive of "follow the money and keep it cheap"
This. Also, anyone else notice how everything wrong with New n Tasty has already made it back in? The brewery has all these bright neon lights, everything is glowing and oversaturated, the animations have no impact, there's light-hearted humor and for some reason they thought the graphics would be better if they loaded up on screen glare and other ridiculous camera effects.
>apart from the corporations
>Plot is about a corporation that dammed the river and hunted the Steef to extinction
>Slow down your fucking frame rate. This isn't a race and it doesn't always make things look better.
pretty sure that's all in-engine and in-game, which means the cutscenes are at 60FPS like the gameplay
if somebody told me in 1995 that in 15 years rayman would look like this, then it would be exactly what I was expecting
is it really so hard
I think? The one with the lizard on it.
nothing wrong with the cinematic. They're on a speeding train trying to out run four flying bad guys with chainguns. Do you want them to go slow?
It looks bad because the animations look like they were originally designed for 30fps. They're played back too fast, so even if they were animated to have weight behind their movements it's all lost.
Lol, I mean out of the specific corporations then. He wasn't working for the Glukkons nor was he working with them. He was an asshole and a CEO at that but the motives are different. Felt more like narrative transport than the plot point.
Yeah, I guess that's a point and until recently I've been pretty against the use of it for cinematic purpose. Sure it makes for a smoother transition but except for recently in DMC 5 for example I haven't seen it look halfway decent in a cutscene. I'm a fan of the company, work with animation myself and it has that first generation XBONE game feel to it which just feels too unnatural for me personally.
They've done fantastically in the past and can do better is all.
>parasite that attached itself to the area's apex predator, eliminating the rest of its host species to establish dominance
I really hope they don't get rid of the savage as fuck undertones I love from the franchise.
That is a terrible fear of mine, linking to a video and having it include all my embarrassing favorited videos
I mean, I didn't wanna be the guy to say what it was when people are asking to play it but touché. Feels bad though, reindeer man just wanted to frolic in a meadow.
The collection's been out for eight years, it's not like the story's the best part of the game anyway
Fucking furries.
Didn't they say that Soulstorm is going to be an RTS or something like that?
I remember something about crafting system.
That's an ancient quote user I remember hearing that on fucking G4 Icons
What even are they? They don't have fur or scales. Smoothies?
Fuck off Boco.
They're bird people.
I mean personally, going back not all of the gameplay stands up for me but even if cliché because of the times I still enjoy the story/universe lore. It was fun either way so each to their own
bump! finally some info. oddworld 1+2 on ps1 some of the best games ever, still holds up today, very tight controls and fascinating art style. and the MUSIC is good youtube.com
Yeah they're obviously avian with their feet and the portals/breaking down into a flock of birds but their skin is smooth like a dolphin.
>Bird people
Get out of here with that shit. Aliens are aliens, even the blind ones.
>After the arrival of the soul storm, in an unseen continent of Kaurava 3 long thought uninhabitable and cloaked in a wall of lethal and withering sandstorms, emerged the Mudokon. This ancient and forgotten race was powerful and well versed in the ways of the warp but were able to refine it’s foul magicks, purifying and changing it until it became the energies of nature itself. Their normally peaceful and isolationist ways were cast aside for they sensed the threat the warpstorm posed and would do anything- and defeat anyone- to stop it.
Fuck off Boco.
>series died because it was niche
>make new game without a niche budget
Enjoy watching it collapse again.
we'll never get a game like stranger's wrath again
>but their skin is smooth like a dolphin.
....why is that giving me a boner right now?
>but their skin is smooth like a dolphin.
Not all birds have feathers.
Dolphin rape caves.
Did.....did Alf just say "holy shit" at the end?
Munch's Oddssey was disappointing from what I remember. Sort of fun a bit but ultimately very disappointing and not really fun once you get more into the game. Stranger's Wrath is very different but I also remember not liking it as much either. Really the best games were the original 2D ones for PS1 and it just might be I'm too biased for them.
wasnt that said a while ago.....like before fucking strangers wrath long ago
>on ps1
oddworld on the pc is identical and controls better with a keyboard
It looks like shit. Nice favorites, faggot
>and controls better with a keyboard
How did Stranger's Wrath end? All I remember is when he finally took his pants off and revealed he was a weird centaur.
I just hope that they give us a nice big chunk of lore
That's the most important thing in the end, isn't it
With the name like Soulstorm, the soulposting is going to get crazy once we have gameplay footage.
Mandatory background noice
before munch even
killed the bad guy that was also a weird centaur
that's all I remember
munch is the only one I've never played is it any good?
it does. not only this, but its controller compatible, has slightly better graphics, and faster loading times. and some pc versions have more extras. the pc version is overwhelmingly superior.
the bad guy was a cranial parasite (who is a sentient person I guess because of course they are) that was using the body of a dude who was also a "weird centaur" and the water is freed from the dam and all that
meh not really but if you like the series might as well give it a go
>has slightly better graphics, and faster loading times. and some pc versions have more extras. the pc version is overwhelmingly superior.
Strongly agreed, but sidescrolling Oddworld's better with a controller.
that reminds me that I have the whole series on Steam, but I couldn't figure out how to set everything up for non-fullscreen and with a controller the last time I opened up Abe's Oddysee.
Munch is just a crap 3D version of the games
Stranger's Wrath is a total spinoff that just takes place in the same world, it's fun though.
>the bad guy was a cranial parasite
Ripping off Half-Life. Dropped.
>Oddworld porn
I know there isn't a single thing on the internet that can't be used for porn, but a part of me always assumed Oddworld was one of the few exceptions.
Honestly I feel strangely lucky to have had Munch’s Odyssey be my first real video game when I was like 5. I loved it and was absolutely obsessed with it as a kid, and as a result my nostalgia overrides what I gather most people think is a pretty mediocre game. I’ve replayed the remaster that came out on the PS3 basically yearly since it came out.
So it begins, The next 9 weeks won't be so boring for both Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Fuck yea.
I always forget that Oddworld isn't dead.
The weird thing is that this is a remake of Exodus, but with the darker and edgier plotline that they allegedly intended originally. At this point it almost seems like they're practically turning it into a completely new game rather than based off of Exodus' old design.
weak bait
the audio sounds like shit. and pressing the keys for a half second makes abe half-complete his 'hello' animation, you have to press it for a bit longer, feels awful, sounds awful. does look nice though
>piss filter
>stupid camera tricks to cover up a lack of composition, color or dramatic lighting
>death factory has lasers and neon
This honestly might look even worse than new n tasty. It's like they're doubling down on everything criticized.
Nice playlist, nulldiv_twit.
Also, why are they only showing all these tiny glimpses of the game? When are we getting anything that actually matters?
>pretty sure that's all in-engine and in-game, which means the cutscenes are at 60FPS like the gameplay
If it was gameplay I'm pretty sure the video description wouldn't read "A glimpse of a cinematic showing off the rendering techniques we are using in Oddworld: Soulstorm."
Is it supposed to be a death factory? Looks like it's supposed to be the Feeco Depot
>it has that first generation XBONE game feel to it
Ahh wait it's the 'alchemy' place
In-game means actually being rendered on hardware, not literal gameplay.
more like Oddworld Soulestorm
>there's light-hearted humor
the abe games had a fucking dedicated fart button and you're complaining about lighthearted humor of all things?
Freudian slip on my part. I don't see why they'd call it a cinematic if it was in-game.
In the hour long talk they had before where all they showed was a bit of the UI they had you controlling dozens of mudokons at once, so it's hard to imagine it being anything else.
>Unreal engine 4
>Darker and edgier plot
>Lighter and flashier graphics
I don't get it.
Is that Yuri Lowenthal?
thats why I always double check before I post or just keep faves private
Follow me.
I thought it was supposed to be a complete reimagining of Exoddus as the way they intended it to be from the start. If is right and they have the ability to control a shitton of Mudokons, then either I guess the gameplay's being changed up big time, or there's going to be some big scenes going down.
Can't match the grit of hand-painted pre-rendered backgrounds, honestly. But just from the title sequence they're basically revising the whole "soulstorm brew from bones and tears" into literal Nazi style experimentation and Mudokons lining up for experimentation carrying their own bodybags.
Unity, actually, so expect tons of glitches and crashes.
why do people hate UE4 now again? i can understand UE3 because it looks like shit
>why do people hate UE4 now again?
Overuse of the same stock shaders and camera filters.
there people hyped for oddworld shit? who the hell bothered to play anything other than the first game?
70% of opinions about oddworld on Yea Forums can be discarded as ignorant people parroting that matthewmatosis video as though it's gospel. i bet there's a lot of people who would have enjoyed new n tasty if they played it, but instead post endlessly about muh aesthetics
Do I play the original Abe's Odyssey or New 'n' Tasty?
the engine room made it seem like the train was full of already completed products which would mean they were probably shipping stuff to a populated city which would be more likely to have neon lights instead of looking like a grimy factory, i don't really get why you all are complaining
you're missing out if you haven't played exoddus
The original if you can so you get the intended experience, New 'n' Tasty has the same core blueprint but a completely different mood and style in the process, and it ain't exactly polished either.
the original for many reasons, the mechanics are very tight it is totally playable today, the only thing is the save/checkpoint system is very punishing, this was fixed in the second game Abe's Exoddus, they added quicksave. i'd almost say start with exoddus, or at least keep it in mind if oddysee frustrates you
I was so confused at first. I thought I clicked on a recommended video.
yeah, why do you think they shit on it in-game?
Because EA withheld their fucking paychecks until they put it in.
The game will be as shit and bugged as the first remake, movement was too floaty and you could fuck jumps and hops easy when they took away the single space movement and load screens.
oh hell, they really were still making hand of odd.
>Because EA withheld their fucking paychecks until they put it in.
EA didn't become involved with Oddworld until Stranger's Wrath.
just looked, seems it was infogrames that published munch, huh.
oh well, I wouldn't put it past EA to do that. I seem to recall an interview where lanning said one of their publishers "lost" their paychecks, and then "found" them when they made the change the publishers wanted, now I can't even remember which one he said did that.
By my memory, the hardest parts of Oddysee were all secret areas that the first-time-player won't stumble on anyway
And some points of Exodus ramped up the difficulty of some points as if to COMPENSATE for quicksaving, parts you'd have to do repeatedly because the timing was so tight
I'll never forgive them for that one Brewery screen where the drills require the four Mudokens to finish answering and get moving without a SPLIT second to spare or at least one dies
good points and i know the one you mean i think. there's one where you need to have fewer mudokons follow you because the more you have, the longer it takes the total group to respond to orders. pretty crazy but that's honestly what i love, and is what i mean by 'tight'
best oddworld game
found it, he didn't say which publisher did it, but I assumed it was EA, since they were still knee-deep in the blood of various studios at the time.
>I have to be careful about how I say this stuff, because the gamer hears it one way, but game developers know exactly what I am talking about. Publishers use your own company against you because they know that you have a burn rate. They know that this is your family of kids that you need to feed every month. So if they make a deal with you, then they realize, “Oh, you know what? We should have done this thing in that deal, too,” They might start playing games with you.
>I’ll give you a hypothetical situation: “Oh, we’re having some accounting issues, the checks are a little late, but they’ll be coming. We’re sorry for the delay, but you know what? There’s this other thing in the contract we’d like to renegotiate. We realized after we made the deal that we really would like to have some different terms on that.” And then you find that your check is not showing up because they want to renegotiate.
>That’s holding your own company as a gun to your head and going, “If you want to pay your people, you keep on doing anything we say no matter how unreasonable it is, and if that’s a situation you can’t win, then too bad because we’ll win. We’re the ones with the gold and gold rules.”
>Maybe it’s not that diabolical, but I think it comes more out of incompetence than deviousness. I’m not saying that this is the evil intent out there, but it is the common behavior. There are some slime balls in the industry that have done some slimy things, but as far as industries go, this industry is good about being authentic. It’s pretty decent. It’s not nearly as ugly as the music business or as one-sided as the film business. There’s good things and bad things about the industry. But incompetence is really big in this industry. We’re talking about a huge industry that, even in this global financial crisis, is still showing growth, one of the only sectors still showing growth. That’s huge, but it was only 20 years ago that this industry was in garages – not in big companies.
>Yeah, we had every intention of building the game, and then the shenanigans started, so we just said, “We’re not going to play this game. If that’s how you want to play, then we’ll go play with someone else. We’re going to take our ball and go home.” Because what I saw, down the road, eventually our IP would wind up hostilely acquired by people who cared less about it. In many ways, while Oddworld has been sitting on the shelf, it is still something we have a huge belief in. So we’re not willing to compromise that belief.
>So in Fangus, while we were still excited about it, while we were still building it, I would say it this way: Sometimes developers get fired by publishers and sometimes developers fire publishers – and that’s probably all I should say about it.
for context, they were in the process of making a game after stranger, which would have been a darker game called The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot
fuck EA
the concept are looks really cool
probably would've been pretty fun
well, it may have been majesco, since that's who they went to when they left ea, almost immediately after stranger.
More like Oddworld: Soulless
also, the problem he actually did say he had with EA was that they basically gave stranger little to no advertisement, that they literally gave zero shits about their series.
So underrated. Just wish the game was a bit more open
Exodus was a rushed game in almost every aspect. Lorne has said this many times. He said if they had the same time as they did with the original, the game would look nothing like what Exodus turned out to be.