Fun facts about games

Fun facts about games.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>some shitter imported the model to blender and upscaled
Sorry it's fake

Attached: 1483827129343.png (493x379, 19K)

I want her ass to sink into my face

then there's Hunt Down The Freeman that legit has assets like this

>2B sits on your face
>skull is immediately crushed by the solid steel frame


Attached: 1427180147844.jpg (500x281, 13K)

Its as good of a death as I can hope for

Attached: virgin.png (512x384, 200K)

you forgot the part where that makes the rest of me harder than diamond

Why do normal people seemingly not care about the truth at all?

two birds one stone

wouldn't there be a solid chassis with some sort of synthetic skin layer on top? how would you have any flexibility?
editors note: never played nier but I love to jack off


Two for one deal

I saw this post saying there are more polygons in 2B's ass than all of Ocarina of Time, is that actually true or just a meme?

>300k polygons for one body part
Do people even know what a polygon is or how games are made?

There's no way it's that smooth.

Doesn't he mean triangles?

Let ME sink in

Attached: 1521076007605.jpg (280x283, 34K)

Androids aren't made out of steel and 2B only weighs like 320 pounds or something, which is heavy but still totally manageable.


It probably is, considering how low poly everything else by comparison. The ground for instance is literally PS2 tier in terms of poly count.

sounds like a win-win for me, senpai

Attached: 1496249451922.png (588x444, 91K)

I'll sink my face in her ass if you catch my drift.

Attached: __yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_series_and_nier_automata_drawn_by_rebis__8bb4f7da33919173f8d5026d114e04d9.j (900x914, 130K)

Not true. OP is a liar.

2B's ass ingame is only 1195 triangles. Young Link alone is 400 triangles.

Attached: 1536622681734.png (559x518, 265K)

Nice if true

Fucking idiot

Triangles are polygons

And how much polygons does Haydee have?

How horrible. Imagine if she was designed to extract semen from your balls daily. You would be milked like a cow.

Attached: 7172068 haydee0.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

It is. Trust me I took screenshots

based Yoko Taro.

Have to ruin every fucking thread

It's not.

made in a russian basement by one dude



Attached: __yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_series_and_nier_automata_drawn_by_rebis__7021e8ee5e66ac8495a046575cd5851b.j (1200x1600, 237K)

False and the ass just doesn't need to be that smooth, even at a quarter the resolution it would appear to be as smooth, you aren't really looking at the silhouettes for smoothness either, the normal maps fill in the interior nicely making it appear smooth.

I found her in game model anyway, topology looks like this, she is 62k tris all up, including weapons which are actually very few tris.

Attached: 2buttcheeks.png (1047x516, 121K)


>Haydees ass is literally 2x the size
>Delicious brown
>Huge tits too

You're pretty gay my dude.

These blobs look nothing like an ass. Fucking disgusting.

Attached: 1487727531618.jpg (351x351, 22K)

this guy says that it's a little over 2000 polygons of robot ass

Attached: 409.png (680x656, 345K)

Why not just tessellate her ass?

Ass too big

People are so gullible. Like what they said about FFXV's models being good -- they're crap too.

Attached: NieRAutomata 2017-05-12 11-29-58.jpg (1920x1080, 704K)

how can other girls even compete?

Attached: 4234564634.jpg (662x936, 47K)

>Like what they said about FFXV's models being good
I don't understand what you are talking about, all I know is that they are more than 100k tris a piece with their hair being around 20k tris.

Attached: 640e7d2f749fc4faa7c05a01f4129c8c-sample.jpg (562x1000, 82K)

gibe more

XV-kun used to say they were like 5 trillion polygons and they looked amazing, but the end result was really bad.

Attached: 1552546167150.png (2000x1124, 3.46M)

>which is heavy but still totally manageable.

Attached: 1551422674351.webm (480x480, 337K)

you mean subdivided*

I always thought they looked fine, their poly counts are still extremely high though, kind of wasteful at this point.

>everyone on her likes 2B for her brapper
>meanwhile I'm over here trying to find decent thigh porn of her...
it sucks being a thighfag, most of your stuff is closely tied to butt pics, and nobody gives you your wish...

Attached: 1551846632664.jpg (850x892, 91K)

I'll have to buy the game someday and see how good it is
She's the only video game character that I fapped the most, and that I don't have the game

Attached: bec.gif (360x320, 1.59M)

>let that sink in
does a phrase more infuriating than this exist?

Attached: 1520655636690.png (760x839, 733K)

I love to imagine that dozens of anons get off to 2B in these threads whenever they are around and for some strange reason this makes me even harder

Attached: d9ea051e76bcdbe5b48faa32ca677d18.jpg (2480x3508, 1.1M)


Ha gay


Gameplay is decent. It's on the lower side in terms of Platinum stuff though

Attached: Dirty Robutt A2.webm (460x398, 902K)

>chromatic abberation
What the fuck is the point of this shit?

Attached: 1518096899847.png (517x396, 273K)

You might be gay, user.

have this

Attached: 70552024_p0.jpg (1300x1096, 719K)


I'm not acting like it's not gay, I sure wouldn't mind being together in a room with anons jerking off while looking at 2B's perfectly shaped butt.

Attached: 1191dcf684760a48ac57cd3a519c6c85.jpg (849x1200, 613K)

ohhh fucck

fuck off to /trash/, there's containments threads for your kind there

Hot damn

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Attached: FUG.jpg (195x259, 16K)

check out sop videos for that kind of stuff

Zero is the best Drakengard girl. Better than 2B. Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1541378717499.png (1600x1336, 1.57M)

I can't since I barely know her



Exactly. Pathetic.

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God I wish that were me.

it might kill you.

I can think of worse ways to go.

I don't care enough to play her game. Sorry, man.

What do girl's assholes smell like bros?

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Attached: d6d60b92eecd405e7767dec13a89be06-sample.jpg (555x1000, 88K)

The daily nier threads lately have been nice

>ruining TwoBee's tits

Attached: 2Bie.png (1017x785, 230K)

This sounds like the place for ya then

whats the source?

the game is like undertale, mediocre gameplay carried by a story that you have to decide for yourself if you're willing to like it or call it cringe and ignore it

He does Overwatch porn

>Not liking pointy tits

Attached: 3.jpg (407x407, 64K)


I'm fine with pointy. They're just too big.

Attached: No emotions fagit.png (500x504, 132K)

>posting 3DPD

Absolutely disgusting

I win this thread

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Didn't even notice that can someone edit them to be normal?

i liked the other webm from some posts up more. i prefer the leotard over nudity.

>this has been going around for months
>some literal who drops it recently for fun
>suddenly its his work
the moment that game dropped we had this info

Attached: 2B's ass poly count.jpg (1449x841, 321K)

Why would a combot wear this?


Attached: 2b.webm (732x400, 2.28M)

Do you know the original source?

Damn, Nier 2 is looking good

thank you user, very cool

Attached: 5fgtTTer_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Not nearly enough.

Attached: The Architect.png (1000x1132, 1.86M)

It's not nudity though, she's still wearing clothing.


Go to sankaku


Nah thanks

> games don't need to be fun
> x person can't be racist
> Your brother had a bigger dick
> Um, actually
> "adulting"
> that is totally badass
> how dare you
> welcome to ' insert arbitrary bullshit here'
> that's so inclusive
> you're talking past each other

sounds like a nice way to go

Bullshit. For 30 fps, modern consoles aim for about 2,000,000 polygons TOTAL per second. Divide that by framerate and you get how many polygons each scene is allowed to have. Hint: it's nothing near 300,000 in one characters fucking ass alone. Ridiculous meme.

well i prefer her leotard over seeing her bare holes honestly.

Attached: God I wish that were me.jpg (326x67, 4K)

based japanese developers

Seems fine

Sorry user, but you know Angelus is the best girl.

Attached: 1444153589528.jpg (940x627, 63K)

Jesus Christ.


I was casually looking at this thread and started scrolling through the ass pics until my dad walked in. Now I'm fucking grounded.

Thanks, dicks.

i'm okay with that

Haydee > 2B

You can't find anything at all by searching 2B in Sankaku?

for some reason only 3d came up initially

I'm willing to risk it.

Source mod?

Holy shit guys, when I was walking down the street some dad stopped me and gave me his kids computer because he was looking up asses on it.

Attached: Promotion.jpg (600x703, 42K)

>too big
spotted the faggot

All of the girls in one were GOAT.

Attached: Like a Mace.gif (360x360, 255K)

isn't this dangerous?

Smells like ass.

Big tits are nice but I like her modest tits.

Attached: 2Butt.gif (268x402, 2.37M)

Treasure Ltd. was composed of a group of ex-Konami employees who got sick of the company's shit and wanted to do their own thing. In 1994, they released a title called Dynamite Headdy which had a minigame that gave you a password if you beat it four times. The password was used to reach a secret boss; a tycoon with goons who threw money at you. In the Japanese version, the CEO was a jab at the then-SEGA of Japan president, Hayao Nakayama who was responsible for the infighting between the divisions of the company and pushing for the 32X in NA while the Saturn was being developed in Japan. The video speaks for itself:

Treasure was too good for this industry.

Attached: page0001-347px-GunstarHeroes_MD_jp_manual.pdf.jpg (1506x2598, 435K)

>He doesn't use 4chanx

I'm not sure if it's butt or thigh but the part where you can just see the beginning of the curvature from thigh to ass peeking out from under a skirt drives me nuts.

>talking about models
>post an image with weird lightning so bright you can't even see any details
post a renderer or something if you wanna talk about models.

Actual best girl

Attached: gabriella.png (600x387, 86K)

>modest tits

Attached: 1535359804916.png (680x378, 389K)

Since she's a robot, she has no orifices, no smell and it's a totally rigid and cold metal frame covered by a layer of synthetic material.

Attached: 1552920170512.jpg (336x365, 89K)

God _ ____ ____ ____ __

Are you sure?

The author says otherwise


DAZfags are the biggest cancer of /3/ next to MMDfags, prove me wrong.

Attached: 1528314580034.jpg (599x357, 24K)

I HATE 2b's ass!

sop is semen on picture. videos of people jerking off and cumming on pictures. i watch them all the time on xhamster. some 2b stuff of that there

>166.8 kg

Attached: Nier Automata 2b 148 ...and Commander of course waifu.png (725x822, 853K)

this is bullshit, some guy went in blender and used subdivide a few times. fake news

You fucking faggots are everywhere, dear christ.

Commander needs all that extra thicc to function as a commander.

Attached: 1525672925904.jpg (1355x1007, 248K)

>corset only
This is the horniest one of those shitty blender animations have gotten me in a long time.

those asses look tight as fuck

wish 2B would crush my head between her thighs while A2 spams taunt in the background

Attached: tfw no 2B gf.jpg (1556x892, 256K)

You forgot
>let's unpack this
>I can't even

and the problem is?

Attached: 2 billion polygons.png (562x377, 32K)

Can i play as this character?

Glad some devs still give a shit about the craft.


Attached: 3f166d50a585d5ed84af4f65ef23a39a.jpg (900x1346, 462K)

Attached: 02007685-5a3f-45b1-b548-dc0298eb75bb.png (960x944, 541K)

I know what threads you frequent and I am pretty sure I have bullied you before.

i think just having discord installed on your computer will slowly turn you into a furry tranny pedohile

>All these people talking about jacking it to 2B
>I played Nier:Automata twice through all routes and still haven't touched my weewee looking at 2B

I still can't jack off to 2B after she got infected with the logic virus

Attached: 1521036191471.jpg (1024x680, 166K)

>be developer
>years perfecting your craft
>spend an entire month of work just designing 2B's ass
I wonder what it would be like coming to work everyday

Attached: hue.jpg (708x588, 67K)

Attached: 3afe267c5e9a60cae43eb984a0fc5f60.jpg (900x1350, 393K)

it's a website, you don't have to install anything
the client is just a chromium tab


I'm so lonely and horny

Attached: horny and lonely death.jpg (1023x407, 77K)

pretty clearly a paintover from a photo, dude.

Attached: 7f8717a60686b54c52053dc1d5c8032e.jpg (821x1080, 182K)

and that's a good thing!

Isnt this just needlessly wasteful

Attached: 4c.jpg (452x256, 16K)

Worst fanbase in gaming,

Skirtless is fucking pleb tier

Gluteal Sulcus aka Gluteal Fold.

>That clipping on her left knee

Haydee ) ) > (( 2B


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Attached: Death is not kind.jpg (2179x2727, 610K)

>matrix sound effect

for a comparatively brief portion of the game, yes.

>g nier g

Attached: zelda10.jpg (4000x5000, 1.97M)

>now that the dust has settled

knuckles the echidna is addicted to crack, canonically.

Don't pull something reaching too far with that user.

t. irish

i hate patreon watermarks

Attached: nier37.jpg (1200x1600, 324K)

Attached: uiolo.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

>clipping through ladder
>climbs like a retard

Attached: 1552925602493.webm (1080x1920, 1018K)

distracting the enemy, most of which would be male.

the truth is boring and disappointing and-- ooh a butterfly

She killed billions

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