The Great Debate
The Great Debate
Debate about what?
Nowhere near the same genre you baiting retard.
They’re completely different games. What’s the debate?
Which one had the better waifus?
It's obviously RE2make. Ada alone looks better than all three of DMCVs girls.
They both saved their genre
Just because they aren't the same genre doesn't mean you can't determine which one is objectively the better game. Analyze each games pros and cons, and weigh them against each other to see which one comes out on top. It isn't hard you fucking brainlets.
personally i enjoyed re:2 more but dmc 5 is also a fantastic game.
both games are based
capcom is based
I think V is the better game, but they're both fucking great and they are 2 completely different games.
Totally different games but I got way more fun out of DMC5.
RE2make would be second place for GOTY.
one was a masterpiece and another one was cgi trash
whats the debate you fucking moron?
Except you weight them on different scales retard. A pro for RE2 could end up being a con for DMC. Games do not have a global objective rating system, despite how much game journalist want you to believe.
They are the big releases from Capcom this year. Both are games that fans were asking and waiting for years.
Everyone thought they would not happen, and here they are.
That's like saying you want to compare a Ford Fiesta and a Lamborghini Aventador. They're both cars, that's where the similarities end.
>one gets 40 MPG but the other can hit 250mph! Wowsers such a balanced comparison!
>trying to drive a wedge between cousins
Anyway, i got my platinum tonight, what cool things did you do in RE2 or DMC5 bros?
>survival game vs button masher
I thought we were debating about GOTY or some of that shit.
Anyway, RE2 is the better game.
Fucking brainlets
t. baiting retard
quit trying too hard to be a vidya journalist
More like the great masturbate
I love both
it's not like this has to be about my game better than your game, you could interpret the question as which game accomplished their design goals better.
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to turn lady into the crimson chin
Thats not allowed. Which one is better
Dmc5 is obviously the better game cos horror games in general are all shit and are worthless after the first playthrough since nothing will be scary anymore. They just turn into walking sims where the scary whatevers just become an annoyance and are tedious to deal with. Re2 is a good horror game, but that's all. A good horror game.
Dmc5 is just more fun to play, has more stuff to do, has a nice learning curve where you can constantly get better with cancels/switches/combos etc and has more replayability.
Nothing against re2, but I've always thought of horror games as borderline tech demos with next to no gameplay so I'm biased.
This isn't even Apples to Oranges, this is an Apples to Celery level comparison
Yet another brainlet. Fuck off.
What am I supposed to be comparing? I like DMC5 more but I appreciate what RE2 Remake was doing even if I'm fucking trash at it and gets bored by it.
Too bad. I like both.
I like both of them very much.
Devil May Cry had donte while Resident Evil has dog turds after 4 and before 7.
RE2make was like God's diving forgiveness
I feel that. The shame is that I think the gunplay in RE2 is really solid and I wouldn't mind more focus on it if they were to release more DLC. Ghost Survivors doesn't count because it's arcade trial-and-error bullshit.
DMC5 only because it has less flaws and takes less away from the past games. RE2make is severely lacking. These two games convinced me that Capcom doesn't give two shits if their games are severely lacking in quality checking as long as they meet the schedule and budget.
Great game, B routes were a bit disappointing though.
I don't play button mashing shit.
De grate debait
RE2 is the same shitty game we got 20 years ago.
DMCV is the new hotness.
>Removed enemies
>Weaker story and even made memorable side characters more generic
>Spongy enemies instead of lower resources
>No good B scenario
>No zapping system to feel like everything you do with one character matters
>Weaker story and cop out ending
>Bad camera and slow enemy AI aggressiveness even on DMD
>Bland level design. 1 and and majority of 3 didn't have this issue
>Bad lock on. Lock on is very random and no lock on switching while moving. 3 allowed lock on switching while moving.
These two games also have uncanny and ugly photorealistic face models. They don't look nice and the moments they look good are rare.
>These two games also have uncanny and ugly photorealistic face models. They don't look nice and the moments they look good are rare.
I still can't tell if these posts are bait or not. People that think this are seriously fucking blind.
You focused on the one thing hes right in
forgetting someone?
Yes, it's about as easily forgotten as AC6.
I'm correct. Photorealistic face scanned models with too much mocapping are ugly as hell. They sometimes look nice in a render but the moment they start moving in cutscenes and in game, They look ugly. They also take away at the character's established look. I didn't even believe "Redfield" was Chris until Capcom said so.
I'm the kinda guy that will shittalk the fuck out of anyone that plays action games like DMC one time on normal and thinks they got the full experience. On the other hand, I have almost no interest in doing another RE2 run past Leon A despite really enjoying it. It just seems like going for S+ or whatever is only about memorization, where as going for S ranks in DMC actually takes improvisational skills and requires more knowledge of all the enemies and such. What am I missing? Do I just prefer action? What exactly is the appeal of playing a game like RE2 a million times?
"muh claire"
>Resident Evil 2
>Devil May Cry 5
>Travis Strikes Again
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Ace Combat 7
>Onimusha and Ace Attorney getting modern rereleases
2019's been fucking great for Jap games, and we still got Shenmue 3 and Astral Chain coming later this year
Stop trying to pit games against each other, you braindead idiot.
>KH3 good
Fucking christ man children are unbearable. I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 13 enjoys that shit and they are just pretending.
Do I look like a game reviewer to you? fuck that, ill just play both and enjoy them
>stop talking about video games!!
I see it as memorization and improvisation applied in different areas with RE2 putting higher emphasis on resource management while DMC on execution.
>no argument
>complaining about manchildren
stop caring about trophies
This is hardly what vidya discussion should be. Instigating fake wars isn't any better than "ohnonono" "She killed millions" or twitter screencap threads.
i like both games, can't do anything about that OP *dabs*
>The Great Debate
I choose both.
PS go fuck yourself OP.
Thanks to AMD I got both for free. I choose both.
just play re6 fag
OP here with an important update. You are not allowed to choose both. It is written. I'm sorry but that is just the way it is.
You can't tell me what to do OP
Its my thread. Its in the rules that you all have to do what I tell you to do.
DMC5 is way more fun for me. Honestly kinda got bored with RE2 on Claire B by the time I got to the sewer.
I pick neither then