What do you play to cheer up?

Been having a bad day. What do you guys play to cheer you up?

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griefing vanilla minecraft servers

Stay mad, chaos scum. Rowboat has come back, and The Emperor will soon, too.

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How do I find good targets?

Pokemon and Zelda, I dislike most of nintendo stuff vut I'm a slave to those franchises.

planetminecraft and filter vanilla. have fun bro



Honestly I'm just getting very fucking frustrated learning how to draw because I feel like I do it because I want attention or something.

And that's true. And I hate that.

For the Emperor

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I've been having a bad day for the past 31 years. Nothing helps.

>mortarion came back
>Magnus came back
>cadia blew up
>the eye of terror expanded
>Abaddon is going to take vigilus

this but town of salem

impressing other people isn't implicitly a bad reason to learn a skill, many great artists were horrific attention whores and still contributed greatly to their craft

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Touhou, Kirby's Adventure or Katamari

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step aside girlyman, Vigilus belongs to the Black Legion, only the resurrection of Sanginius would stop me :^)

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>the resurrection of Sanginius

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I mean, hey, if vigilus falls then the Blood Angels are cut off from the rest of the imperium

I like abbie new design put the knot and the skull rack looks silly

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>he still has arms

Star Wars Episode 1: Racer always manages to pick me up a little

M&B Warband or a Total War game

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Don't hate on the knot, the knot is great.

Lately? Wargroove

>"Horus was weak!"
>wears the eye of Horus

What did he mean by this?

>the chad marine with the wing underneath him, recreating the pose when Horus killed Sanginius
absolute kino or are we going in the direction of MKX's Kombat kids?