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Best song
The entire soundtrack is a masterpiece, honestly. How they were able to fit that many songs into a tiny ass DS cartridge, I’ll never know.
>been listening to
I think it's time to delete my 100% file and replay after all. Or should i just buy the mobile version?
I just bought another copy of the game because I’m a nut like that. If you want, the mobile version is pretty decent, though keep in mind that the combat is pretty simplified in comparison to the DS original.
this is really bad music
Yeah, the combat is the one thing holding me back. On the other hand doesn't it have some new songs/remixes? Also looks a bit better i think.
I'd love a sequel, but I know they'll just fuck it up. Even square knows they'll fuck it up, that's why they just port the game they made already. I miss the days of the DS and well known devs could just shit out low budget, majestic brain children. Was a good time.
Has a ton of them. Tatakai is probably one of the best songs in the entire OST.
It's decided then, i'll get the mobile too. Not like i can't replay the DS whenever i want, if only it had another save slot. Fuck mingle desu.
What went right with TWEWY? I legitimately believe that it’s one of the best games Square has ever put out in their library.
By lowering the quality of songs. No I'm not talking about the fact the DS speakers are crap, they used lower quality versions of the songs that are also cropped shorter too. Load up TWEWY and compare Calling there and the video here.
how does the switch version compare to the DS version
has anyone ever gotten to play tin pin slammer multiplayer?
Mingle is a total pain in the ass to deal with unless you have another DS, which I actually happen to have thanks to autism as a kid and hoarding my old DS’s.
Also, Jump Over Yourself is another great tune.
Is there any reason to play the mobile version when the DS and Switch versions exist?
Art style, Music, character design, graphics and story all just seem to fit together perfectly. Helps that the gameplay is good too.
>unique aesthetics
>delicious OST with lots of different genres, including ones not usually used on RPGs
>surprisingly deep gameplay that allowed you to customize it as you saw fit
>actually took advantage of the console it was on, using it to its full potential
>for the most part a simple (for jrpg standards at least) but satisfying coming-of-age story
Basically luck, the stars just aligned right.
There's no profound reason, it just happened that the artists, sound engineers, writers etc all did a good job and the direction worked out well.
Is the mobile version worth pirating?
>Mingle is a total pain in the ass to deal with unless you have another DS
Pretty much, had to wait for those "aliens" or whatever it was. It's the sole reason i don't want to delete my file, i'll happily redo everything else but i can't go through with this again.
If you had a Wii, you could rig it doing some workaround to trick it into thinking it was a DS, I recall.
>legitimately heartfelt story with likable characters that grow and develop, to the point that even the side characters have their own development
>heavily vocalized OST that enhances the setting of the world and covers a large variety of genres
>soundtrack shuffles as you either exit out of the pause menu, go to another area sometimes, or go into a random battle
>you can change your own pause menu to anyone of your favorite tracks
>you can change the difficulty at anytime and if you suck at the game, it allows you to put your partner in auto until you git gud
>if you die in a battle, you can retry again on your current difficulty or lower it to easy
>you can lower your own health for increased item drops for an awesome risk-vs-reward factor
>you can choose when to fight at anytime with almost no random encounters outside of story related battles and later ambushes
>after you beat the game, you can access any chapter in the main story at anytime you want and unlock bonus content that fleshes the world even more. You can also change your partner whenever and can take on a whole slew of extra bosses hidden within the chapters, even the ones that kicked your ass before
>battle system that takes full advantage of the DS’ hardware in incredibly creative and fun ways
>you can mix and match your gameplay style in anyway you want, whether it’d be close corner combat, long ranged attacks, or a mixture of both.
TWEWY is unironically the Devil May Cry of handheld games
Switch port can be a hit or miss due to it using motion controls for the docked mode though I’ve seen people actually enjoy it. Handheld mode is still pretty fun and the core gameplay, music, and characters still hold up incredibly well, and the Switch port has the most content.
For some reason that pic reminded me of that fucking countdown site back then, Jesus that hurt.
I will never not be mad
I don’t blame you. So many great gems came out on the DS and it’s a shame that we probably won’t ever see those days again.
Do you think Beat would be alright if Neku ever decided to include Rhyme in his harem?
Best boy
I did the final boss on easy mode because it turns out the game requires a crazy anount of grinding for things that aren't trash encounters
Fuck that
>not changing up your equipment or pins to boost the fuck out of your stats or abusing Lightning Rook
Was it autism?
>Instead of trying something new SE is intent to just take what they have and drive it six feet under
Really says alot about Nu Square
Did they say anything after that Remix thing on Switch? Are there any plans for a sequel or whatever?
No. Looks like they were testing the waters. It probably would have sold better if it wasn’t overpriced.
Didn’t it get to number 8 on top of E-shop charts when it was released?
The opening beat of Twister will never fail to get me pumped.
I always thought they were saying “drop that shit,” whenever it played.
haha I wonder what Neku's headphones would feel like if I put them on my head after he ran all across shibuya with them on just a thought haha
Fucking dammit why did the songs have to be stuck on the shit DS soundchip and speakers
Stop posting, Joshua.
Neku is a fucking slut
and Rhyme even more so
just look at the way she clings to Beat, that bad boy
DS version still has the better combat but I had fun with the coop mode on the Switch version with a friend who was playing it for the first time.
>that seductive smile
you just know he was producing more than Noise when he and Shiki and Joshua got it on
But user, that’s forbidden love.
>implying the shopkeepers wouldn’t want a piece of that action as well
Seriously though, Neku is actually the biggest chad in the game.
Between the switch and mobile port, are there any huge differences? Looking to get either one.
Switch port has remixed and even more original music, some more updated graphics and content, and a Co-Op mode. Other than that, they’re pretty much the same.
Okay faggots, I have some quick questions for you: Beat likes meat, right?
>It’s a party in my mouth!
He also hates sweets as well aside from cola.
Cool, that's what I thought, what with Beat liking the meatier ramen and all that. Next question: can I assume that Beat likes beating stuff up, like the delinquent punk he acts as?
sauce? reverse search wasn't any help
no u
He got bummed as fuck when it looked like the Day 4 mission would be nothing but a walk to Town Records instead of a straight up brawl.
Alright, alright, things are looking good so far. Now then, last question, and it's just one to confirm some character relationships: Beat really likes Rhyme, right? You can confirm this?
Yeah, he would basically do anything for her.
>How they were able to fit that many songs into a tiny ass DS cartridge, I’ll never know.
Compression. Lots and lots and lots of compression. That and cutting the songs in half.
Play the DS game or you're not playing TWEWY. Remake is soulless.
Thank you. Unfortunately for you, you have just given me all the evidence I need to decisively proclaim the following statement in all of its truth and entirety:
Try and refute this theorem. Protip: you can't.
You zetta son of a digit.
Check and mate, you idiotic integrand.
Funnily enough, there’s actually an interview talking about this
>From the very beginning, we wanted to include a variety of musical genres that fit the mood of walking around Shibuya. Given the limitations of DS game cards, we initially hadn't even thought of using vocal tracks, but we wound up implementing CRI's Kyuseishu Sound Streamer.
>This middleware had only been used for voice compression in the past, and this was the first time anyone had used it for music. We were blown away when we heard the first vocal track coming out of the DS, and realized we'd be able to include a full digital soundtrack.
>We removed the pre-rendered movies and replaced them with Flash-style sequences, which freed up cartridge space to include over 30 songs. In the end, about 1/4th of the game ROM consists of compressed music data. This was an example of how trying something new really paid off.
The TWEWY development process has always fascinated me, honestly.
Can’t wait for Neku to blow him the fuck out and reveal him to be a fake ass nerd if the sequel ever comes out.
Anyone can memorize pi, but can anyone else spout out a sequence to the square root of three like Neku can?
Sometimes I forget that Neku can actually just do that. He really is the Anti-Sora.
Man, playing as V in DMC V makes me remember Neku.
Imagine Neku with action game-commands modifiable by his current held pins
they already fucked up the ending of the original by killing neku again
How so?
Solo Co-op > DS version > whatever else
Seriously, Solo Co-op fits the storyline better because your partner is on the same field with you instead of a different dimension. Plus it's one heck of an adrenaline rush to combo hits between each other.
I feel familiarity in how DMC V made full use of the control scheme to wield 3 different summons at once as V while being extremely free about it, just like how TWEWY did with DS's dual screen+touch and analog controls.
>R1 to lock on
>triangle to melee with panther
>mash for basic combos, hold for AoE with different inputs on analog relative to character position having different outputs
>at the same time square does the same with ranged bird
>L1 does a 3rd summon
>V, the player and summoner himself can't do shit but can only finish enemies, something his summons cannot do
Can your eyes keep up?
This is easier to digest.
TAS TWEWY is a fucking trip