What determines which character you main in fightan?
What determines which character you main in fightan?
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Just in time for a comfy fighting game thread!
In a general sense, I consider that the charateristics that attract me the most are:
> Long term tools, like projectiles that are set up and then activated
> Long range
> Not execution heavy
> A pet, even if it does nothing
I'm a trans-girl so I also prefer female characters. There are some exceptions to this, mainly when there are no characters that quite fit the bill, like in SF games. As for Yuzu, which is a really heavy execution character, I was just trying out the missions for the sake of checking out how hard they were and ended up really enjoying playing her. I was going to main either Carmine or Chaos at first.
I saw that on Sajam's stream but I don't know what it is about. I guess it's some stream deep lore.
Execution monsters only since I'm a master.
I need the biggest body, the heaviest armor, the slowest movement, the highest damage, and a command grab or three wouldn't hurt.
Sometimes I'll play rekka characters though.
rush move
big damage
frame traps
decent buttons
command throw is a bonus
good dash is a bonus
looks cool
You should play BBCF
If they look cool and aren't a charge character then I'll give them a shot
I often have difficulty choosing a character.
This video helped me a lot but i still have trouble.
What are the chances you are a skeleton IRL? Everyone I know who mains heavies are skellys
Freaky niggas
Fast characters with both long and short range utility
Also traps for keikaku bullshit
I try them all and stick with whoever I like most.
hot pecs and a nice butt
I'm no skelly but I am a manlet. I'll admit part of the fun is getting to live vicariously through a huge motherfucker.
Is Susanoo actually like that? I don't often play BB but I've always stuck to Tager when I do. On the rare occasion I switched off it was to try out Bullet.
Grapplers mostly, and then I usually learn the cutest girl in the game as a secondary, hopefully one that covers bad match ups
I had a character that completely click with me once so I just always pick the character that reminds me the most of him
Whoever the cutest girl is.
Strong punish game, big damage. The downsides don't matter.
Design at first then gameplay if it clicks
The character I click with, which is incredibly weird and arbitrary because they seem to have nothing in common with each other at all.
This guy gets it
I honestly take almost everything into consideration. How much do I want to fuck them, are they fun to play, what's their lore, are their moves cool/interesting, etc. The only things I ignore are tiers and execution.
>second biggest body only short of Tager who is pure grappler
>among the highest hp of the cast
>slowest dash start up
>big boy damage with seals unlocked
>godpress free corner carry legit mix up tool
Play Susanoo now
I pick the character that's the coolest.
Or the most rage inducing.
I bought BBTAG and had lots of fun with SP content but can't find matches online on PC. Heard lots of good stuff about UNIST - should I pull the trigger? Bbtag was my first anime fighter.
>How much do I want to fuck them
Well...don't be shy, user. Who do you main?
Get Under Night
I usually just random if I've never played the franchise before.
My mains are just...the same mains I've been playing for 25 years.
I pick the cutest one.
unist is fun but you'll have to stick with locals, the nightly Yea Forums threads, or discord if you want to get regular matches.
netcode is kind of trash too, though you should still get it
Not my favorite cat but she's fun
The size of the tiddies proportionate to how easy they are to play.
That video doesn’t really say much. Basically pick the character you like. I don’t see how it could help anyone
Cute feet.
SF: Chun-li
Xrd: May while waiting for Bridget (But I don't think May is really sexy and I don't want to fuck Bridget, I just like /ss/)
BB: Izanami
AH3: Saki
DOA: Kasumi
SC: Sophitia while waiting for the Cassandra DLC
I got it at 20% sale.
I go through a list of things I don't want to deal with in the end, but my positives and negatives
+ reversals because I can't block
+ long ass normals because I can't footsie
+ weird air movements because I don't know how to safe jump in
+ command grab because 50/50 gamble and leave the responsibility to my opponent
+ counter move/supers, again responsibility on my opponent
- charge because I can't defend crossups
- iaido stance characters. (Yuzuriha is top tier waifu, but I can't stand playing her)
- super fast pixie speedsters with zero health because I can't combo
- non-replenishing resources, because I throw them away
- puppet fighters, because I can't negative edge.
I'm fucking awful.
Really tempted to buy for Yuzu and Merkava, but I just know I won't have the will to commit to fightan.
> Commit
Guys above were telling that MP is either shit or dead. If you can squeeze around 20 enjoyable hours from its SP it may be worth it.
>Short range
>High damage, good abare
>Straightforward toolkit, easy to learn, hard to master
>Preferably no projectiles
>Frame traps
>Dash, no run
>Looks dandy
>Good at punishing
>Stances are welcome
e.g.: Dudley, Slayer, Talbain, Assrail, Gato, Shen Woo, Miguel, Zasalamel, Brad Wong etc.
Yeah I heard this version added quite a bit on the single player side. Might be worth if I can at least get someone else to play. We'll see.
I like rushdown characters
We have nightly lobbies Sunday-Thursday for Unist actually. I recently started opening up a beginner-intermediate level player lobby.
If you do pick it up, feel free to join.
Would only be able to make it twice a week due to wageslaving, but if the beginner lobbies continue to be longstanding that might be ideal.
It's either a grappler or the hottest, cutest, tomboy they have. If I don't like their available grapplers then the tomboys. As such, I main Makoto in SF3S over Hugo.
I'm the guy who bought it. It feels tight as fuck but call me a cheapskate - decided to refund it and buy it on better sale. Eh.
Still, it plays much better than BBTAG. But I guess I'll get all of the value from BBTAG first. Plan is to buy it on next sale. Investing in two anime fightans in the same month is a bad idea.
Waiting until EVO, personally. Small chance there might be a slightly bigger discount.
There was a good sale last year. Sounds like a good idea.
good mobility and high damage
no resource management aside from the base mechanics of the game
not charge or negative edge
not female
If said players continue to show then I'll try to be consistent with it.
I have a snowflake complex so I try to balance my choice between someone who is used the least but not total garbage.
Flow and rhythm. Anyone that falls in line with my natural rhythm is good for me (Leo from Tekken, Mitsurugi, Sakura from SF, Yamcha)
Ooh, you guys are right.
>Do they have a divekick
is how I usually start off
walk speed
good normals
who should I play in UNIST?
They look the coolest.
Awesome. Beats begging for games on discord.
I wouldn't describe Hakumen as a ninja, that's Bang.
Usually I play through the roster until I find whoever clicks with me on just fundamentals.
I play boxers almost every time they are available. I just like getting in people's faces and fucking them up with just my fists.
Ironically I think the classic boxer Balrog/Bison is the worst boxing character.
Every fighter, I've liked their boxer over Balrog.