Why was her game so successful?

Attached: 1524836550415.jpg (1200x947, 137K)

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>sequel's games bartender is a gigantic titty monster



But it wasn't.

>But it wasn't.

Nigga, it's even getting a physical release in Japan and a PS4/Switch port.

why is every girl in this game such a whore

But it wasn't.

>game with cute mc and simple as fuck gameplay sells a lot
damn, really hard to figure this one out

>>But it wasn't.

Nigga, it's even getting a physical release in Japan and a PS4/Switch port.

Its realistic

It already came out in the states too user

It got a physical release, was ported to multiple platforms, is getting a sequel, and she even managed to get her own plushy. If that isn't successful then I don't know what is.

Just what is vaporware?

Vaporware is when (usually) software is indefinitely kept on hold from release or any news until it falls out of mind/discussion/no information dwindles out at all.

But it wasn't.

It got a physical release, was ported to multiple platforms, is getting a sequel, and she even managed to get her own plushy. If that isn't successful then I don't know what is.

good music
cute girls
release at the peak of all the a e s t h e t i c stuff

Attached: tgs booth.jpg (1920x1278, 224K)


Can you still get one?

I believe they were a limited run, so getting one may prove to be difficult.


>that change to 90's anime style
its like they know what i like.

japs, just japs

I don't normally use buzzwords, but its the definition of comfy

Thanks anons