Why don’t you have a VIDEO GAMES
I'm a NEET
fuck off rin
I haven't spoken to a woman that wasn't a doctor or my mother in close to 8 years. I'm also trying to fight back against wanting to be the girl.
I love Reisen!
Got emotionally crushed by a girl I slept with in first year university and I haven't recovered since
Unironically 4 different prostitutes have asked me that question.
i try to draw
Too busy playing shitty games.
>tfw a girl likes you
Still live at home with my parents. Don't want them involved in my love life.
You'll be a thing next year.
Because I'm mentally ill
I like it. She cute.
I'm gay and have a boyfriend
Story? I doubt a prostitute would be lying if she's saying you can get sex for free.
I don't want to.
Because I blog about myself on Yea Forums
because i have a crippling fear of social rejection in any form. because of this, I am able to hold conversations with women, but any time i even begin to even THINK about confessing to or trying to move forward with a woman i get incredibly anxious
Because you scare the other girls away from me.
it would make my daughterfu jealous
Good on you user.
Keep working at it.
There is no story to it, hookers often like to ask me if I have a gf and when I say no, they ask why. One girl even told me to go to a club later so I can get some chicks. No idea why they do this.
>Why do you ask? Is that an offer?
I'm too scared to visit a prostitute. I'm afraid I'd get a panic attack.
I'm gay and I want a boyfriend.
Why do you care?
me am big gay
I'm a fat nerd
>still with parents
Take a guess.
I'm sorry
I can't find a girl that I like, the ones that seem to fit always already have boyfriends and the rest are either just sluts or just plain unfitting
dangerously close to being broke
still live with parents, but money I saved from a job I had a year and a half ago is almost completely gone
gonna apply to some places this week though
because I traded her for a shiny charizard XD
Rin is definitely offering, but only for the right price.
You're illiterate?
I just want a partner, period. I'm not even gay but I'm tired of being alone.
Either get rid of you or, more likley, if you're handsome enough, not hot but handsome, girls like to help you if they see that you can't do it by yourself.