Will he ever be nerfed?

will he ever be nerfed?

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bro did you even watch the finale? he got nerfed pretty hard

The finals was on patch 4.6 not the newest one.

what were the patch notes?

Yeah brooo let's imagine its an mmo wouldn't be funny if it were tru? 1 like = 1 prayer also NERF Double D >=((((


We don't need Johnny nerfs we need jimmy buffs to balance it out

>Still this mad about not getting a beta pass

>jimmy can't bake outside
why even live as a jimmy main

They need to fix the jawbreakers exploit

>He doesnt know

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There's an actual game faggot

What game is this?

Jawbreaker dupe exploit completley ruins raids
So many brainlets still don't know the mechanics, running around with duped jawbreaker trinkets they got from their stupid friends

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Friendly reminder that Eddy mains are nothing but a bunch of dorks.

The state of this board truly is sad when people feel the need to discuss videogames so much that they fake games just for this purpose. When did we fall so low?

>finale literally ends with the mentally ill black kid getting lynched

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>he doesn’t know

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Someone just dropped this weird item in the middle of the server, then disconnected. Now everyone else is in a panic. What's happening?

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Oh no...

Why is everyone too busy grinding to try out my scam? I miss when players used to interact with each other.

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>thought he had a green afro for a second
cursed image

It was a different time

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