Exit game

>Exit game
>Game.exe has stopped working

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none of those deserve to live

Tie them up in a sack and toss them in a freezing river

Attached: 1506908443434.jpg (662x625, 49K)

>nigger dogs

You guys are being so fucking irrational, reading the news and thinking it speaks the truth about us. Pit bulls are statistically less aggressive than chihuahuas

racists see pitbulls; I see an emotional support animal, a police dog, a rocket engineer's dog...

a dog that police will inevitably kill

cute kittens

but i liek kenshi uguuu~

Yes but also six times bigger

>you will never be a puppy, huddling close to your siblings

Attached: 1541951081896.gif (500x281, 1.78M)

Attached: 1446833837861.jpg (750x808, 174K)

>exit game
>game process still running in task manager
>does not respond to "end process"

Attached: 1540692420753.png (521x828, 507K)

Of course the ironic weeb wants to be a niggerdog. Scum meets scum.

Yeah but a chihuahua isn't going to bite your fucking throat out.

>Pit bull
>Police dog
lolno. This is a breed that nigger's use for dog fighting.

Did you know pit bulls have historically been used as nanny dogs?

>exit game
>"Thank you for playing Wing Commander!"

These memes just scream "cat owner"

You are retarded

konosuba is a shit series

at least cats don't attack toddlers

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Attached: epdbyefp0si11.png (640x671, 509K)

no, they scream "person who knows shitbulls are a cancer upon this earth"


Rate my dog \veee\

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I would cherish every one of them

>and thinking it speaks the truth about us
user? are you a pitbull?

Who here /utilitarian/
>own a dog if you want to hunt with it, you're blind etc.
>own a cat if you have a vermin problem
>don't own any animals that don't actually benefit you in anyway beside hurr dey cute

Wrong. I have a doggo.

>ywn be a pet catboy

normalfags said the same thing about german shepards years ago.

[image of harry potter played by sylvester stallone accompanied by a greentext recounting a story about strangling a pitbull]

get the fuck off my board you fucking nigger dog

Attached: a04d2f7b5fb56b8fcb2e5381c2b62b7d65930622318541bde4f0f09aaa661c46.jpg (612x612, 113K)

>nigger dog
>nothing but red necks own them


Is companionship not a good utility for some people? Some people will go nuts/become worse if they're alone for too long.

so many faggots triggered by a picture they decide to derail a thread

why is everything such an ordeal in america

all dogs are shit cats will always be superior at least they don't attack kids

Yes, very clever.
Why don't you deranged psychos post animal hate threads in /an/?
At least then they would be on-topic.

A little kid just walked into my house yesterday and my pit licked his face. That kid had to be retarded though he just started crying and ran into my backyard until his parents came and got him.

They do, just like any other predator. They shouldn't be kept as pets though.

I like dogs and all but that is one ugly ass dog

>hasn't had the shit clawed out of him by his cat
I own a cat and even I can tell you they can be pieces of shit
>inb4 its how you trained em

The dog owners were in the wrong, assholes

there are no bad dogs, there are only black people

No Sharia law to keep things in line.


>media exaggerates the truth by specifically highlighting the rare cases and blasting them in everyone's face
>people on here actually unironically believe the media now
Thanks /pol/ for bringing in the sheep masses.

You're still alone with your dog/cat though
Get a penpal

It's just /pol/ knowing they can get away with their niggerdog thread because moderation on Yea Forums doesn't exist and the discord can't be taken down.

it's amazing how through years of breeding you can make dogs look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome naturally

>american """""""people"""""""

>open game

Attached: 1536255275179.jpg (750x500, 29K)

Widespread lack of education and the "Muh Rights" mentality

cute dog

>game has a main character that the developers want you to like but everyone hates him

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Cats are for faggots and women

Loooong / 10

>blasting them in everyone's face
Those with faces left after pitbull attacks.

dindu ruffins

based pitbull owners

>walking around town
>Neighbor’s pitbull comes flying out of their yard to attack me

>the chad pitbull owner
>the virgin pitbull victim

that's an english terrier.

They used to be a very handsome breed, but breeders turned them into ugly mongrels through inbreeding.

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You need to get out more. Why don't you go pet a pitbull while you're out?

Most people don't deserve to live (especially fat Americans that are a plague).


Why the fuck do people own ugly as hell dog breeds like these?

>game freezes
>end process
>game unfreezes and then closes
these posts have nothing to do with the thread topic please delete and ban them

Seething niggerbull owner

Every Yea Forums thread with an off topic pictures is derailed the OP knows what he’s doing

How do you even reply to this much people, i always get the spam prompt.

Attached: 1503114725670.gif (254x196, 1.8M)

Good idea. Maybe i'll get one to maul you and this off-topic shit will stop.

Correct. All dogs must perish.

Backseat janny kek

This post is extremely low quality.

>m-muh boogeyman!
Nice argument

>using that word

literally shit yourself to death



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The pitbull species should be exterminated from the planet. Every last pitbull should be rounded up and slaughtered. Start with those eight vermin. Put them in a sack with some bricks and dump them in a deep river.

That's probably what the letters between the posts are, to pretend he's actually responding to them and bypass the filter.


Dog owners experience the dog equivalent of toxoplasmosis because they're animal fuckers and they don't think their dogs are ugly.

I've seen posts with more replies to other posts than that without the lettering in it. Usually on Yea Forums.


>emasculates the opposition because his feefees were hurt
Nice projection

>destroys wh*toid children

That's cats.

>he didn't listen

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The utility of a pet is that there’s someone happy to see me when I come home from a long day

based and deathpilled

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Best dog breed coming through.
Yeah, they aren't the absolute smartest, but they are pretty smart. I like them because they are have more personality than any other breed I've had.

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>A memorial for people killed specifically by dogs
Fuck em. They can go to a graveyard instead of pulling dumb fucking publicity stunts like this

>upgrades reduces your life expectancy

Attached: 1531514852966.jpg (494x494, 47K)

>being a joyless faggot

>Calls it how it is
>"Lol ur just butthurt!"

Attached: This is you.jpg (886x511, 35K)

Your mother is a shit series

>if you don't like [think I like] then you don't like anything at all and never feel happy
I love this meme

It's a psychological thing. Many anons have been blacked and niggers tend to prefer getting pitbulls because negroes have tiny brains and buy into the notoriety of them, so they associate pitbulls with blacks.

>Exits fine
>Windows asks if it closed okay

Attached: d6ikj.jpg (620x464, 22K)

Is that what you call being disobedient and overly vocal?

>actually is on topic
>durr low quality

this bait gets the Dogfags every time.

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doggit tourists wont remember caturdays


Attached: super smashed slammed bullies ultimate.jpg (3534x2406, 1.18M)

They have freakish eyes.

>Biggest nigga
>Looks healthy unlike rumple,moose and snarf
>Can easily camouflage into his surrounding making him appear almost invisible
>is best friends with crimeboss

They're only disobedient if you don't know how to train and raise them.

>replying to almost an entire thread via a massive wall of numbers
>not low quality
Also, being on-topic does not mean a post is high quality.

So everyone who owns a husky then?

i want a dog

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I'll take One Eye Larry from the top right.

Go back

Attached: reddit doggos.png (1424x1728, 854K)

Proving his point

>calls his cat "nigger"

>On topic

This desu

That's a jackal, not a dog.

Huskies will absolutely kill the shit out of anything smaller than it, which makes me love them more. The weak should fear the strong.

Plus grabbing them by their fluffy scruff as I pump them full of cum is a bonus.

Why do you know so much about reddit?

99% of people shouldn't have that dog. Unless you have a spouse that stays at home and can actively engage with it throughout the day, you should not own a fucking husky



>posts reddit screencap
>tells someone else to go back
that's gonna be a cringe from me dawg

>no reply other than this cuck's

wish I had been there, I would've been taunting those dogs so hard then shot them dead with a .45 Long Colt hollow point when they innevitably got loose from their fat retarded owners to attack me

Nah, I think we'll just ban you instead. Buh bye nigger :)
Tiananmen Square

Attached: literal children.png (380x513, 20K)

I want to get one bros

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But that isn't what just happened. Are you slow?

I was attacked by a cat as a kid user. It scared my face

I’ve seen some good husks but I’ve also seen people who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing just breed misbehaved huskies.

They’re real friendly but super hyperactive

>Another pitbull/nigger hate thread
>100+ (You)'s and growing
Holy fuck. It doesn't get better than this. Never change, Yea Forums.

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>he doesn't own a dog

And you call yourself a man?

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Toddler eaters in the making. It's like watching a box full of baby piranhas.

What the fuck does a nigger have to do with a pitbull?

We invented doggos and the whole doggo speech. Reddit just stole it from us, as per usual.

This really, it’s like people who get border collies and don’t realize they need a minimum walks 5x a week plus a couple days of extended exercise

countless videos of cats playing fetch though

You can't OWN a living creature, man.

dogs are great, nigger dogs are not.

>pitbull hate thread zooms past 100 and approaching 150
>Yea Forums briefly unites to collectively shitpost together
I love it

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They're violent savages, literally bred for fighting

It's one of the breeds that suffers due to it's popularity. The breed is very headstrong, fairly smart, extremely vocal, and has an extremely high prey drive, and grows very strong bonds to individuals more than groups. It's a pretty advanced breed to train but it keeps getting adopted by families where it keeps getting shoved off to the next person so it just ends up not listening to anyone or singles who don't have the time or the knowledge to train them right