Game is only on Epic Store

>Game is only on Epic Store
>I don't want to use Epic Store
>I can't play the game

>Game is only on Steam
>I don't want to use Steam
>I can't play the game

I genuinely don't see the practical difference between the two

Attached: rkht.png (361x164, 26K)

Valve's neglect of Steam and indifference to the PC market is the death knell of PC. A middle-man taking a huge cut, flooding their store with low-quality crap and refusing to support by spending any money or providing any marketing support whatsoever saying it's "not their responsibility" is what will kill the PC games industry

And that's the reason people are taking Epic exclusivity. Epic will guarantee revenue and marketing support when Valve will do fuck all and watch your livelihood sink and die. Fuck, look at how quickly they abandoned Artifact to show Valve's callous indifference - they simply don't care as long as Steam prints money.

Attached: steam drones are retards.png (1914x4402, 263K)

>Metro exodus is on Epic Store
>I don't want to use Epic Store
>Pirate the game instead
OP confirmed a faggot

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>No new IP
Shoo shill, go away.

Epic Store is owned by the Chinese

Taimanin Square Massacre

As for the TODO section - That's just the way to programmatically obtain the same info you find in the properties window when right clicking a file in windows


When are mods going to start treating this flamewar bait spam as flamewar bait spam and start deleting it.

start reporting the epic shill posts and threads more often

Based and Tanya pilled.

Attached: Tanya.jpg (728x409, 27K)

Mods only enforce rules if the content offends them or if it goes against their leftist narrative

Simple, meanwhile gaming companies are free to publish their games even outside of Steam, but games on Epic store are not allowed to publish outside of epic.

And bonus: Steam lets you sell steam-keys outside of their market if a publisher wants to, giving birth to multiple market websites with differentiating prices. Epic doesn't. Epic only allows you to sell on Epic Store, only to be played through Epic Store.

If you want to play a game that is either Steam or Epic exclusive, you can always pirate.

You are all posting in the autistic Epic shill's general.

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>Game is only on Epic Store
>I don't want to use Epic Store
>Pirate the game

>Game is only on Steam
>I don't want to use Steam
>Pirate the game

Attached: 1516368250174.png (873x623, 133K)

>games on Epic store are not allowed to publish outside of epic.
False. Majority of games on the Epic store can be found on other platforms.

Dear Epic Store:
Give me DRM-free, no internet connection required, installers a la GOG for new games and I'll abandon Steam without looking back.
I'm even willing to forfeit Steam's regional pricing.

Epic is owned by Chinese and Valve is owned by American white. Don't you see the problem?

This man gets it. Valve drones take lessons, this shit has been in the works well before Epic even made a launcher.

>It's okay that epic store tracks since there are many other programs that tracks your location.
Plus Epic Store snoops on Steam data as well.

Yet they pay for forced exclusivity that is nothing but anti-competitive, not even letting sell keys on other sites for their exclusives.

>give me what gog already gives so i leave the shop that i already dont need and use yours because being a contrarian is what the cool bois on 4chin do
Fucking retard

GOG has no new games. That's why I'm asking.

40% equity != ownership

Americans having your information is far more destructive than the chinese having it


Attached: EpicSpyWareChang.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

Based, GOG btfo

40% is pretty much ownership.

So what? An exclusive is an exclusive. Plus, third-party keys are given only in good faith and not to be used for undercutting Steam.

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>Americans having your information is far more destructive than the chinese having it
Since I'm already American I already know that that's not true.
Especially since I live in Massachusetts, where consumer protection laws are actually useful.

I firmly believe Epic paying for exclusives, causing people to click one client rather than a different one, is better for everyone than watching developers die because Valve refuses to fix Steam.

The reality is these clients have been much of a muchness for years without much
Innovation. They little more than a thin client over an AWS server. That's why every big publisher has one and they're all basically fine. It's not 2009 anymore

Literally the only USP Valve has is its audience and Valve says it's not their responsibility to support developers by marketing to them. It's crazy.

Just pirate it you nerd.

I didn't have a problem with epic game store till they started paying for exclusivity contracts

Okay, what are the Chinese going to do with your information?

>I can't play the game

Steam literally has a marketing deal with Google so they are the default homepage so Google can track you every time you use the overlay


Attached: GreatBait.png (749x613, 59K)

Sell and distribute it, which will likely (and already has) lead to issues with identity theft.
Considering the number of times I've had people try to access my Epic account, I can already tell that their security measures are shit, so I won't have any payment processors associated with that account.
I literally only made it for UT, and I'll literally only use it for free games.
Epic isn't getting a cent out of me, and the devs who release their games only on Epic will be guaranteed-pirate devs.

You can buy all current relases on gog + good old games not on other plataforms, so yeah fuck off with your bullshit, there is not a single reason to get into epic store thats why they are just buying devs and making exclusives, its fucking disgusting. If you really wanted no drm games you could get off steam already you little piece of shit liar.

I understand hardware exclusivity but not software (exlcuding of course operating systems.) As for the keys: They're constantly used for undercutting steam prices but to small effect, of course a company would get annoyed if they're left with the management of the files and hosting without receiving enough cut from the product, as your image said, few thousand sales and 500k activations.

Never stated that steam wasn't also without its faults, also you can just use -no-browser on launch options.

American companies already do this. Also, I've never had anyone access my Epic account. Just because you're using pwned usernames and passwords doesn't mean Epic has no security.

Yeah, their security is a bit shit. You're an idiot if you don't use Paypal everywhere - it's Paypsl's core business do they will have invested on putting security in place whereas Epic/Sony/Microsoft blah blah etc don't give as much of a shit

Maybe you don't want leaks all over? Maybe you want to minimize the amount of information leaks?

I have never had a single American company illegally sell my data to third parties because it's illegal in the state of Massachusetts and violating state law will prevent them from being able to operate in the state.

Even if it's through Paypal I won't be providing any payment information to Epic.
Trying to butt in and steal marketshare while offering the consumer nothing is the worst way they could have gone about this, and frankly they need to fuck off back to consoles where they belong.

Steam has no direct link to the Chinese government.

China is the enemy of the world.

Do we actually know for sure who owns Valve?

Valve "Fixing Steam" is not what's going to happen
Epic will keep doing its thing until Valve will have enough/it'll actually start cutting into their profit, and then it'll end up with client exclusivity clauses
At that point, the only option is to pirate

What games are exclusive to the Epic store that are worth playing? I'll wait.

Or, alternatively, Epic store falls apart under the weight of expensive exclusivity contracts that don't turn any profits and potentially lawsuits from valve and the EU, resulting in steam winning without having to improve at all.

What games are exclusive to Steam that are worth playing? I'll wait.

The only issue I have with GoG (and it is mostly with the devs themselves) is that we get shafted with updates and DLC, sometimes get them late, sometimes not at all

According to the financials, Valve is owned by the employees, or at least just Gaben. Whether or not Gaben is some crypto-bugman or 4 chinks in a fat suit is still up for debate, but for legal intents and purposes, Valve is not directly owned by the chinks.

>You can buy all current relases on gog
Oh really? Let's check the games I've bought during the past three years:

>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>Not Found

>Ace Combat 7
>Not found

>Not found

>Vermintide 2
>Not found

>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Not found

>Not found

>Not found (not even the original first person shooter

>Not Found

>Nier Automata
>Not found

>Dark Souls 1
>Not found

>Dark Souls 2
>Not found

>Dark Souls 3
>Not found

>The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3 BFG Edition found, Doom 2016 not found

>Mary Skelter: Nightmares
>Not fo- wait, Found!

>Catherine Classic
>Not found

>Not found

>Dragon's Dogma
>Found! And it's cheaper than the Steam version

>Killing Floor 2
>Not found

>Devil May Cry HD collection
>Not found.

Only two games found. Now you're going to counter with
>"Get better taste in games"
In what kind of fucked up world you should change your taste in games to suit a store? Do you have The Witcher's dick that deep inside your ass?

>"You're just a console nigger disguised as a PC gamer"
My answer is, so what? Those are the products I want and the ones that I spent my money on. If GOG can't fulfill my demand, I have no reason to use their store.

Fortnite prints money. Epic can afford to throw a hundred million dollars st this right now even if it fails

This. It's about the games. GoG doesn't have the games.

Epic is also a corporation, obligated by it's shareholders and investors to make money, not lose it. If the storefront is a liability showing no signs of improvement you can bet investors will be screaming to cut it or they walk.

The whole point of using the Epic store over any other is for the exclusives, are you retarded? That's literally what the discussion is about. No one uses Steam for exclusives.

I wouldn't use Steam if games weren't exclusive to it. I'm not a fanboy, I go where the games are

>couldn't name a single Steam exclusive worth playing
It's okay, I knew you couldn't lmao

It's not even worth buying old games from GOG (or any other store, especially Steam given how it ties those old games to DRM) because said game's developers are long gone, the money going to the current intellectual property's holder. If you buy Fallout and Fallout 2, that money neither goes to the original Black Isle Studios or Interplay teams or is used to fund more isometric post-apocalyptic RPGs like them: they go straight to the pockets of the nice fellows who greenlited Fallout 76.

On the other hand you can argue that you aren't paying GOG for the games, but for the work of porting old games to modern systems. And PDFs of the original manuals.

Google is looking into selling games, Epic Store is not going away

Hope you like handing all your personal info to the Chinese government in exchange for the privilege of buying... I literally can't even think of an epic exclusive worth playing at all, nevermind using epic's malware for.

What does Google have to do with epic at all?
Also, Google sells games already.

I've never given my personal info to the Chinese government or Epic, but I don't see what this has got to do with his very good point.

gog has a purpose
steam has a purpose
epic doesn't

Nobody on Yea Forums plays Blizzshit.

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I made an Epic Store account years ago to play the Unreal Tournament 4 Beta. I wonder if I'm already on the Chinese government's "enemies of the cultural revolution" database.

No one complains about because Blizzard only makes their own games exclusive. In the same way no one would complain if a new Unreal Tournament were exclusive to the Epic Store.

>not true scotsman defending the Steam monopoly
Imagine the mental illness

Sorry shiteaters, you're alone on this.

I still occasionally play Diablo 2

Epic is dependent on legacy Windows application support.
Valve and Google aren't. isn't required for that and is exempt.

*supports Linux in your path*

Attached: epic linux.png (1061x783, 130K)