Ratchet & clank is political

>ratchet & clank is political
>sonic is political
>mario is political
>the division 2 isn't political enough
He's fucking losing it

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I noticed this too.

At first I was hoping his message was that games are too political, but he ended up articulating quite the opposite.

Imagine being angry that video games don't make you angry enough.

>tfw totalbiscuit died instead of fat fuck sterling
This timeline sucks

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>He's fucking losing it
He's hasn't has any semblance of grip ever since he met that hamplanet he married.

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>He's losing all his subscribers after shilling for Epic store
Hope the Tencent bribes were worth it

>video game doesn't state an overt opinion about politics
>game expresses conservative politics

Why doesn't Jimbo just come out and say that he wants to consume left-wing propaganda because he's a partisan drone?

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This fatso belong to a gas chamber tbqh.

Send him straight to the soap factory.

This guy is slowly loosing his mind. Cant even watch his stuff anymore.

We're obviously in the wrong parallel universe. Apparently there's no refund policy. Sad!

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Mario, and by extension NIntendo as a whole, is the main obstacle in the unstoppable march towards progressivism.

Nintendo, being a conservative Japanese company, has refused to change with the times. The concept of 'saving the Princess' being an acceptable storyline was disgusting and outdated even back in 1985. Today, over thirty years later, it has become despicable.

Why is it that Mario and Zelda get endless amounts of sequels and spin offs while Metroid, Nintendo's ONLY franchise with a female protagonist, gets shafted? It is because that Nintendo is made up of sexist dinosaurs that refuse to admit that games should be more than simply fun.

When I think of great titles in gaming, I don't think of Mario and Zelda. I think of Ellie, and everything she went through in the Last of Us. I think of Aloy, and the how our current world evolved into the one from Horizon Zero Dawn. I think of Kratos, and how he went from a simplistic monster who killed everything in sight to a father.

Mario will never grow to be like that. Nintendo simply isn't good enough.

is division 2 political?
I've held back from playing it because I've been burnt by division, so I'm gonna be extra cautious about ubisoft releases for the next half decade
Also is it a good game?

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Ratchet & Clank does parody some stuff but it isn't as a message or belief and more as background setting for the game world, also thanks for thinking it's important enough to include in your list of examples

Oh its this idiot who keeps posting this wrong shit. Even if you are correct, its identity politics people are sick of, they say nothing other then "You wrong, they right".

>claim to be an extremist pro-consumer advocate
>shit on steam for "opening the gates" and giving the consumer and developers more freedom
>shill the epic games store despite their anti-consumer exclusivity deals and regional pricing issues
He allows his personal politics to seep in and turn him into a complete hypocrite, I don't understand how anyone can take him seriously.

>Modern Warfare 2 is an Alex Jones conspiracy but true as a video game plot

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Call Of Duty is filled with anti-war messages.

This image demonstrates a child's understanding of these franchises.

Halo wars is political.

Metroid gets new games all the fucking time.
If you wanted to complain it would make far more sense to complain about other m.

Did you even watch the fucking video

>He's fucking losing it
Losing what? Weight? About time.

That's not what he was saying.
He's saying The Division 2 is clearly exploiting the current political landscape while pretending not to. This is typical Ubisoft controversy bait, they do it with Far Cry as well.

Jim feels like a shitty bargain bin version of TB.

hes so fat and disgusting
I hate him

People will be making Donald Trump jokes for decades. You'll just have to get used to it. People are still shitting on Nixon.

He's a communist

*cums on own face*
mmm yes, fuck steam mmmmm

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This guy is as retarded as he is fat.

He'll be back to doing Donald Trump things after he's done his 8 years.

All those games were released in a dfferent time where politics didn't matter in every piece of media.
Bfv wasnt
Just take one look at the old medal of honor and call of duty finest hour

Maybe they want to tone down the political undertones from the first game, but still continue an established IP with brand recognition? If anything they're trying to avoid controversy.

He's not though, he's just a hypocrite.
He whines about capitalism in between greedy handfuls of junk food, collectable memorabilia from the 1980s and video games from the publishers he publicly denounces.

once he started shilling for Epic Store over Steam, I jumped ship. he's lost his mind

The older Ratchet games did saterize quite heavily consumerism and politics. Heck Deadlocked was not subtle at all about shitting on Fox News.

Nigga he's said multiple times.

>jim is a faggot and a cuckold
also water is wet

Water is not wet

Honestly, video games are just the worst... The people who play them, the people who make them, the people who talk about them. It's literally painful to deal with any of them. At best they're just annoying idiots, but more often than not it seems like the most vocal among them are literally lunatics.

I think I just need to take a break from online discussion or news of any kind. Focus on shit that makes me happy instead of shit that makes me feel retarded.

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No, no. We won't be in the best timeline until they're both gone.

>NIntendo as a whole, is the main obstacle in the unstoppable march towards progressiv-

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he's always been fucking insane, he's just shed a lot of his pretenses to reasonableness in the past few years. it was literally always just pretense, too, he's always been chummy with SJW journos and a literal communist.

>ratchet & clank is political

This is some good pasta sonybro

>people think ac is about exposing religion

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There is nothing inherently progressive about cross-dressing. In fact, you seem to be implying that wearing "women's clothing" (not a real thing, by the way, only exists because of people that still believe in traditional gender roles and such) makes one feminine, a very regressive idea.


>makes one feminine, a very regressive idea.
believing that is inherently political

>the division 2 isn't political enough
His problem isn't that the game isn't political enough it's that the creators refuse to acknowledge that it is political

>your attempt at exploring politics through the writing for your game would be embarrassing for a 16 year old to write and you're fucking in your 30s holy fucking shit
I feel like this is honestly the worst of it.

The people who write AC don't know what it is about. They think they're writing some kind of anti-fascism narrative, but their villains are actually corporatist neo-liberal authoritarians.

He's always been a raging autist though. Watch how bizarre his rants get when he just aggressively airquotes the same three phrases over and over again while thinking he's saying anything remotely thought-provoking when he's really just preaching to the choir.

Look at what’s he married to can you fucking blame him

>im a retard who can't understand the most basic of points
good on you, OP!

No one's talking Nixon, no one's even talking about Dubya and no one will be talking about Trump in a couple of terms

yes and he's losing it

Spyro is political

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The difference is that Nixon jokes aren't usually motivated by political grandstanding. Half of the jokes about our current POTUS just boil down to "fuck trump, amirite?"

I did. OP didn't say anything incorrect

music has the same problem, too. some mediums just aren't ideal for discussing political issues without either becoming the equivalent of an "I AM SILLY" webcomic or relying on vague platitudes that say nothing at all.

Why the fuck would you even take that photo let alone upload it on Twitter?

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A lefty thinking all is political, shocking

So it's Jimbo's fault that he got suckered into their marketing like when people were upset how Far Cry 5 wasn't a murder white people simulator.

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It's a appeal problem, not a political one. SJWs are screwballs in appealing.


Based shit-streeter telling how Jimbo has gone mad: youtube.com/watch?v=uCWiPnmYBNU&t=0s

His examples are reaching badly. Being in a politically arranged marriage is not the same as being fucking kidnapped and then forced to wed against both your will and your kingdom's will.

>capital city
>go kill bad guy
Wow this says so much about Trump's America and our current political climate

Division 1 and 2 are full of politics though
>The government has sleeper agents all over the country designed to keep order but can't control them when they go rogue like Aaron Keener did
>JTF/CERA is basically FEMA being incompetent during a crisis situation
>Rioters/Hyenas are lower class criminals who took advantage of the collapse of the Government
>Cleaners in 1 were working class men who decided to take up arms themselves to wipe out the virus when Joe Ferro lost his wife
>Last Man Battalion was a PMC group hired by the 1% to protect assets left behind by the 1%ers who fled, LMB became looters themselves when they realized they had power against everyone else
>Outcasts are people who hated being forced into quarantine during the outbreak and want revenge
>First Sons are ex JTF men who became fascist warlords trying to rule over the survivors in DC
I'm sorry it doesn't have a giant neon sign saying "FUCK DONALD TRUMP AND EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR HIM" for your fatass Jim

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same shit really, both of them are mentally ill retards that see everything from one point of view...
too bad that they are considered godlike just cuz they aint as retarded as IGN or any other no name jorno hired by a big company

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Everything has political implications
Not everything has political intent.

Rightshitters seems to have a problem understanding the first statement.
Leftards have an issue differentiating it from the second.

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Can someone please explain why autistic/aspergers people are mocked for being obsessive about limited interests, yet normies seek to shoehorn politics into LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING DISCUSSION possible?
>your car is liberal!
>your shoes are alt-right!
>your video game is conservative!
>your food is communist!
I swear to fucking god

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>>sonic is political

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The difference is the "political" side of the above three examples are done simply to drive an envisioned story. The writer's own beliefs hardly play a part of the narrative, nor are they trying to earn brownie points by virtue signalling. They are political purely because of the topics at hand, and not what is happening outside of the game itself.

The bottom example is a woman being injected into a scenario she does not belong because REAL WORLD politics decree gaming must be as inclusive as possible. Even when the developers claim they're going to be "telling the true stories of WWII" and then proceed to lie by erasing a Norwegian special forces squad from history and replacing them with a female soldier and her mother, as well as painting the French as racists by stating that they ignored the existence of the Senegalese Tirailleurs which is factually false.

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i think they are just autistic bout politics user, normal people simply don't give two fucks

Jimmy boy says it is because guns, therefore gun control debate. Srs

People are still shitting on Bill Clinton and Obama. Goes both ways.

>everything has political implications
exaggeration, whats the political implication of tetris? or pong?

sauce? would be pretty funny if true

I do not give a shit what a fat sack of shit says, I want to know YOUR fucking opinion, someone that played the game at the very least
The only reason I'm in this thread right now is to have the one thing Yea Forums simply can't stop giving other people, their fucking opinion, and I'm met with something I couldn't give two shits about, some flamboyant retard with the humor of a 10 year old that is probably bad at videogames, of all things he could be and probably is bad at.

>Everything has political implications
No, it really doesn't. This is the deranged position of a loon detached from reality.

I have 30+ hours in Div2, it's not political in the slightest because it has no room to be. It's about people fucking surviving in an apocalyptic city state while three deranged gangs try and kill you all.

>Everything has political implications

Everything CAN have political INTERPRETATIONS, depending on which mental idiots you have the misfortune of conversing with. That's not the same.

Obama has/will never be shitted on a fraction of how Bill Clinton was portrayed as a hedonistic Slick Willie let alone a Repub.

i mean in a way he's right, status quo or change. Like right now if you do nothing you are supporting the anti-white status quo or you can fight back against it.

If you mean political as in themes of politics like war, government, agents, etc yes
If you mean political soapbox bullshit, no, not a single mention of Trump/Hillary/Republicans/Democrats/etc

sometimes tumblr is alright when I agree with them

I think he's going for the Sonic is a Ecoterrorist angle, but he's still an idiot.

I thought it was about how great and pure muslims are, and how evil Christians are

Jim's a big guy

yeah its franchise from the idea of being an assassin and exploring cities in the past. nothing else is thought out or consistent.

Traps are an alt-right trend now. Trannies hate them for being more feminine with less effort. See Smonroeshow

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>earn brownie points by virtue signalling
They aren't fucking virtue signaling
why do you faggots like miss using words so fucking much
By your retarded definition of virtue signaling people like Martin Luther King was virtue signaling by protesting segregation

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>ratchet & clank is political
Jim you okay there? I don't see how a animal going around in space with his robot pal fighting what is so clearly evil doers. Just because the game has guns (which are very colorful and not at all real looking btw) or makes a joke about capitalism every once in awhile doesn't make it political.

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I'm sorry you're having a bad day :(

>He's fucking losing it
No he's just acting like every other eurofaggot.

Not him but the process of getting Tetris to the US has some ties to Cold War relations between the two powers, and the original game had Soviet buildings on the title.

>They aren't fucking virtue signalling
Virtue signalling
-the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.

Pretty sure injecting women into a WWII game and consistently berating people who disagreed with your choice as "sexist" is the very definition of virtue signalling.

This is bait but when people say they're sick of politics they're usually talking about shit like identity politics.

Virtue signalling is the act of doing something incredibly minimal with the intent of improving the moral standing of your person. i.e. changing your avatar on Facebook to a pride flag during any LGBT event despite not attending or donating to anything related to it. Putting women in video games because it somehow sticks it to the patriarchy is about on par with that.

people think Stercuck's opinion on politics in video games are worth shit.

>>ratchet and clank is political
besides some of the jokes, whats political bout the damn games?

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Nice way to miss the point hard you retard.

But is Musou political?

The first game's world building puts emphasis on the fact that almost every character is incredibly greedy and self-serving and only provides you with help if you pay them money or some other kind of service first.
He's retarded if he thinks that's some kind of political statement instead of just being part of the game's charm and humor but that's probably what he's talking about.

TBF the PS2 ratchet and clank games were political. Ratchet 1 and 2 were very anti-corporate and lampooned consumerism pretty much the entire game. Ratchet 3 had obvious racial undertones to Dr. Nefarious and the "squishies," it also had a blatant parody of Britney Spears and reality TV, pic related

its pretty anti-corporation and anti-politician. But there's really nothing wrong with that.

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sounds like you're really grasping at straws when you have to make remarks about features that aren't even a part of the game in the first place

>team fortress 2 is a scathing indictment of the usage of private militaries in today's world

>its pretty anti-corporation and anti-politician
"That's some far-right incel politics right there!" is what a modern crazy would say.

Does this have political implications?


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>Everything has political implications
AKA: I can fabricate meaning and ascribe it where there was none to begin with
congratulations on having a sense of imagination.

Unironically yes.

I'm just saying that even the simplest games can be influenced by politics, even if the end result isn't political in nature. This applies far better to just games that actually feature a narrative, though.

What does it whisper to you, user? What does it say?