tfw mfw it is real
just stop
I want a little more confirmation than some literally who's email. Is VR even mature enough to do HL justice?
okay, Yea Forums. how is valve going to fuck it up?
Alyx will made the lead protagonist, it makes too much sense given all of the kike & tranny shit that plagues western AAA games
Holy shit it's real! Look at Gabens Twitter!
They just started development because they fear epic lol
I don't think I care after epistle 3.
no mod support and forced global servers
They already fucked it up, nobody who would make Half Life 3 good is still working at Valve, all the people who actually want to make games and not glorified skinner boxes/tech demos fucked off years ago. If you have any hope that HL3 will be good you are delusional
>oh no epicstore is dabbing on us
>we better shit out a game before we're completely irrelevant
>t. no sauce
> it's a card game
> ip used to relaunch artifact
they rehired the writer portal and a few other of valve's actual game devs who have left over the years. although, i'm still skeptical unless i hear they have a solid team of 300-400 people working on it, it will probably be constantly delayed if it ever comes out
YESSSSS!!! I'M a kike tranny!!! FUCK YES YES YES TAKE THAT FUCKING CISCUM NIGGERS HAHAHAHA YESSSSS WE ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!! FUCK YA BITCH CALL ME A WOMAN BITCH FUCK YEAH LITTLE BITCH FUCK YESSSSSSSSS!!! I'm not buying the game though because I have to buy estrogen and I'm too cheap to spend money on anything else because I'm a kike. Don't bother replying, I'll be too busy dilating.
The writer is back at Valve now
The email was fake.
>check his twitter
>get reminded of how grey he is now and how I'm not a spring chicken myself anymore
I dont trust that fat fuck anymore
there were red herrings in the past. Let them drop a trailer then maybe I will care
sorry, but the daily update says otherwise
That may not be the case, Valve is know for getting new good talent. The guys who made the first portal were just students at the time. I'm not saying it'll be good, but Valve has a pretty good track record so far. If they are only doing it because of Epic or other stores, all the better. Competition is great for the consumer.
Epic Store exclusive.
It's funny to me that you fantasize about these things.
HL3 is just a continuation of the Duke Nukem meme, nobody actually cares and it will most likely be shit when it comes out
This is seriously unhealthy guys. We're not getting it. It's time to stop.
>He concluded his email reply with a winky face. A WINKY FACE.
literally never ever
just give up already you dumb niggers
That is only true if fucking Gearbox ends up with the HL3 license. As long as Valve owns it and Gabe is behind the wheel, then it's just a matter of them wanting to make it.
VR Only Title released alongside whatever VR shit Valve is doing right now.
Never really liked the story in 2 and the series isn't unique or special anymore but if it ended like Epistle 3 it would be worth it. That's the only way it would be worth it.
>just a matter of time
yeah it was "just a matter of time" ever since 2007
I've got to say, the HL2 fanbase has to be the most delusional one
its gonna be a VR game
then and only then after the vr game will we get proper continuation
You misquoted me, user. I said it was a matter of them wanting to make it. I never said they wanted to make it, or will ever want to make it. How fucked up in the head to you have to be to literally make up arguments from other people?
its gonna be non existent
It ends up being TF3 rather than HL3.
I imagine being left on a cliffhanger and being promised a game that never shows up as the company that produce it lost interest but refuse to do the minimum of admitting it tend to make you delusional.
Even making some shit card game, as disappointing and enraging that it would be would give closure to a lot of people.
holy shit rent free
there's nothing wrong with being trans. it's perfectly normal and accepted. they're human beings like you and i - they probably have more compassion than your bigoted-ass though
yeah ur a bigot, but if u don't respect my pronouns then fuck u nazi
I'm so sorry that this is the generation that you got born into.
>human beings
Honestly Half-Life 3 honestly feels more likely now than it did a couple of years ago. Firstly because Valve has said that they are interested in developing their own games again and Half-Life is one of their biggest IPs. Secondly because Gabe has put a lot of money into the VR market while himself admitting that the reason it isn't really catching on is because people are still waiting for that big flagship game that's gonna convince them to buy a VR headset.
Half-Life 3 would understandably be that flagship game for VR. Though, I suspect that even then it would be a Half-Life game in name only considering that almost no one who made Half-Life 1 and 2 still work at Valve. It certainly wouldn't be anything like the Half-Life 3 we could have gotten ten years ago.
>source is a viewer submitted email on a literally who youtube channel
Nobody would just make shit up to get featured on a channel they're subscribed to, right? Totally real and legit.
>there's nothing wrong with being trans
>there's nothing wrong with being trans
forty percent
I keep trying to tell people that Valve's status as a privately traded company and their continuing investment in hardware, particular VR publication/branding, positions them uniquely to close up shop for long enough to produce the first truly AAA experiences for VR from the ground up. They're not beholden to shareholders, have a distribution platform to keep cash reserves high / lights on, don't have to report progress or explain away long-term investments in technology or human resources, it's the perfect storm.
Their silence on all of their major IPs, despite their continued hiring, and their continued presence at all kinds of professional VR events is making is abundantly clear that we're going to be looking at a headset launch with HLVR, TFVR, L4DVR, and potentially DotaVR all packaged into a nifty little Orange Box 2.
There have been little clues all over the place, VR integration in Source 2, TF2's decent VR support being completely removed from the game, things like sign language potentially making an appearance in the planned HL3, the cancellation of HL2:E3, all of it adds up.
Whether or not this is it, I'm telling you faggots, that's what they've been doing.
go shill your new channel somewhere else, fag
Forgot PortalVR
If 3, HL3 released never
They have Gordon actually speak
>implying suicide is wrong
Didn't they just lay off some VR staff?
>all of the epic shills falling for the bait
Shameful baka desu senpai
[Muffled "oh no" in the distance]
How much is 5 years in Valve time, bros
You think scripts are your ally?
Most likely transfered to Level Stress Zero studio
you're the most pathetic "person" i have ever seen on this site
Last I read, the event was grossly exaggerated. But even that serves the narrative. Nothing at all leaks because no public investor reports, when something does its overblown, and it turns out to be the one thing that causes leaks (firings) and is VR-related.
They're brewing something up. I'd put at least 100 smackeroos on Orange Box 2/VR, even if only in spirit (doubtful they'd sell that many games for $60 in 2020+)
It'd be a brilliant business move that quite literally only Valve could pull off. The tech requires a lot of work, early failures would scare off investors from any other company and pressure the company to give up, early leaks from investor conferences or reports would generate all kinds of negative press about the state of the software, etc. etc. And if they did it right (good hardware and a full lineup of killer apps), they'd essentially become the first major player in home entertainment hardware since Microsoft joined with the Xbox.
G-Man in Episode 2 was all like
user no...
I would say from 5 years 4 months to 7 years.
>How much is 5
Usually the bigger the thing the less afflicted it is by Valve time
since the days of acquiring mods for full-budget sequels or half-produced games for full-on support, Valve has been a "test and see" company
The Steam box and Steam Controller, along with the Steam Link were prototypes for a much larger system. Steam Link resulted in Steam Link Anywhere. We still haven't seen where the first two projects were headed. Perfect storm indeed, desu.
>tfw have a good idea for HL3/Half Life spin-off set after HL2 but it will never be made and likely not the direction Valve or anyone else will take
Post it El fagerino
>i'll be the idea guy
It would've been better if you spammed YASS
Look, lying is wrong ok?
>HL3 comes out before bannerloard
>takes place on US East coast
>combine forces on the defensive
>citizen militias and paramilitary groups forming to take on combine remnant in their strongholds and bringing the fight to them, liberating cities and towns
>missions with these would be full of huge battles, infiltration, stealth missions, lots of driving and hunting down combine patrols
>another group formed to wipe out any trace of xeno infestation and life wherever they can find it with extreme prejudice
>missions here take you into sewers, tunnes, waterways and infested/abandoned villages hunting down zombies, barnacles, all manner of new xeno lifeforms we've never seen before
And you don't play as Freeman, but a guy who joins one of these two groups, they have totally different missions and objectives and everything, and maybe you can join both or have to play the game twice to experience both idk
thats just the general idea of it, combine on defensive, portals closed, anti-xeno fervor takes over in liberated city, go fuck up combine and xeno shit
Just how many controllers did Valve produce? Still trying to sell that abandonware.
>implying one needs scripts for posting the truth
Realistically, if Valve ever release HL3, it will be a disappointment on a scale vindicating Will Wright.
they fucking spent time making that shit artifact instead of a real game
HL3 never ever
>nothing wrong with being an abomination with a permanent ax wound aka "vagina"
kill yourself, 40% statistical suicide rate suggests you will regardless though.
fuck you
It's not abandonware, they're still in production. Steam Link was a test case for Steam Link Anywhere that worked just fine.
hats and skins
It's going to be an Epic Store exclusive.
unironically critical because the people in charge of entertainment products after a medium goes widestream are rich people's children or nieces/nephews, and they all have shitty ideas from years of surrounding themselves and being surrounded by yes men
its literally all exactly like this shit: youtube.com
t. worked in the industry for 6 years, sat in on pre-production planning for AAA titles
mainstream* or widespread*
>Mobile gacha "Half-Life" game
why would anyone use the dogshit steam controller
>lets make a shitty flat dpad and no analog stick
>it's just going to be 50 GB of Tienanmen square copypasta
Has there been any improvements to the controller itself? The trackpads are nice and all, but in terms of form-factor and overall quality it doesn't compare to current gen console controllers. This is what I mean with being abandoned. No improvements. No steam controller rev.2 or the like.
>it's perfectly normal
The email was sent by Tyler McVicker, the creator of Valve News Network who is in regular contact with Valve employees and was invited to Valve to participate in a developer roundtable discussion/interview with several Valve teams and Gabe Newell himself.
Normal? No.
Wrong? Surprisingly not.
You're right, trannies can be good people.
But fuck tranny invaders, those drama addled freaks. And fuck those dumbfuck balding 30 year olds.