Why is Tifa perfect?

Why is Tifa perfect?

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Is she white or asian?

i want to wrap her hair around my tongue and smell her lips

Attached: 1542492275668.jpg (259x250, 75K)

I want to beat the shit out of her and forcibly put my seed in her over the course of multiple years until we have 7 kids which I will promptly abandon

I know this is an edit of the original but is there more to this edit or is what you posted the only thing?

I wanna impregnate Tifa

White. Only Yuffie is asian.

I want to steal tifas milk from her babies it's only right that I get my fair share

I want to bully Tifa mentally so hard she will spiral into depression and either kill herself or become a 40 year old cat lady

Not even the best version of her

Attached: 1552946893963.webm (296x484, 1.67M)

I'm a simple man and want to just give Tifa the ol' triple hole treatment and fuck her tits
Maybe have her wake me up with a bj next morning

This is what she deserves, solid kick in her stupid cunt.

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Cheap unadulterated wankbait for tasteless teens, the sophisticated knowledgeable peedofile always chose Yuffie

Attached: Yuffie Kisaragi (2).png (1166x1958, 1.36M)

This user speaks one and only truth.

Attached: IMG_20190315_164453_632.jpg (612x494, 31K)

steals your materia
>steals your heart

Attached: 1550130329794.jpg (800x652, 187K)

She's hapa, which is why she's best.

Yet you post some fanfic pic of Yuffie that has the traits of Tifa. You're a disgrace.


Attached: 1549299212139.jpg (642x1288, 116K)

fuck yuffie
marry aeris
kill tifa

This artstyle is so ugly, what the fuck.

imagine, if you will, gentlemen: not preferring Quistis

I think her parents are an Asian and a white-latino/a, her ass is too big to be only Asian and white.


Attached: agggghhhhhhhh.png (144x153, 48K)

Patrician taste.

There's a full picture if that's what you're wondering. Go to one of the boorus and find it.

Kill aerith
Fuck tifa
Marry yuffie.

Clothed paizuri

I want to anally rape Yuffie multiple times and make her love it so much that its the only thing that can make her cum.anymore

best grill

Attached: yuff.jpg (1024x768, 69K)

>anything but killing tifa
I'll give you a second chance

Deep down you know I'm right.
Those nasty lips are horrendous, remind me of algae eaters, yuck.

Attached: rozmnazanie-glonojadow.jpg (800x531, 201K)

Post that one comic

I'm totally on board with you. Just look at Tifa, those pec-tits are terrifying

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Posting actual best girl.

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this ffs


too big
>inb4 fag

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This full edit is disappointing honestly. It looks much better without showing those badly edited tits, perspective and lightning are off.
Also Tifa has brown nipples.

only dumb retards want them big as fuck
gentlemen who appreciate quality know that quality > quantity
big boobs can be good but if they're just "le big boobs" they're fucking awful

She's just that damn good

Attached: 7620394 tifa lockhart.webm (1578x1578, 2.97M)

Nipples too small



based darkie

Attached: 1545104118224.jpg (256x256, 20K)

>big boobs can be good but if they're big boobs they're awful
retard here, what did he meand by this


ass too big

people who draw big boobs usually draw them too unappealing
just like your everyday futanari megacock
big boobs have more weight, they tend to sag
also there is underboob and sideboob
those trash artists don't understand those things and just draw big circles with big fucking areolas and nipples
if you don't agree with me you probably have some brain damage

And suddenly I have a new fetish

top o the mornin to ya seamus

now fuck off

I don't really care to be honest, I'm more of an ass man

I want fanfare inside her ass

enjoy you're ban

More for me then
I hope this triggers you

Attached: Final Fantasy Lost Stranger.jpg (900x1350, 489K)

Good old cunt punt

yes it does you nigger

I'm laughing at all of you manchildren ITT.

Attached: c29.png (890x460, 21K)

Do you have a source for this?

The Filename

Attached: FFLS.jpg (900x1350, 596K)

Fuck me, sauce this shit

Not sure butt if you give me 5 more yous I'll give it to ya

>be first responder
>not ask for full pic, or link to full pic
you had one job, faggot

Fuck off then, retard.

fucking based

The sauce was still posted

Asian, people have put her picture through one of those race recognition things many many times before

Attached: gay.jpg (480x360, 23K)

3/4 Asian
1/4 White
This has been confirmed by me.

I want to WAIT until Yuffie is 18 to consummate out love.

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check this 11-2

No idea what this means

she's a fictional character from a fictional world in a video game.


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She's Nibelheimjin.

>Tifa Lockheart

Sure she isn't Asian.