Imagine being this c*cked

Imagine being this c*cked

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Other urls found in this thread:

Go away, Billy.


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Steam is the biggest platform, any other would give them only a fraction of the profits.

Why would i choose a side of a bunch of whiny children who care more about politics and virtue singling than actual entertainment. Not a single thing u mentioned has made anything for anyone but yourselves.

I hate how cucked Yea Forums has become

Hahaha, don't worry about it, bro. Those guys you're replying to are just invading trannies from resetera discord reddit :P
lol, we REAL Yea Forumsirgins totally think you're cool and very epic ;)

>smearing campaign doesn't work
>dropping porn games en masse doesn't work
>resort to borderline cheese pizza and literal rape simulators
>some of them get removed
>"See big bad Gaben is censoring your games move to Epic store instead okay pls"
The absolute state of SJWs

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>adult visual novels
I couldn't care less

This. if there's anything we at Yea Forums love is fighting the culture war and rising up against SJW oppression. It's basically why this board was founded.

Shoo back to your D*scord you walking statistics

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When did Klei remove a character lmao. Winona got reworked, nothing about her character/appearance changed. She always was a female factory worker.

They removed Warbucks. Resetera sends its regards. You lost again, sweetie :)

Link to article pls

T-t-they can't keep getting away with it

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>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
Aren't retardera still butthurt about that since they said the apology 'wasn't enough'.

The sarcasm in these post are gold.

This is like seeing the achievements of an authoritarian dictator.

>Why people roll the dice on putting their product on a hostile storefront that's a near monopoly of the largest market.

Friendly reminder to buy a gaming shirt to support the fight in these dark times

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Agreed... Us gamers are being motherh*cking oppressed like we're back in Nazy Germany... *sigh* We Live In A Society


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how do you cope with the site you seethe about literally all day long being incredibly successful and stable while kotaku is currently up for sale

how do you cope with based quartering having more subs than htrannyguy, and soon, contrannypoints?

>ResetEra, Kotaku, Polygon: Here's a hundred shitty inflammatory articles about how white men are ruining video games.
Yea Forums: Fucking cucks, keep your politics away from my precious vidya!
>OneAngryGamer: Here's a hundred shitty inflammatory articles about how women and liberals are ruining video games.
Yea Forums: Based OAG for telling it like it is!

Probably the same way you cope with Apex Legends being one of the most successful games of this fiscal year, Billy-kun

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>gamingcirclejerk STILL seething that BFV flopped, diversity anthem flopped, and EApex cucks failed to kill fortnite

Kotaku (gawker media) was only up for sale because of beinf sued over the Hawk Hoogan's sex tape right? someone else will probably fill the vacuum.


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Only the one where women and liberals ruining video games is actually true.
White men made video games popular.

Who is this guy? I just looked him up and the first thing I see is that he owns a cat.
If you own a cat you are a sissy and not a real man.

it's dead, keep crying tho, you failed

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I don't like OAG specifically because it's exactly like Kotaku, just with a different target audience.

trump = prez, why haven't you impeached him yet? why is he destroying everything /yourguy/ obama built?

Do the same people always post and samefag in these threads? Why is the walking mental illness center known as resetera always shilled ? Seriously one glance at the site and you can tell the majority of people are delusional and insane.

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>repeatedly see their games banned
why do most of the bigger releases release just fine then?

>apex legends
Based retarded februaryposter

>It's only the 4th most popular game on twitch, hahaha, that means it's broke


funny how you never do this in polygon threads

get fucked

but it was supposed to kill fortnite, why did it fail tho?

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Excuse me, but OneAngryGamer is a based website in charge of leading the rise up and I will not accept you besmirching their name with a pastebin. We must all click it at least once a day to support the dismantling of SJW oppression.

I do though.

is there some kind of Steam/GOG service but for porn games? Why isn't this something right now? There will be a lot of money from horny fans and degenerates.

Shut your damn mouth, cats are fucking bros

i wonder how many of them complained when life is strange had a white va for a black character.

but why will OAG outlive /yoursite/ kotaku, gamingcirclejerk tranny?

Speaking of cope....

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nice channel, subbed, soon he too will have more subs than hbomberguy :)

>devs are cucks
>entire thread is gamers fighting each other

I never said that it would overtake Fortnite. You, on the other hand, said it'd go broke. Why isn't it broke, sweetie? Copie, are you ok? Copie, are you ok?

get fucked loser tranny lol

Remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie

You gay son, that's why

not the guy you're talking to by the way

Metal Gear Cope

>Do the same people always post and samefag in these threads?
Yes, they're desperately trying to make Yea Forums more similar to resetera or reddit or whatever other shitty website they use

More like Metal Seethe /pol/tard

You're gay

>I never said that it would overtake Fortnite
nope you absolutely did LOL, your seething about fortnite (/pol/'s game) is immortalized forever and ever

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>/pol/'s game
>Literally got BLACKED

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No one needs to read some garbage /pol/tards fucking blog. It's not news.

Is anyone in this thread not from Resetera? Reading this shit makes no sense, you're all clearly just false flagging at each other you retards

>It's not news.
why? cause it makes you seethe?

lol delusional

Is it really this difficult to just make a character that was just a super mysterious person with no stated gender and what not?

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How come you guys obsesses over like 16 people from some discord when we know for a fact /pol/ has multiple raiding discords with hundreds of members? Is it just projection?

Most people here unironically browse resetera and /pol/ regularly and they use Yea Forums to fight with each other

Is this a false flag? every time a OAG shitpost thread comes up these two posts always come with it? Is this a /pol/ falseflag or just a meme

Billy, no one wants to read your op-eds.

Projection is the /pol/tard's number 1 tool

It's like most of the board doesn't like your shitty alt right kotaku and is sick of your spamming advertisements for it hourly, fuckhead

which site is up for sale currently, OAG or kotaku?

funny how you never seethe in kotaku threads and are constantly trying to delete resetera threads even though the administrator of the site allows them

I'm 100% sure it's both /pol/ shitposters and unironic reseterafags

please go back to r/gaming or whatever shithole you came from

Fact: OAG is 10 times more credible than kotaku or polygon.

>the administrator of the site
Honestly what is going on in threads like this? Are you false flagging as resetera? It's like I'm in an alternative dimension where everyone is gay and retarded at the same time.

Now they're boycotting all their games

>most of the board
3-4 samefagging incels lmao

If you use discord you are either a tranny
or a lolcow
Prove me wrong

Can't divide by zero

>Every single game is dead expect Fortnite

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Yeah but pol is funny so it's okay


>or whatever shithole you came from
so you want me to say here then?

>people who don't buy games say they're boycotting


It's their maximum cope

Apex is dying faster than Starcraft 2. It probably wont last past 2019

It was only one of the most successful games of 2019, talk about broke...

I disagree.

but you said it would kill fortnite, why didn't it kill fortnite and why did everyone drop it already?

that's not reddit so, no.

>but you said it would kill fortnite
Delusional cope
How about this. I say that Fortnite is more successful than Apex Legends and you say that "Get woke, go broke" is a sham. I'm sure you can do it :^)

so you don't want me to go back to my shithole.

>Delusional cope
except you said it right here, own up to it


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keep seething discord tranny

How about this. I say that Fortnite is more successful than Apex Legends and you say that "Get woke, go broke" is a sham. I'm sure you can do it :^)

>discord trannies ruin another video game thread

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reminder that the jidf created the discord tranny meme to get people to stop posting about the jidf

why are you dodging the question so hard? you said apex would kill fortnite, why didn't it?

I don't need to be a trumptard let alone a /pol/tard to hate abominations like you

Getting real tired of these resetera subhumans.

I'm not "Flashgitz", dude.

nope there are only two sides, normal people, and the insane tranny coalition who led a coup to try and usurp fortnite, and you are part of the second group. you are responsible for everything /yourguys/ say


>V is outright degenerate
>Valve removed a rape game from Steam? Gamers, rise up!

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She looks like she fucks white Fortnite characters.

Trannies live in your head rent-free, huh?

yes the human mind tends to remember bad, terrible, disgusting things more frequently, it's a survival tactic so we learn to not do those things

Not him but invading your space constantly doesn't count as living in it

Here's something.
Maybe someone is interested?

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Dharker studios sells nude mods of their own steam games on their website. They have turned this fiasco in a money making sceme.


In my head, they are dead bodies in coffins

I can't imagine being you.