Play shit at vidya

>play shit at vidya
>get angry
>anger makes me play shittier
>playing shittier makes me angrier
how do i stop this shit i just want to have fun

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Git gud


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Play Minecraft
It's comfy and easy to play

Accept that you're bad and need to improve or you'll never get anywhere in life. This is not exclusive to vidya.

i do accept it, i've tried everything but even the simplest shit just throws me into a fit of autistic rage, i smashed my headset off my face this morning and almost broke my phone, this shit happens daily AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Minecraft really is the best game.
Too bad I've played it too much to the point where I can't enjoy it anymore. I miss the feeling of accomplishment of finishing a well made structure, and then going back to it later on and feeling proud of what I made.

get a lobotomy

i know that feel
im either in a perpetual state of being bored or pissed off to no end
theres no in between
it fucking sucks man

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I don't get nearly as angry as you do OP, but I can relate.
It's especially Smash that makes me angry, I just want to do the cool stuff I learned, but it's just so frustrating sometimes.

Play Big Rigs


Play Postal

you are just unstable
take some time to sort through your brains problems
this isnt limited to games

The only answer is to lose more. After so many hours of gaming I'm pretty numb to rage. I don't think I've even raised my voice online. I've noticed I legitimately enjoy the games themselves instead of worrying about winning/losing. Some of my friends would throw fits whenever we lost and I'm sitting there thinking "man, I had fun as bounty hunter that game".

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stop being a faggot

Make me kike

Some of my friends are that way too. I don't get often mad at gaming, even I suck hard. I just want to chill. I don't understand why does it has to be serious. Losing can be fun too. If you want to be good, pay attention on what you are doing wrong.

Tldr; git gud

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Just be yourself.

join a khornate cult

You know what sucks? When you've been playing FPSes almost exclusively all your life and yet my aim still kind of sucks and I'll likely never reach plat on my own in Siege

Play a singleplayer game you fucking mong

It's only game


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>Stabs you 10 times in a row, gives you no chance to flee or fight back
>gets angry
>Stop being a kid, it's just a game X D D

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I don't blame you, I would do that to you too if I could. I'll try to get better so I might turn my dream into reality some day :^)

Take solace in the fact that you probably made everyone else playing with you have a really good time

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Just b yourself

these kind of threads and replies are what remind me about the reasons i stopped browsing Yea Forums daily and only ever checking the catalog like once every 2 weeks.

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