Gabe Newell hints to a new Half-Life game in the next 5 years

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Gabe Newell is so fat he breaks the scale.

next hl title is made for vr, i cant WAIT for the salt

I don't mind, I don't own any VR stuff because I'm waiting for it to get more refined and cheaper.
Half-Life as a series has always been in some sense about showcasing new tech, and if that means we get a new HL game with neat tech I'm okay with it.
What I don't get is the people that won't want to try out VR "just because"

Now Tyler the autistic VNN fag will create a 3 hour special with just this pic

Pic is from his latest vid, and it isn't even hitting the 10min mark.

Oh fuck. It's being worked on. WITH a timetable. This is big.

>What I don't get is the people that won't want to try out VR "just because"
vr is fucking expensive so maybe thats why

>+50 year old man sends winky face
uh guys

>this is what the kids are doing now right?

Yeah I know and I'm not talking about these people, I can't afford VR and wouldn't want to now anyway since it's not refined enough.
I'm talking about the ones just tossing the whole idea of VR away and that don't even want to try it out for free at conventions or anything.

>Halo MCC
>Half-Life 3
Holy fuck bros, Steam is winning this bitch.

what is it? it's just him being friendly and teasing and hist

How much is a good vr setup nowadays? Can't be more than $2k, anyone can afford that.

>Gabe Newell accused of soliciting sex from a 32 year old minor

5 years in valve time

t. John Lasseter

If he directly confirmed at there are people at Valve with their desks wheeled to the video game development side of the office actively working on a video game that makes me happy.
I am/was really beggining to suspect Gabe was in some sort of "soft retirement" and Valve is just a handful of people maintaining Steam and doing light work on the games that still have players

5 years meaning they havent even started development

Why do people care about Half-Life? HL2 is just a glorified tech demo.

How is steam killing anything with a multiplat microsoft game and something that doesn't exist?

>ignore the electric ship
G-guys, is Valve going to create Skynet?



thank you epic


Probably some battle royale spinoff.


Does anyone even care anymore?

They will start development in 5 years.

that's actually really disappointing. people were expecting some kind of announcement literally this week.

is all of the industry becoming stupid? they can't make a new half life game that's any good. all of their staff who made them left.

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This is nothing we didn't already know. He said years ago that it would come after 2020, and that if you wanted to help speed up its arrival you'd switch to GNU/Linux. HL3 is their big exclusive meant to help them survive being a Linux-only gaming company.

I'm pretty sure some writers left and then came back "recently"


You could make a Half-Life themed Danger Zone map for CSGO and replace playermodels and weapons using MIGI.

Half life 3 is also going to be a tech demo, but it's going to be a VR tech demo. Which is why I'm excited.


This man has done so much for gaming. And he has an enormous cock.

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Reminder that if you ask for HL3 while still having steam installed you're a fucking retard.
By indirectly giving money to valve by buying other games on their platform, you keep giving them a good reason not to make anymore actual games.

> In partnership with Square Enix please enjoy Half Life GO

That weapon needs to be registered. Good grief!

newell will die in the next 5 years out of heart disease

HL should end with Opposing Force

So what, I just stop playing on PC just so valve will shite out a mediocre sequel to HL?

Eat a dick you fat cunt. Valve are at their best when they are not desperate for money.

It's a fake e-mail. It isn't even the right color.

>he thinks Valve not getting money = hl3
On another note you could buy the games on the developer website, give them the whole amount with no cut going to Valve, and still have a Steam key.

use the epic store

he is clearly using a custom skin for outlook

>This is big.
Not as big as Gabe


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I've given up even to the point of caring about teases. Just let it die

>valve says something
Yeah, because valve has never lied before.

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where were you when you realized that Half Life's next game will probably take about half a lifetime to arrive

Half Life 3
Dwarf Fortress

Steam is back boys. Fuck Chinks and Fuck Winnie The Pooh.

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this was the real reason for the combine suppression field

excuse me sir
is that part of his scrotum just outside the censor square?
i'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle

Well I think that is the point. Valve has never lied before.

hello and welcome to half life 2 episode 3. after 12 years in development hopefully it had been worth the weight

uh ho you fricking moron. HL got delayed for another year

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>Gabe rolls on stage

I’ll believe it when I see it. Gabe Newell is the video game equivalent of G.R.R Martin. I’ve been waiting for Winds of Winter since 2015. I have a feeling HL3 will be similar, unfortunately.

>characters name is white
>is actually black
any other kinos that do this?

>Orange Box V2

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I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not going anywhere. But with DMC5 happening, Halo:MCC coming to PC and even Dorf Fort, maybe it's got a chance nowadays.

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Still not directly confirmed, but that's probably it.

literally no one cares anymore, let alone 5 years from now

>yfw in 5 years you'll be able to play Halo 3, Half Life 3 and STALKER 2 on the same platform

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for me, it's not the money; it's the space and setup. I don't want to setup an entire room for this shit

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yeah, just wait five years for them to reveal "half-life 3: the vr card game."

Oh yeah forgot about that too.
Thankfully you don't have to do this to play driving/piloting games, but if you want to move around you need quite the space.

you dont need space, as long as you can swing your arm in every direction while standing still youre fine

>people think this means Half Life 3 in the next 5 years
>too autistic to realize this is a nice way of saying "don't die at all, stay alive and happy for many years to come"
Of course gamers lack nuance.

> Half-Life 3, Kingdom Hearts III
> Two of the Holy Cross of "Never-Ever" vidya sequels are actually going to release
Is this unironically the best timeline?

Guess I'm an idiot then.
Well that's touching.

>don't die at all

Can someone tell me without memeing why people are hyped about HL3?
The first one was great for it's completely new and unique way of story telling.
HL2 had the best physics that time around.
What could HL3 bring to the table that hasn't been done already? there is nothing unique anymore when it comes to FPSs.
Is it just getting it after all these years and memes or are you really excited to play it, because you think it will be great?

>What could HL3 bring to the table that hasn't been done already?
Expanding on VR with new hardware.
It's obvious as seen by Valve/Gabe obsession with making hardware to push games further.
>Is it just getting it after all these years and memes or are you really excited to play it, because you think it will be great?
Eh, I just want to play again in this universe because I enjoy the setting, the gameplay, the soundtrack, the characters.

Seems like it's not going to be HL2 EP3 or HL3 but a spinoff VR title, which I am okay with but won't be playing before some time.
I'm not mad about it not being a sequel either, there were talks about HL spinoffs way back when the episodes came out, remember the Ravenholm spinoff that was worked on by Arkane?

But VR is complete shit

But HLVR was already revealed a few weeks ago.

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>just because

how about because I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on android quality games dipshit

this looks fun

it's over folks, we're all gonna die in the next 5 years

Alright so that falls into the money is an issue category, not that you lack the income, but that you don't want to invest into it.

that'd be better than hl3 2bh

VR just looks dumb, it seems so childish to have a VR headset on your face all alone at your desk.

>Motion Sickness: The game

I would argue that it's childish to not enjoy some neat vidya and tech just because it looks dumb, I don't really want to sound like a cunt though.
And why care how you look while you enjoy something? Do you wear a suit and tie to play videogames?

You mean you can't wait for it to flop if it's vr

no but when I play regular video games it's a relatively laid-back and passive experience in my eyes. I just think it's so cringy to use a VR headset (plus I don't like not being aware of my surroundings). Maybe it's just me, everytime one of my roomates comes into my room I close the tab/hide the book/whatever. I guess I don't want to display that I enjoy some things and VR is just too obvious.

It's not real, November 2018.

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Mega man Legends 3 still ain't out yet

It is real, just misleading.

yea, real, just waited half a year to post huh

>I'm a genetic failure: The post

just think of how many advertisers left the site after seeing that uncensored pixel

You evolved to play shitty vr tech demos?

Alright I understand, you know, it's okay to enjoy things user :)

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is it though? I'm a massive failure, people liek me should be rounded up and shot, I shouldn't enjoy anything

He’s just trying to be fun and sexy.

>vr is fucking expensive
no, it's cheaper than a typical smartphone and about the same as a console

This is now a Let's Write a Letter to Gaben thread.

One word at a time.

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except you need a decent PC to run it, plus controllers. And my phone only cost $100.


>I'm a massive failure
Who cares.
Enjoy yourself, just don't be mean to others and you're okay.

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based wise user, I'll try :)

>Valve makes a new Half-Life game
>it's for mobile devices

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>tyler is 32 years old
good lord he looks like he's 18

controllers are included, lots of people have gaming PCs already and decent standalone VR headsets are coming this year

>lots of people have gaming PCs already
not really, and it still means VR is expensive

>or so ;)

what are the odds this is complete horseshit just like all the other hl3 rumours that have come up since the last game came out

this desu, why even bother teasing it when they've said multiple times that it's not happening

I know it's a joke but that's highly unlikely.
Source 2 doesn't support mobile yet which is why Artifact isn't on mobile and they will either have to port it to Unity or to work more on Source 2 to have it working on mobiles (which might be wiser for the long run).
And I don't think they'll use another engine since Valve wants everyone on the same platform.


>5 years from now
Half-life 3 The Card Game

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*cute and funny

i can even play zone of enders Vr

what did they anounce for 2012?

johnny test

No idea.
CSGO released the same year and DOTA 2 the next, so maybe he was talking about these two?