New borderlands game

>new borderlands game
>new bulletstorm game
>new duke game

based gearbox

Attached: based gearbox.png (609x586, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:

release the real dnf or fuck off gearbox

have they produced a good game in the last 10 years?


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Duke is dead.

>borderlands bad, do i fit in yet?

>SJW duke nukem
wake me up


Borderlands was 10 years ago

Debatably Borderlands, but it's not stellar and they haven't done anything else of value.

>duke in 2019


I wish they'd give Douk to the Doom 2016 team.

n00b here. who are those guys?

>Duke Nukem in [current year]

I wonder how they'll ruin it

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>implying he isn't going to beat gamers and respect women now

Duke will actually be a woman this time around

guy on the left is ishi - a character from bulletstorm. a generic sci-shooter that had pretty good gunplay

guy on the right is duke nukem. he's from a doom clone game and is based on the movie Last Action Hero which is a trope of the 80's muscular action stars

I said ruin, not make it better


>a trope of the 80's muscular action stars

seems pretty cringe to be making a character based on 40 year old movie tropes

Name 1, O-N-E. Remember they only published Bulletstorm.

>borderlands will be epic exclusive
>duke nukem will be epic exclusive
>bulletstorm will be epic exclusive
>actually wanting any of these games anyway
>actually wanting gearbox to continute to exist

What if they all end up being Epic's exclusives? Would this break Yea Forums in half?

borderlands 2


>Supporting Gearbox after Aliens

Isn't Pitchford in huge trouble?

i liked bulletstorm


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Yea Forums doesnt play Gearbox games anyway

duke nukem was cringe even when he first came out. only 8 year old boys thought he was cool

Reminder that Duke Nukem forever is not that bad of a game and it only got shitposted to death by proto SJWs and hardcore PCfags mad it got modernized. Game is a solid 7.
No duke wont get a new game

good. duke is a shitty character

That's a funny way to spell 'casualized'.

>bulletstorm 2

Bulletstorm was a lot of fun

>t. Serious Sam and/or Doom faglord

>yfw its a BR

>solid 7

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>blow it out your ass xD

it's been 30 years. grow up

>mobile link

hey don't blame us for shitposters

>all Epic exclusive
BASED Gearbox

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>grow up boomers XDD

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As if the indignity of making DNF a generic modern console FPS wasn't enough.

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borderlands was bad. I pirated it on release and tried it in lan with my brother and we both got bored after few hours. it's the most cookie cutter boring diablo clone I've played shoehorned into first person. didnt even touch the sequels.

Borderlands 1 was so fucking boring for me.
I really liked BL2 and BL Presequel. The gameplay was a lot more fun.

duke was a generic console fps since 1997

I remember all the fag reviewers were upset Duke didn't give a fuck about the college girls getting killed and the alien titwall that you could slap.


well atleast BiA died a dignified death

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oh yeah that series was a thing.

no he wasn't revisionist.

it was pretty good

Remember that time they were going to make the Brothers in Arms a wacky shooter

Bulletstorm was developed by People can Fly.

I hope this is a sign that they're on a brink of going out of business.

>dignified death

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I could go for a new Duke that doesn't take itself too seriously come 2020, because there's no other way to do a Duke game in modern times.

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what the fuck is this

Tranny Queen is canon, though.

>bulletstorm 2

i was one of the only 10 people that actualy bought that piece of shit and those Faggots still dont let me use my GFWL cd key on steam
fuck em, i hope it burns

honestly didnt remember that. repressed memories maybe. fuck you for showing this.

>Duke Nukem says similar stuff to that Gilette ad

Borderlands 1 does fucking suck. Only nostalgia dick riders praise 1, its a clunky mess


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>Ubisoft: We need our own Borderlands'ish game since that sold pretty hot, what IP haven't we used in awhile?

>they reused one of the characters for battleborn

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>epic games store and the pirate bay exclusive
fine by me

Bullshit, girlyman FAGGOT.

It's the third game in a series of shitty mobile games.

it's called "parody"

>our friends at Epic are great people who care about the health of our industry and the value of creators big and small
>their leadership on this front is welcome and due
is this your mind on CPC brainwashing?

i didnt even know this existed, then again im one of the few people left who only plays snake on his phone

borderlands was sooooooooooooooooo boring
litaerlly nothing to do did i mention how boring it was
nobody likes BOREDOM lands am i right?
i binge played the first 12 minutes of the game and quit right after the joke about republicans having small penises
believe me i really did play the game
i hated the first one so much i bought and played the second one just to see all the sjw crap shoved down my throat
it was really bad
i still cant fathom the fact people are still playing a 7 year game to this day
dont they know their not having fun
they should have changed the name to Le EBIN adventur3s in reddit and morty lands in 2d
any one on Yea Forums who likes needs to go back to face book and/or twitter

>i binge played the first 12 minutes of the game and quit right after the joke about republicans having small penises
There aren't even jokes like that in BL1. Borderlands only being epic in 2 thanks to Anthony Burch.

>That reply
Quite the woosh

How is that the issue and not the very fact that there's a link at all?


>new borderlands game
>new bulletstorm game
>new duke game



no longer hype
isn't randy going down for having child porn?

Judge dismissed the lawsuit and the video was done by a verified a pornhub camgirl (The video is around but it's a pornhub premium otherwise). As much as randy needs to go down. This wasn't it.

Borderlands 2 despite its shitty writing and repetitiveness

It wasn't porn, it was a magic trick

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Honestly I love when I can save money.

>duke game
it's gearbox battle royale

Battleborn 2? FUCK YES

>giving randy money.
You shit gurgling retards deserv to get robbed by those cucks.

an average console shooter is a mediocre shooter overall

why are you formatting your sentences like a faggot?

I hope they announce it as an Epic Store exclusive. I want to see the autistic meltdown

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I think it was Epic's fault (given that they still were partnered with Microsoft Game Studios at the time) than of People Can Fly or Electronic Arts.

I didn't play Duke as a kid and it's still on my backlog, but would a woke/politically correct Duke even work? I thought his entire thing was that he was OTT macho.

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>we're going bancrupt and our last Boys flopped
>I know, let's split ressources into 3 or 4 half baked abortions

GG Randy

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Imagine Epic actually paying for exclusive rights.

i dont care i bought Dead rising2 basicaly at the same time and i could redeem it on steam

why cant i bulletstorm