Overwatch league “sponsored actors”

This whole game is fucked and makes no money

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I believe it but I think we need something more meaningful than random dude in Discord.

>Battleborn died for this


How are people still surprised about this like this?
EA has been doing the same shit since Dragon Age 2.

I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to find out that the majority of esports hype is fake. It's just pumping money into a hole.

Don't all eSports events do this?

You're right, but Overwatch is a more important case because rather than building from the ground up organically, like how Counter-Strike went from popular Half-Life mod into the biggest competitive FPS on the planet, or MOBAs having a similar life cycle from mod to biggest esport, or how battle royales became popular, Overwatch skipped all that shit and went straight to building teams with NFL franchise owners.

I would genuinely not be surprised if Overwatch League gets implicated in an FBI investigation for money laundering or something.

It was obvious OWL was not going to go anywhere when it couldn't really grow its viewership. It has a respectable audience, but a respectable audience doesn't cut it for a billion dollar e-sport. They have no hope of turning the profits necessary to justify the massive investments made.

OW isn't gonna last for 10 years. It'll go F2P before it becomes completely irrelevant, but the game isn't designed to handle the attitudes of F2P players. It will become the same mess on PC as it is on console, and before long the only people left playing will be BRs, blyats and chinks.

My level of shock: 0

>Overwatch is a more important case because rather than building from the ground up organically
None of these things will ever be built organically (again). You can't tell investors "lmao relax, just wait ten years and we'll be legends."

I knew OWL was garbo nothing when the only people I know who talk about it are the folks on my servers who are wannabe pros. There are a surprising amount. I have to play with them fairly often because I am a 3800-4000 sr main tank (I'm really a flex player but when you can main tank you do main tank in PUGs).

I cannot even begin to tell you how fucking annoying it is for them to go "OMG DO WHAT CHARGE DID ON ILIOS" when I have no fucking clue what anyone did on Ilios. I play the map the same fucking way I always have because I have to rely on MY gamesense.

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The sad thing is ow isn’t a bad game (unpopular opinion on Japanese orgami boards but regardless) the old blizzard would be up to 3 expansions now and a fully fledged single player with unlocks but this isn’t blizzard this is activision and I’m honestly surprised we haven’t had a cod ow cross over event yet, Kaplan is the last of the old guard he will be gone by August

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Mark Cuban was right when he said Esports is a money pit if valve can’t make money off cs go how can you make a return on billionaires off a game with a dying player base

>old blizzard would be up to 3 expansions now and a fully fledged single player
Actually it's worse than that. Activision came down and canceled Titan not because it didn't work -- which is the story they sold in the media -- but because there was no monetization scheme (besides maybe subscriptions).

Overwatch was literally built around lootboxes with the assets from Titan because Activision didn't want to "get cucked" again with an MMO that would just eat market share from WoW.

It died for so many other reasons. Game is trash.

HotS was literally the worst MOBA available.

It deserved to die.

Just fap to OW porn. People who take OW seriously are a fucking joke.

so they gave out a shirt and asked the fans to wear them on camera? thats it?


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Hots was the only moba besides maybe dawn gate where it didn’t take 60 mins a game no one got time for that shit but 3rd world Russians

They gave our free stuff and offered to basically hire them there’s a black girl on twitter who does this for each team she has like 7 shirts on and just takes them off as needed and they pay her openly

hots was arguably the only good moba if you were a new player. can you imagine trying to get into lol right now as someone whos never played the game before? jesus christ

Oh okay, but isn't that just paid actors at that point?

why do people still play overwatch? all I see is that people get more and more angry and frustated when they play it, even when they're good at the game

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Right I'm not really sure why OP's pic sees the need to differentiate if they'e literally just someone meant to astroturf enthusiasm.

Heroes of the Storm died because nobody gave a fuck about it. I like the game (Only moba I have ever played and probably will ever play) but you have to be retarded to see that Overwatch League didn't massively eclipse its esports scene from day one.

When is Blizzshit going to be pruned from Yea Forums like other EA and Activision shit games?

Thanks for clarifying though. I feel the same way

Your perception of esports is completely backwards. League and Dota tournaments don't make a cent, riot hasn't made a dime from the competitive aspect of League. All esports are 'fake', sponsored by their creators for publicity. They don't exist to make money directly, they're advertising.

Its the only competitive shooter that doesn't feel like your wading through mud 24/7

its fun

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everything about blizzard esports is fake except SC2

>American education

But Overwatch is slow as fuck

This isn't a fucking sales thread, I'm not talking about any raw profit or anything. I'll concede that the whole point of esports in general is just to be a big promotion, but these games had humble roots and actual community enthusiasm behind them for years, rather than being gassed up as the next big esport before the mass market even had a chance to even play the fucking thing for a week.

All I play is quickplay and I'm content just mindlessly shooting at things. Doomfist is the most fun character in any of these hero shooters.

this is what fun is to overwatch brainlets kys

Compared to quake or something? Sure.
Compared to Siege or CS? Not even close.

>competitive overwatch

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>sitting at chokepoints and spamming projectiles behind shields
>not slow

>competitive shooter

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I fucking hate mobas so I didn't get into any of them but my irl friends told me hots was easily the best.

of course they are paid

you think people WILLINGLY watch Overwatch in 2019? it's a shit game.

>Blizzard could have killed LoL in 2009 as it came from wc3.
>But those greedy fuck were so obsessed with WoW they didn't give a fuck and instead tried a moba on WoW.

valve makes bank off of dota esports though

You don’t get it it doesn’t matter if the game is bad
Or good the issue is no one gives a fuck about owl to
The point they have to pay people
And it’s basically already on matinence mode, chu doesn’t give a shit about the story. The game is basically a perfect digital example of smoke and mirrors

It's trash. I never thought i would find on Yea Forums so many people defending the most garbage/casual/cash-grabbing moba.

There's a reason why it lost against dota/lol despite having the fucking art/characters of warcraft.

>The fans cheering at the OWL studio aren't real
>The 200K viewers the OWL gets while streaming aren't real
>The millions of dollars reported cities are paying for OWL teams isn't real

At some point, you just to accept OWL is a success, regardless of how assblasted this fact makes you.

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Is this a new concept for you guys? You know people pay others to attend their parties right?

go to bed jeff

Can somebody translate

just like the game itself has millions of players! fuck yourself blizzcuck

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>same people keep appearing wearing different team jerseys
>sometimes even changing clothes mid event
>blizzard bribing retards with skin drops
>twitch numbers don't ebb and flow like every single other esport but stay rock solid even through commercials
>implying people actually paid 20 mill for a team spot
>implying half the people who "bought" a spot aren't Bobby Koticks butt buddies and got them for 20k

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I never said anything about the pacing of the game. The movement doesn't feel like dogshit is what I said.

I haven't played for years and don't want to relearn everything again.

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CS is a much faster FPS. Just because they aren't gliding and bouncing all over the place like Quake doesn't make CS slow just because it relies on a more "realistic" setting. Look how fucking fast rounds go by and how low TTK is/how fast gunfights go by compared to how glacial OW is, and slugfest/exchanges can last less than a second. The maps especially have very little dead space and time to travel.

>4 minute queue
How? It barely takes me a minute.

>the only people I know who talk about it are the folks on my servers who are wannabe pros. There are a surprising amount.
Yeah. It seems the one group that Blizzard's post-release marketing actually worked on was all the e-sport hopefuls that couldn't make it in other games. I don't play the game anymore but I like to keep tabs on the scene and it's hilarious how many people talk about their disappointment with the game because every time they try to reenact what they saw in the OWL they fail.

I like DOTA2's. It truly feels like something organic, without a Riot or a Blizzard literally forcing it down our throats with 20 million dollars franchising.

I was speaking more in terms of movement not game pacing. I know CS can be super fast but the movement just feels awful to me.

dota has existed in some form or another for well over a decade, the suits at blizzard don't have the patience to wait that long

>e-sport hopefuls that couldn't make it in other games
That may be it. Overwatch is, for me, super frustrating because mechanically I'm better than most of the DPS I end up playing with. But I have to MT because that's an even rarer skill.

>even the most avid OWL fans admit they leave the viewer on for tokens
Someone post the viewership graph

>hello advertiser
>give me money and I will show your ad to the millions of people watching this
>a cardboard box, oh nono, its esports
>look, this paper I wrote myself demonstrate there is actually millions of people watching the content of the cardboard bo-the competitive scene
This is how esports work

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nobody gives a fuck that your brazillian servers are dead at 4AM pablo

eat shit

the better you are the longer the waiting times
being in a large stack also fucks the waiting times

I really wish Overwatch actually had content and was good mechanically. The character design, movement, and animation all look and feel nice. If only Blizzard would stop focusing so much on competitive bullshit and esports this game would get a huge resurgence of players.

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go eat your luico ohs and buy more loot boxes goy

>3 sym turrets behind a barrier applying 100% movement blocking
>flashbang stun for 0.8 seconds
>1.5 second slow into 1.5 seconds of being frozen
>1 second shield bash
>hook not only stuns you and displaces you, but turns your fucking FOV as well

It's amazing how after decades of holy trinity game dev experience they somehow failed to predict that DPS would be the most popular by far and that people would try to main some of the most obtuse and niche characters in the roster.

Ana kept me playing for many season because she has the most satisfying healer design in any game I've seen, but they were dead set on never letting her be as clutch as DPS characters. I quit in season 11 when they said they couldn't buff Ana because mobility creep is bad while giving fucking Hanzo a low cool down air dash and then releasing Hammond. Fuck their schizophrenic game design. I'll never forget the enduring moth meta as being the worst series of balance decisions ever made.

All that can be avoided and it still beats being unable to move and shoot at the same time.

owned the blizzdrone hard
he probably owns 4 copies of the game

It’s because overwatch was project titan so all the old guys like metzen and Morriaine worked on it, now they left and they left a passive aggressive sperg and a lazy chink in charge, any magic overwatch had on release is dead and now it’s just a slowly dying beast

>All that can be avoided
>he's still stuck in plat
>he actually defends these garbage mechanics

>dying beast
the game is dead and has been for a long time
have fun playing with the same couple hundred retards from your region

cry more nigger

if you get stunned outside of teamwipes and you arent playing mt/ot then your a stupid fucking nigger

Is there a reason there are so many Ana players in quick play? It's insane, it's every match. They're all bronze-silver, so there is zero healing throughput.

As a social experiment I exclusively support. With these idiots running around I'm getting 35-40% healing every single map simply because of the available healing. I feel even 35% is impressive on the low end because of the impact a 10% damage dealt healing Ana has on survivability.

>somehow failed to predict that DPS would be the most popular by far and that people would try to main some of the most obtuse and niche characters in the roster
I'm not sure Jeff Kaplan didn't realize that. I'm just not sure he could see any way to avoid it, honestly. They did make the hitscans some of the more attractive character designs, in their defense.

>Ana kept me playing for many season because she has the most satisfying healer design in any game I've seen
Ana is such a trap character, though. Low-SR Anas spend so much time trying to DPS and not nearly enough time dropping heals on their team. Plus, she has ZERO synergy with the most popular DPS heroes of dive (Tracer, Pharah, Genji, Sombra), which meant once her healing was nerfed she was outside the meta. She was once again outside the meta in GOATS. I'm honestly not sure she'd ever be part of a meta unless they grossly overbuffed her healing again.

>mobility creep is bad
Currently the game's major issue, no joke. I'm not sure who Kaplan is listening to, but any MT player will tell you that it's getting much, much harder to push into and own space because literally every DPS seems to have the speed to flank and punish you now.

>Is there a reason there are so many Ana players in quick play?
Because she's fun. Sometimes I think about reinstalling just to play her. Then I remember everything else.

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A better game and spectator sport has a better esports community, what are the odds. Overwatch and League are legitimately snore inducing, even 6.83 highground defense meta was more entertaining to watch then the average LCS or OWL game.

Kaplan is the last soldier left in a corporate run machine, his friends are gone , his loremaster hates the game and all he wants to do is remake quake 3. Kaplan will be gone by August

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Paladins is pure fucking trash.

>"International" e-sports stars are all korean
No shit. It's faker than the WWE. Blizzard is a control freak that needs to be in control of everything from team branding to the shirts their fans wear. Just like how they micromanage and overdesign everything in their games.

>Posts the character that makes other characters feel like they're wading through mud

Overwatch is one of those games you see in movies/tv shows where they cant show real game, but instead show the most generic shit they could came up with

sports are dumb.

>They did make the hitscans some of the more attractive character designs
How can you say that after they basically dumpstered soldier for many seasons and turned McCree into a niche pick?

>I'm honestly not sure she'd ever be part of a meta unless they grossly overbuffed her healing again.
They never should've nerfed her damage. Regardless, the fact that they made the most boring and brainless healers consistently play best proves the game's balance has become rotten at its core.

>Currently the game's major issue, no joke
No doubt. I got the distinct impression that their comments about mobility creep applied only to Ana and one or two other characters. In other words, those characters are the sacrificial goats that allow the devs to claim they haven't let mobility creep run rampant. The reality is they have failed to make low mobility rewarding or even particularly viable outside of main tanks, who have to suffer being punching bags for all the characters that hop around the map like its nothing.

I will never get over the fact that they have consistently picked Tracer & Mercy over Soldier & Ana as staples of the game. My instincts warned me about the mobility creep the moment I noticed that Tracer had replaced Soldier in all the promotional material and they were treating her as the golden standard of balancing. For a little while I hoped that they would actually follow through on their promise to make every characters as rewarding and potentially clutch as Tracer. I thought that maybe they had finally learned from all the mistakes playing it too safe with WoW and SC2, pandering to the lowest common denominator, but instead it was more of the same. I feel so stupid for trusting them.

stop playing this awful game you retards
are you that dim

I'm pretty confident Kaplan will be forced out soon, yeah. He still gets huge megabucks because he's on the old Blizzard deal. They forced Morheim out over that.

With that said, I pointed out to another friend the other day that I can't understand watching Overwatch. It's fun to play (for a while) but I don't get how someone who isn't playing at a high level could even tell what's going on from a single camera view of the game. Just seems super boring to watch. Spectating pro PUGs would be alright, I guess, but then I would actually know why the tanks are doing what they're doing. A random spectator wouldn't.

Hots is the moba for people who don't like mobas. I say that cause I liked Hots and I hate mobas, but I only liked it cause I knew the characters. Other mobas I have no idea who the fuck the characters are and I highly doubt moba fans do too. They just use them as tools, but Hots had characters people know and wanted to be, but that doesn't work in a moba.

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Yeah, I always wanted to be diablo riding a pony.

HoTs was pretty meh but it had some really fucking cool and original hero ideas in Mobas.


and it felt like LoL timings(like 1 second stun vs Dotas 4 second type shit) but Dotas damage numbers. It was fast paced and played more like Blizzard Smash Bros.

No sympathy here. A man too stubborn to introduce low priority queues, or any mitigating mechanic whatsoever, for one tricks deserves all the ridicule he deserves. He made a game where playing as a team is paramount and then completely failed to disincentivize being a selfish asshole that completely ruins it for everyone else. Instead all he did was condescend to the community and tell them to police each other by being extra nice. He literally told people to pamper the assholes that were shitting on their games like it was some kind of solution. What a failure.

>it wasn't clear from the very beginning

>How can you say that after they basically dumpstered soldier for many seasons and turned McCree into a niche pick?
That was one of their worst decisions. It's completely indefensible in retrospect. But their designs remained the most attractive. People didn't stop maining their husbandos even when they were nerfed into the ground.

>They never should've nerfed her damage.
Yep. Everyone told them to nerf the grenade's heal. They didn't listen. Maybe they can go back now and readdress it?

>they have failed to make low mobility rewarding
Worse, they've made it super frustrating. When GOATS dies I'm not sure anyone will play Rein. He's a bad pick outside of having Zen and Brig babysitting him.

based klain

i like hots because at worst you'll have a half hour long game. i also greatly enjoy the variety of characters. like the lost vikings, cho-gall, and murky. they're just so much fun to play.

Rag fucking sucked. shit kit, but hey, he could morph into a building once ever 5 minutes or whatever for 10 seconds. Neat.

It's funny how many people have tricked themselves into liking a game just because there's a Blizzard splash screen when you start it up.

im talking more about the ideas, not how good they actually were. His ult was pretty sick.

epic discord screenshot

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>People didn't stop maining their husbandos even when they were nerfed into the ground.
Yeah, that true. I kept playing Ana, Pharah and Soldier for many seasons even though they were increasingly non-meta. At some point I gave up though.

>Maybe they can go back now and readdress it?
This is the big problem I've always seen with Blizzard from Vanilla WoW and the expacs to SC2, and D3. They are too arrogant and stubborn to admit fault until they get truly desperate. They REFUSE to listen to the explicit desires of their playerbase (I'm not talking specific demands or ideas, just basic acknowledgement of what it is players enjoy about the game and hope to see more of). They will insist they know better what you want than you do, and what this very consistently results in is them making bad decisions that they won't revert until it's much, much too late because that would mean admitting they were wrong about something. I guarantee you they will redesign every other aspect of Ana several times over before they revert the damage nerf.

>Worse, they've made it super frustrating.
I remember playing Rein in S4-5. It felt rewarding because staying patient and disciplined payed off, but I also noticed how he was just a damage sponge that relied on his team to get anything done. I decided then to never MT. I genuinely feel sorry for the people who have stuck with it, building all those skills only to get pigeonholed in a role that is essentially torture. You're literally suffering some of the worst game play imaginable just to give your team a chance to win, and if they're randoms they might not even be trying to win at all.

Kaplan is a onions cuck but he’s also a boomer in one of the last dedicated pc companies he will leave soon

The thing I find fascinating about overwatch is it doesn’t even make sense as a money scheme if you wanted cash release an expac with 10 new heroes or something similar, it’s like acti blizzard rather see the game slowly death rattle than even bother exploiting whose left

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Why fleece costumers for hundreds when you can swindle investors for millions?

Investors ask for a return no one tries to return a expac, they could fool the entire gaming community with a expac that had new heroes and story mode, it might even save the underlining knowledge that blizzard is basically a outsource studio

>Investors ask for a return
Not when your league dies before profit sharing kicks in.

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I wonder what the deal looked like it must have been shady as fuck for even mark “I’ll invest in fart sweaters” Cuban to say no