How is this even a debate?

How is this even a debate?
I only barely passed high school, yet this is such an easy proBlem.

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i hvae no knowledge of physics, but my gut says A

Anything but A and your a faggot.

If B is the correct answer, what happens if you put two portals on different planets with ridiculously fast relative velocities due to their respective orbits?
Just for lulz.

glados literally tells you it is A

In-game it would be A.

The portal plate slamming down on the cube doesn’t give it any momentum, so A.
Based ISTP posting, by the way

>implying Yea Forums played Portal

why would an object that has no relative momentum go flying


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I never knew Albert Einstein was a fucking retard.

This literally boils down to "Does movement of the entry portal impart momentum, or only movement of the object entering the portal?"

So, to frame it the opposite way, what if the orange portal were being pulled downward at just slower than the speed the cube was falling into it, causing it to eventually pass through?
Would the cube go flying, because it has momentum, or flop down, because it passed through the portal slowly?

"INTP and INTJ" type of personalities are scientifically invalid, only the big five is recognized.

Don't be retarded.

If it has no momentum how does it enter the portal?

It's A
Just imagine you were in the position of the cube, why would you suddenly start catapulting?
Portals in the game don't work like that in portals in real life can't exist, therefore spamming this thread everyday is the most retarded thing you can do with your time.

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You cannot evaluate how these things would work in real life, because their existence necessarily contradicts several basic assumptions/observations of physics.

Because the portal was pushed against it.


that was because of the vacuum not motion, it's still a.

>cube is approaching the portal at over9000 m/s
>cube is somehow not "speedy thing"
inb4 relativity is hard

This is the same concept of how we can obtain faster than light travel through warping. We/Ship is the cube, and you cause time/space to move at a higher speed than light. No object ends up actually moving aster than the speed of light, and you can travel across the universe faster than light itself.

>imagine being a Brainlet
it's A.


a makes the most logical sense. you would'nt feel a force from going through a portal. the portal doesn't so much as move you to the other side but rather teleport you to the other side.

If the portal has momentum relative to the cube then the cube has momentum relative to the portal. That's how momentum works.

look at the fucking picture you ignoramus the platform with the cube on it isnt moving

the portal is moved around the cube; the cube doesn't move.

think of it like taking a circle of rope and dropping it around the cube. relative to the falling rope, the cube move through the rope. however, to any logical observer, the rope is just moving towards the ground around the cube

Seriously, these thing allow instantaneous travel over non-zero distances. Stop me if I'm wrong, but that's faster than light, and physics doesn't speak to FTL anymore, after the whole "relativity" thing.

relative to the ground the cube has no momentum though. you can't use frames of reference and relative movement to argue this one because portals break the logic.

It's B. Imagine that you're the cube and you're projected upwards (because this is what's happening here the moment you pass the portal because the movement of the platform transfers to you). Just because you went through the portal doesn't mean you just forget about the momentum you had a second ago.

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Someone post the in engine video that proves A.

If it doesn't give it any momentum, then what energy does it use to displace the air on the other side?

It has tons of relative momentum.

>what is relativity: the post

did you have an actual comprehensible thought or argument to present or were you just going to go with gibberish

It's simplifying things for retards which is something Glados thinks the player is. And for the purposes of every test this statement is true since the player can never affix a portal to a moving object outside of a single instance and as such relative velocity is never considered.

>the momentum you had a second ago
..the momentum of zero?
the speed of the portal hitting you only determines how quickly you'll materialize at the other end, nothing more

It also completely fucking violates conservation of momentum.
Momentum isn't just conserved in it's magnitude (speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out),
but also in it's direction, so you could never have two portals at angles to one another, otherwise the direction of the velocity would have changed without an external force acting upon it.


That's not gibberish you uneducated simpleton.
Things cannot travel faster than light.
If something goes in one portal and comes out of another, but there is a meters distance between them, that object has travelled 1 meter in 0 seconds.
Infinite speed.
Faster than light.
But things cannot travel faster than light.

he did present an argument. he provided an argument for why you fags trying to use relativity are completely in the wrong (breaks the speed of light limit on top of breaking the logic of reference frames).

A would be the most sensible answer. the "movement" the portal gives the cube isn't normal movement. its more of a teleportation. hence the cube's momentum stays 0.

Respectfully, neither answer is correct.
You can't answer this question because the object in question is physically impossible.

Does anyone have the video or webm of this in-game? I remember seeing it in one thread.

It doesn't move relative to you, but it moves relative to the portal, and it would be moving relative to this circle of rope.
What happens when you fling yourself though a portal while holding a cube? That's a
scenario with a reference frame fixed to the cube's, same as in OP's pic. The cube doesn't just stop even though you observe it to be motionless. You might think, "Well that's because you're both moving relative to the room", but why is the room's reference plane so important? Only because it's fixed to the portal's though out the game and it's only now that that convention has been broken.

A is the most correct though

>this nigga don't know bout wormholes

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