ALL Rockstar servers down for almost 5 hours now

>ALL Rockstar servers down for almost 5 hours now
>Even the shill youtubers are getting worried
>articles about it from different journalists starting to pop up
>Shark Card buying bacteria are furious all over the internet

>Yea Forums sleeps

Are you feeling alright, fellas?
I thought you loved scandals about AAA garbage.
Someone call YongYea

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up you Drama-loving nigger.

The game is old so no one cares

For posterity's sake:

>It was last updated in the future

>A thread exists that wants to talk about something actually video game related
>Spouts insults
You're the nigger

Probably because the only people who matter are at work right now so don't know that the servers are down until they get off and try to play later.

gta is for niggers

>Online garbage goes down
>Implying Yea Forums plays this garbage
>Act surprised when no one talks about it

>Defending corporations that are currently depriving customers of a service they paid for

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All of Sony has been down for days at a time. WGAF about 5 hours of no RDR2 or GTA online

It's still one of the most played multiplayer games on all consoles, fatty.

Except it's been down so long that the news is spilling into the public, dummy.
Community leaders are starting to cry and pee their pants:

You're telling me the constant Fallout 76 threads were all disgruntled customers?
Come off it.

>people play a new game for an entire week and then forget about it entirely, leaving it to die
>all the while still playing GTAV and Minecraft as if they came out yesterday
What a strange world we live in.

>people do different things

Huh, it's like they found a game that they like and want to continue to play. Strange.

>5 hours

Whoa, who cares

5M servers work fine. Anyone else try it? The mod is pretty fun if you can stomach terrible roleplayers.

Any decent servers?

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This right here.

Minecraft I understand. It's Legos in vidya form that kids and weird autists like for the adventure they can create with their imagination.
GTA Online is a travesty of ass-filled grinding worse than real life populated by factually retarded sub-humans.

It baffles me.

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April will be 6 months since RDR2 launch on console.
Streamers RP'ing in GTA out of nowhere.
Servers go down for no fucking reason.
Not coincidence.
RDR2 on PC announcement inbound.

Have sex

>Even the shill youtubers are getting worried
This is a red flag on your part. I don't watch this shit.

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I race on project homecoming


>RDR2 on pc
Hoping for single player dlc announcement instead.

Clean your gaping axe wound

wow whole 5 hours without playing GTA ONLINE. How can people live like that???
If I were cool GTA ONLINE gamer I'd probably an hero at that point.

It's great for writing cheats and destroying rp servers

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I won’t tell you again. Please, for your own sake
Have sex

Forsen has been playing the whole day though?

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>Irrelevant dead game
Nobody cares.

Nobody cares about GTAO here you fag

they probably just made a oopsie woopsie fucksie wucksie while trying to ban some more cheaters/bug abusers and nuked the game database.

Sure I'll just put on my sex helmet, climb into my sex cannon, and fire off into SEX LAND WHERE SEX GROWS ON SEX TREES



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I'm perma-banned anyway
It could be down for good and I couldn't give less of a shit


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Social club is down not some shitty rp server.

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