>yep, that's totally possible
Yep, that's totally possible
Other urls found in this thread:
THIS thread again...
Nothing Drake does is possible in the games.
you are underestimating the strength of the apes
You must go back to /pol/.
Eat shit white pig
Go find a black woman and tell her your thoughts on her race and sex, then record the results. We'll solve this together
people joke about Playstation moviegames but you can actually watch the Uncharted games on YouTube and not miss a single goddamn thing
Me as the strong independant woman, Yea Forums as the incel males
So just like every single game out there?
>implying your average military woman wouldn't melt a civilian in h2h
be real, incels. not all women are delicate little flowers that are incapable of fighting back.
no, most games have gameplay that you don't experience when you watch someone else play them
it's about as possible as you getting laid
meanwhile in reality.
>average military woman
so just a few holes. huh, well not like it takes more than that to beat any normal man.
Yeah, but Nathan Drake is practically a super human in these games.
now tell me she's voiced by Tessa Thompson
Nathan and his brother aren't exactly average though
but there's still no way she'd actually have a chance against both of them at once
>Have to 2v1 an exhausted womyn
lmao cucks
You wouldn't be complaining about this situation as being unrealistic if the woman was an MMA fighter and the men were preteen boys.
Literally failed QTE.
It's not
Once you see the gameplay loop, you're not going to miss anything.
It would have been fine if the game presented her as the villain and gave you a chance to overcome her, but she's also the moral superior who rises above the treasure hunt and leaves the little boys to bicker over the treasure. I bet before that wasn't her character before the changed her into as strong independent black woman.
why did they hate sam so
>Can't even form fist
>anime poster
Every time
might be true but Uncharted games are seriously just cutscenes with short bouts of gameplay to connect the cutscenes together
no, but that's not the case here
what point are you trying to make?
Ex boxer here. This is not physically possible unless the guy WANTS to be beaten like that. For all I know, it's his fetish.
>you wouldn't be saying this was unrealistic if it wasn't unrealistic
Well no shit
You're right. That's hot as fuck.
>bumping a zero reply incel thread from page 9
Good job, retard
Thank god I was done with this series after 3 where it should of ended.
imagine being this stupid
Thanks for the bump nigger
Go away, incel
Possible, yeah, but what's her name's model has no muscle definition so it looks fucking retarded.
>Ordinary Civilian
>Modern Day Indiana Jones that has mowed down hundreds of crazy germans and ruskies
I know you don't actually play vidya but try to disguise yourself better. Also remember to dilate.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>say something stupid
>get called out
It's always an an anime posting retard that says stupid shit like this. Why?
its just that nathan has fought bigger and crazier men..and then a small woman beats him up.
you first nog
>unnecessary tranny line
you let those faggots live rent free, huh?
I'm in the Army, that is not true in the slightest. All women in the military are POGs with few exceptions.
If the chick was someone like Lara Croft (even NuLara) no one would give a shit. Other than butthurt Nathanfags as they do now.
>half of MDE was Tim and Eric copycat
>he is a nazi, and not the discord tranny bullshit "nazi", he straight up is a retard nazi
>he's a leech
>he's a pedo
>his shit isn't funny any more
I dont speak normalfag, what does this mean?
it's a third person shooter. Are you retarded?
can you translate from angry tranny noises pls
>overtrained special force chick beats two average dudes
yea totally impossible
You mean you don't speak military? Person Other than Grunt
here, since your brain is completely smooth:
tl;dr stop posting about an irrelevant faggot with a dead career
are you? Most 3rd person shooters aren't interactive movies
like any game, dmc5 for instance
>like any game
this is your brain on Sony
>average dudes
>average dudes
Drake is a fucking mass murdering death machine
special force chick hahaha
You are mad because she isn't a cute teen
in what way is it different than gears of war?
It has cutscenes and levels.
sorry i am still only getting really seething tranny noises
Why does the animation feel so unnatural? Like there's no weight in the movements.
you're wasting your life
stop being a faggot
last reply
while I would argue in Gears the gameplay to movie ratio is noticeably better they do tend to be on the same end of the cancer spectrum
Reminds me of her.
because half the time he reacts to her hits and half the time he doesn't. See the stomach punch around 4 seconds, he doesn't react at all but he flinches hard at the kick just before that
thats a dragon
the chad japanese game designer
Because it was made by westerncucks
Yep, it is, just like when Arnold mows down 100 guys one handing an M60, Drake's Adventure is an action movie, give up.
Can't spelly sony without snoy.
It's okay when Japan does it though
That faggot weights like twice as much as the chick. He could have overpowered her in a heartbeat.
is there more to this?
... it's the same game.
Wanna know how I know you never did martial arts before?
>incel thread
Imagine being this cringe
They dish it out but can't take it, just like shit talking children
looks like the INCEL BIGOT cant handle STRONG WOMEN
FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!
He's right though, DMC 5 has very similar pacing to the Uncharted games. Sounds like you're just ignoring it because it's a game you like
>Instantly folds when confronted with equal force
What did she fucking expect?
Wanna know how I know you never did martial arts before? Weight classes exist for a reason you fucking sperg
Whats the fat guys special ability?
Someone post Ronda Rousey getting out wrestled by a middle school so we can end this already
Females are not stupid they know some men have this shitty code of not hurting woman on any way even when they're in the wrong on anything
Armyfag here, average military is just civilian with ocps on. They're no better at fighting than anyone else. Don't let the camouflage fool you too much. Also, women in the military is a meme. They're at sick call basically all the time trying to get medboarded asap
note which part I quoted
Not to mention sex segregation.
>more insecure whiny sexists
I haven't played 4, but in 1-3 nearly the entire game was just "hold up on the stick to watch Nathan climb and then fall off of stuff". It was essentially watching a movie.
keep it vidya broz
They do exist for a reason you arrogant prick but that's due to the assumption of equal skills. If the skills aren't equal a smaller man can fuck you up royaly if you don't know what you're doing. Some 70 pound teenager will choke you the fuck out even if you're some fatass. Get fucked.
Back to Discord with your LARPing ass.
Underrated post
That's also correct to an extent. Games in the same general genre as Uncharted have been balancing cutscenes and gameplay basically the same way since MGS1, and Uncharted is nowhere near the worst offender when it comes to too many cutscenes
No bully the 2D
user female body can't out perform a man strenght it's just physically impossible. Maybe if she works out to an extreme and know martial art she could beat a man but Drake is not a fat piece of shit like you. He have the strenght and combat experience to fucked up tons of dudes at once
The average out of shape male is still stronger than a female bodybuilder.
Fuck you you little maggot.
How about I stay right here lil nigga *farts loud*
For a man, women are incredibly easy to overpower. It's why the whole chivalry code even exists in the first place. This is because men always throw blows in such a way that is strong enough to incapacitate their father. Women are not acquainted with such kind of violence, only other men are.
no, we wouldnt
because a preteen boy is not as strong as a full grown fucking man
drake is not a preteen boy.
Equal rights, which obviously meant that she can go around hitting people but expected them to not hit back. Because she's a girl.
>All these women and pretend women getting worked up over men being stronger than them.
on one hand I hate these threads and think they should be deleted but on the other hand they sometimes help me expand my lewd collection
There is a lot of climbing, I'll give you that. But play the game on a harder difficulty and you'll realize how much combat there actually was in the first 3, especially towards the last third of each game.
>Today I will remember them how much of a salty incel I am.
a old man getting his assbeat yes i can see that
>kimochi warui...
>gold star irony
I think anime poster was being ironic and was doing a great job
It's a survival instinct commonly seen in women and arabs.
>gets away with everything
That's a god damn dragon with enhanced magical strength.
what was the player supposed to feel watching nathan drake and his brother get beat effortlessly by a new character?
>Games in the same general genre as Uncharted
not what was originally stated. The statement was "like any game" which is absolutely laughable. Now if it was "like most mid-late 2000s 3rd person action-adventures" there would be a point
>Uncharted is nowhere near the worst offender when it comes to too many cutscenes
that's truly horrifying if true because Uncharted is god awful in that regard
But Anonymous that's all horse shit
Nadine has enhanced nig strength
I like how the two kids on the left go back to their phone game or whatever
Like a fucking cuck
>receive a hit that makes her fold in pain
>a few seconds after that she goes directly to his back and gets bodied again
But where's the logic?
huh, honestly thought the gap was way bigger
Of course he's a nazi and a leech. But he's a pedo? How do you know this?
>punched her so hard her skirt vanished
>my Facebook friends told me I'm better than any man!!!
Same logic as this.
"If I feign extreme pain from a slap, He'll take an easy on me or admit he's wrong, if he doesn't do so, I'll just try to hit him again"
You be real. Modern militaries don't teach martial arts to the average soldier. They're taught to fight as dirty as possible because if you end up in H2H in modern war it's an accident and you need to win as quickly as you can and get back to your group. The idea is to attack the throat and genitals as well as using anything environmental that could help you like a rock or some household widget with good heft if you aren't able to use your knife.
Stop basing your assumptions of real-world people you know nothing about on your experience of movies and videogames. Military H2H is basically the self defence classes women take already.
>clips her with the tips of his fingers
>acts like she got knifed in the face
>fold in pain
more like fold in surprise
>he actually...hit back! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Obviously dumbass, I think you're taking the guy too literally. I guess you're right though he probably shouldn't have said "like any game".
>Uncharted is god awful in that regard
It's pretty bad in 4, not as bad in the first 3.
I already gave you a perfect example of a series that does it way worse, MGS has been doing it since 1. But nobody on here complains about that because it's not a sony game and is an eastern game
Hey, you're the first one to get it. The point of my post was to point at a situation that wouldn't be unrealistic and say that nobody would complain that it was unrealistic. It's like if you go into a multiplayer game and after you die you say in chat "I wouldn't have died if I didn't run out of health." It was a post inspired a bit by the acts of comedians like Norm Macdonald.
I agree with men being stronger than women and everything, but she has the momentum in this fight. Then again I've never played this and I don't know how the fight started.
Nathan Drake is also a bitch boy. Look at him.
drake was a navy seal
Haha you lose on the internet too!
Look! Equality!
I dont know user, but whater it is, it'll make you gag for hours.
Is this from the bathtub slapping game as well? Please, I'd like to know the source.
OP triggered as fuck
Purin chan's boxing gym
POGs? Do you mean PAWGs?
Is she ded?
I actually liked his movie reviews for the most part. He's the only one who called out King's Speech for the blatant uninspired Oscar bait that it is
i am....
Imagine, getting THIS angry over something so pointless.
>women are inherently weaker than men
>except when it doesn't fit my narrative
you either claim women to be weak shits, which makes the dude in a faggot for slapping or you act like they're actually equal in strength, but in that case this thread would not exist
make your minds up, incelniggers
>you wouldn't be complaining about this situation if it was an entirely different situation
>attack someone
>get hit
>call them a faggot because since you're weak that means you should be able to do whatever you please without consequences
Also those are kids, not men and women.
>You shouldn't attack back if the person attacking is weaker than you
No one ever said this, only retarded white knight incels.
In any functional relationship, if a woman responds with violence, she is either abusing her husband, or it's an abusive relationship period.
Women aren't these special god like beings, they're humans too, so when they act up, they get punished, just like any other person.
Grow the fuck up.
I don't, I'm on Yea Forums. It's the daily reality
Being weak doesn't gives you immunity after you act stupid, if she's weak and goes for it anyways she deserves it then.
kill all 3d women
fuck 3d women
>All these women and pretend women getting worked up over men being stronger than them.
This thread was made by a big strong manly man being upset that a fictional woman could beat up a fictional man.
>draw a little girl in a dress
>call it a 4000 year old transforming dragon
why is Japan such a joke?
I hate women
This is so fucking stupid
I'm not saying he shouldn't defend himself. Just saying if you go full force against someone who's supposed to be the weakest species on the planet, you shouldn't go full force.
the point of my post is that /vol/ is contradicting itself yet again and everything /pol/ or lefty/pol/ or anything can go fuck itself
So you only play sprite games with sprite women?
Kawaii no seigi
Bitch in UnCharted isn't kawaii
Is this a QTE to watch yourself get your ass beat? What sort of dumb retard plays garbage movie shit like this?
No, that's a little girl in a dress.
Women aren't logical creatures, the only logic you'll find in women are ugly women that have had a hard life, and had to work for what they own. Any women who's even a 5/10 has been pampered by all the men in her life, and never reprimanded for her mistakes. So mentally they're still children.
> women are equal in every way
> women aren't weaker than men because they are equal
> women should get special immunity when they commit acts of violence
Nobody hates women but feminists.
Your logic is reversed. If you're weak, you don't attack people stronger than you so you don't get bodied. Why are you saying this is the stronger individual's responsibility?
Wtf Tommy is a man, and those are women? How is that possible?
If there's no training background, most people will engage in full force when in danger no matter if the person in front of him is weaker or stronger than him.
The very proof of this is how the girl charges at him again despite being clearly weaker, there's no space for clear thinking in this situations, leave that board fighting somewhere else.
its okay if they're cute dragons
B-but that's necrophilia...
Equal rights
She's trans.
She's on angel dust the whole time, man. Of course it's realistsic
Because then she would be a futa rocking sissy boys and it would be hot.
>watching this
>thread makes me think, "you know what would be cool? if you could start beating her up"
>mfw starts happening
God damn. I wish i could do that
What the actual fuck this ain't your daddies Ryona
The alt right hacker group known as Yea Forums flung shit at AS while it was airing. AS execs are still same cut of hollywood incompetence as traditional media. Sam is now basically on an industry wide blacklist. Tim is a genuine cuck and pretends to believe he didn't have a hand in any of it.
>video game shows women being/doing anything other than silent NPCs standing around doing nothing or targets to attack and kill for points
>Yea Forums loses its collective shit
Who's father?
We’re the games ever realistic? You have shit like civilian women and old dudes leaping like 20 ft from a wall and be perfectly fine when they land.
World Peace was pretty funny user.
Whatever. If somebody hits me im hitting them back. as hard as i please.
Not an argument.
>last reply
you gonna go diltate now?
i like that they used a lewd yuugi model for this
So a 90% percentile woman could beat up a weak male. huh
The cutest jobber
Why? Because ethics? You’re a fucking retard. Just because someone is throwing punches under your weight, man or woman, doesn’t mean you give them a handicap. A weaker person can kill you in the right circumstances. Stop being a retarded faggot.
>implying your average military woman wouldn't melt a civilian in h2h
If trained martial artists and boxers can get wrecked by regular dudes who have more weight/muscle, then I doubt trained women would fare any better. Hollywood has perpetuated this meme that women can fight evenly with men, when it's simply not true. A man could lift a woman up and slam her to the ground to end a fight in seconds. It's ironic that most women are anti-gun, because guns are the only thing that neutralize the physical advantages of men.
She's been trained by nignog private military since she was a brown loli.
Nate and Sam mostly just do cardio all day, and Nate had been living a cushy life for a couple years before the start of the fourth game, he should have been out of shape.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate women too. But I don't think this is unrealistic.
He's right though.
You're glowing, especially for that file name.
I'm a sexist, but even I know that women CAN be trained for hand to hand combat, and the taller they are the more effective they are. Some 5 foot shorty wouldn't do much to an average man.
The majority of female military members are non-combat roles. You might as well argue that the average nurse can beat up more people than average.
Top kek. Based
Not an argument
>noodly arms
>still beats the shit out of 2 grown slabs of meat
Seems like you know how to read graphs
it's okay because they're cute and 2d
>Need to punch him 3 times before Knocking him out of balance.
Seems about right.
You must be stupid then, because it is completely unrealistic. No amount of training will undo the fact that the average male has multiple times more raw strength, speed and reaction speed than a trained woman.
No, but Ronda Rousey would single-handedly annihilate everyone in this thread for sure
>he says, not realizing there has never existed a "Special Forces" female member in all of history, due to how inferior they physically are and how it would jeopardize the entire unit
>getting manhandled by a vagina
>military woman
>with that haircut
She couldn't outwrestle a middle school boy
It's actually dangerous to teach women that they can physically confront men
Because Lara shoots people, she doesn't punch them retard. It's not unrealistic for her to be able to do all kinds of wall runs, wall jumps and other acrobatics - female acrobats do that stuff. And when it comes to combat, she shoots you in the face with Deagles or a shotgun.
Why would you chose an ex ufc fighter when you could have chosen an actual ufc fighter?
the best women in sports are transgender men lmao
>the scene that killed Yea Forums
has a single scene in a video game ever triggered Yea Forumsirgins this much?
World Peace was good, and the only thing you were right about is that he is a National Socialist. He's no leech and definitely no pedo.
So you shouldn't defend yourself against someone weaker? I'm not a bitch, if a manlet comes up to me and slaps me in the face I'm going to make sure he regrets it and same goes for a woman. Being weak does not give you a license to go around assaulting people without repercussion.
literally no fun allowed
Damn, we got a nobel prize winner over here.
>average military woman wouldn't melt a civilian in h2h
see i always felt this arguement was weird.
When i learned cqc in the army it wasn't mostly throwing punches and kicks. It learning to gouge out eyes, pressure points to gain compliance and chokes. There was some striking taught here and there but not a whole lot.
Were you actually born yesterday?
He sold out.
>t. triggered tranny
What if he had several bullet wounds at the time?
I know for a fact that Female sports teams of non-contact sports (Basketball, Soccer) play against teen boys and consistently get BTFO. Female MMA fighters train with men to learn how to defend against being ragdolled, but they never win sparring matches. I think a 15 year old boy would wipe the floor with a trained female fighter.
Pre-teen is way too young, though, that's like 12 years old.
Jokes on you, I sumo Wrestle.
That is so unrealistic, it's like a little kid beating up 2 grown men
Most military women, unless they're butch or dyke, are nothing more than a military units living fleshlight.
well apparently this one was and got smacked the fuck up lmao@her life
>But where's the logic?
The real tragedy in this whole uncharted setpiece as well as the other fight, is how pointless it is, giving you the illusion that you are actually fighting when the outcome is entirely predetermined.
What show
what the fuck is the point of these threads?
I know a girl that is a police officer. She's 5'10'' and is at my gym 4-5 times a week doing full body workouts not just squats. She's probably the toughest girl I know but even she wouldn't be able to take down any guy above average size. For a woman to take down Drake she would need to be a 6 foot or taller hambeast.
What you mean? to talk about video games of course.
>That's a dragon
I don't see a dragon. I just see a generic anime girl. Do you mean she's a dragon using some kind of disguise? That's cute but that's bullshit.
There's no dragon here. It's just a fucking anime girl. She's as much a dragon as I am the Queen of Britain.
Nah man, a 100lbs women (who has less muscle and bone density than a male) throwing weak ass kicks and punches would totally stumble a well seasoned mercenary who has probably half a foot in height a 1.5 times her body weight on her.
If you think this is unrealistic it's because you're a virgin weirdo , I mean, obviously anyone who has had sex like I have is also just as afraid of women as me. Duh
yiff in hell degenerate
Back in highschool we played against Canada's national basketball team and beat them. Our team wasn't anything special plus were were reluctant to play our toughest. That shit was embarrassing.
Complain about unrealistic moments in video games due to autistic nerds not knowing how to fight but designing a game around firefights and hand to hand combat
Not everyone who plays these games is a fucking shut in nerd
That's actually a good question. I'm interested in the psychology of the people who post the same threads over and over on Yea Forums and then repeat all the same things in them to an audience that does the same and heard it all before. Must be fulfilling some emotional need for belonging or something. Like going to church, except for incel NEETs who don't leave the basement.
>average military woman
>half of MDE was Tim and Eric copycat
Debatable especially with World Peace
>He’s a nazi
So a baseless Insult, and taking his Twitter Shitposts way to seriously then?
>He’s a leech
>Implying more people don’t leech off him by just his Name Alone including Hidecker
>He’s a pedo
No proof and completely false
>his shit isn't funny any more
Neither is majority of the Comedian landscape since it’s the same bland diluted shit that offers nothing since everyone usually places it safe
>What did she fucking expect?
Not to get hit back. A majority of men in the west are conditioned to not hit women at all. Whatever happened in this picture, it must have been escalating for some time.
i can't wait until the overuse of "virgin" causes the typical social pendulum effect and men start actively avoiding sex
women and insecure men are really shooting themselves in the foot by overusing their most powerful tool
God, I wish that were me
kys incel
God damn that guy is impressive.
>Tfw played soccer in hs as an American
Man fuck no contact soccer, everytime my team or anyone had a chance we would check someone with our shoulders. The Asian exchange students we had did the sane. How do Europeans play this sport with no contact? They should just make it a contact sport it's way more fun that way
I don't understand. Whats happening?
Its gold how they don't even try at all
>men start actively avoiding sex
Good, casual sex a shit. They should be having kids and raising a strong family anyways instead of wasting away trying to get the best orgasm until they're older.
Come the day of the rope you'll be the first to hang faggot
Absolute mad lad
You do know the "small" guy won that fight right
>it's another /pol/ larper
something something chaika
Why did Cuckman make her literally invincible? For what purpose?
You have no idea what an average woman in the military is like, any civilian male that isn't a complete skeleton would beat the brakes off of 95% of service women
here let me bring up this example of a woman being defeated and act out like its fact yikes
Autistic routine my friend.
It's not that deep
Neck yourself bug catcher.