Post the first game you remember playing

Post the first game you remember playing.

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Some weird jumping space man game my dad had on a big floppy disk, I can't even remember the name.

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>first game I remember consciously playing
the original shareware doom, replaying the first episode over and over again
>first game I actually ever played
according to my father it was mario kart on the snes, but if I'm being honest I don't remember that whatsoever

who s older than me? I am 36

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This game was huge in Australia

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Probably Tetris or Snake on the old gray Gameboy. It came in one of those 50-in-1 gamepaks.

Mario 3 for console games. And that dos game where you are two monkey's throwing bananas at each other kind of like Scorched Earth but no where as detailed and cool.

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I dont even know the name but it was an old PC game. It was 2D with 2 fortresses and you had to destroy the other guys fortress with cannons and your dudes were just stick figures.
It had a bit of a Worms feel to it but you couldnt actually move your little mortar soldiers around.
Anybody know what I'm talking about?

Vultures (C64) was the first game, followed by Arkanoid and then pic related Aztec Challenge, fourth vidya i played was Mario Bros, followed ny Super Mario bros on the NES, and then i don't remember, there's also that Commodore 64 game where you hunt down the bodyparts as doctor frankenstein and build the monster, but i don't remember the name of that game

gameplay footage of Vultures

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captain cosmo

Captain Comic I meant.

I remember this game and would like names.

childhood kino

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that shit was hard as fuck for 6 yrs old me, damn you japs

I'll never gonna fucking find this one but it was a dos game with graphics slightly above ascii and you were some dude navigating top down levels for the exit, running from DR. Mario Virus looking creatures and sometimes you found a gun and could shoot them.

Radical Rex.

I the first game i have recollection of is some karate fighting game on a commodore-like PC
No, it wasnt Karate champ.

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Yeah I remember that one. There are a few like it. Scorched Earth?

anyone remember a super old pc game where you played as like a green alien who had suction cups for hands that he could use to climb walls? It was a sidescroller and I remember literally nothing else about it. Mighta been on a 5" floppy but who even knows

Cosmo by Apogee

I quickly searchengined it and the frankenstein game was called Mad Doctor, this shit gave me a huge nostalgia rush right now

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whatever version of microsoft it was also had a dinky game of roulette, I think the chips you could bet looked like blue gems

wellp that's it that's the first game I remember playing and a mystery of my life solved. How did anyone even get pc games back then

First memory of gaming at 3 years old in 1990. Still play this one to this day.

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Oddly enough I became a Sonic fan

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it was probably Chip's challenge

Also my first. Used to be terrified of the rock-paper-scissors game for some reason.

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My dad just knew a guy from work that had everything. So anything we got was through him. Who knows how he got anything though.

Fucked me up as kid.

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When their heads flew off scared the crap outta 4 year old me.

Minestorm on the Vectrex which I thought was Asteroids for years.

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No that wasnt it, it looked way older.
It was also just black and white, no real colour to it.
You also had to chose how much gunpowder and cannon balls you place in your fortress if I remember correctly..

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Some shmup i was never good at
Is had space ships and you could pick ships with unique abilities

Mario 64

Everyone used to copy tapes/floppy discs at school, so one kid with money would be supplying the rest of the year with whatever he bought, or someone would get a game from their cousin and next thing the whole school would have it.

A video rental place my mom used to bring me to had some arcade cabinets. I never truly got into gaming until the PS1 era, but I got my start on games like this, Pac-Man, and Rampage.

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It seems similar enough but it was way more primitve and completely black with some white sprites and lines for walls.
Almost like Rouge but not actual ascii

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probably paperboy

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>mom buys an nes with smb
>see the zapper
>oh shit this cartridge has two games
light gun games have been one of my favorite genres since

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was it for Mac? if not it was probably Raptor or Tyrian

Is this the weird DOS mario that you can't progress past a certain point in a castle? I know the NES ones had the paths you had to go through in the right order but I remember a DOS one where I would just get stuck.

sadly i can't find it anymore :(

Never finished it.

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are you sure you weren't playing the old Wolfenstein games, before the 3D ones? they weren't black and white though

not the first but my fav from the pre 2000 era

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This is something i played in 2004 on a magic console that could play all the games

Magic of living in eastern europe

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Awesome soundtrack

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mah nigga

My first metroidvania.

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damn, that sucks. I grew up in eastern europe (moscow more specifically) as a teen in the mid to late 90s and I remember my friends and I still had a lot of bootleg/pirated floppy disks for PC games, most prominently I remember us playing a lot of Doom, Heroes of Might and Magic, King's Bounty. we'd all share one PC and just take turns while everyone else crowded around and watched the person whose current turn it was playing. I don't remember where the floppy disks with games on them came from originally, I never got any myself, I just remember every now and then someone in our friends group would pop in with a stack of floppy disks with a new game we'd never seen before on it, and we'd pop that shit in and play for hours, trying to decipher what the english text in all the menus meant since none of us could speak it and only barely read it until we could figure out from context more or less how to play it. good times

are you british?

Yeah I think. I also remember not being able to get past a castle

Abes Oddysee

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Then my dad knocked our SNES off my sister's shelf and we had to sell all our shit.

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yeah, gameboy games are weird in general. Games like super mario land are good, but also so depressing.

No kidding.

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I'm convinced my parents hated me since they bought this and Fester's fucking Quest at the same time.

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Follow me.

Almost looked like that but with way smaller sprites and still more primitive.
Guess it was just some obscure shit game that doesn't deserve to be remembered.

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fuck everyone who puts this in a "top 10 worst star wars game" list. It's fun as hell, even today

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Fuck, I've actually been looking for a specific DOS game for ages, I vaguely remember playing it with one of my friends but I don't remember the name and when it popped back into my head a few years ago I just couldn't remember what the fuck it was called. I've probably been looking for the name of this game for close to a decade now and nothing comes up. IIRC I first played it in the late late 90s on DOS. It was a 2D sidescrolling puzzle platformer, where you'd spawn into a level and then have to make your way to the exit by pushing boxes and the like around until you could reach it. I think the color palette was something like the background always being pitch black, and then shit in front of it was white or dark green (could be remembering this wrong.) The main character was sort of plump and stocky too. Anyone know what this could be? Sorry for the shitty description, I only vaguely remember the details but if I see a screenshot I know I'll recognize it instantly.

where all my pokemon people at? I had red version too but traded it on the playground for super mario bros deluxe

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>not skullmonkeys
awful childhood, demand a refund

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It was basically a pooh mario party.

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Is this the game where you jump though rings of fire a lot? I played a lot of that if that'as the case. I had it on one of those 200-in-1 Chinese NES carts

>eat my shorts

I had a demo disc with this on it.

No, but a europoor.

Yellow was the first game I beat.

it wasn't the first game I remembered playing but it was early 90s, I think it was a dos game where you were either in the cockput of a plane or in first person and basically you just flew down a striped hallway really fast and had to like, move up down left or right at forks in the path and not crash into walls. I *think* the hallway alternated shades of blue but who knows

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Oh yeah, something I do remember if it might help someone remember the name of this game too. I think the general aesthetic of it (or at least what I remember it coming off to me as) was a sort of plumbing, mining, or sewers/cave kinda aesthetic. It had that kind of feel to it, from the character, to the way the boxes and things in the level looked. From how many 2D platforming puzzle games there were on DOS, to the fact that I haven't come close in 10 years to finding out what this shit was called, almost makes me worry that perhaps it was never a commercial game and maybe it was just some free pet project I downloaded off some forumboard back in the day.

the only video game i ever played with my dad. we were in a hotel in salt lake city that had a snes. we probably only played it for 20 minutes but it's one of the most vibrant memories i have.

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either rampage world tour or the legend of zelda oracle of ages
i know that my first game i ever played was super mario 64 though, and the first game i ever watched someone play was kirby 64, i just dont remember it because i was like 2 years old and those memories of rampage and oracle of ages are actually probably my furthest memories

Spend so much time on the demo back much fun. wanted to buy the game but no money.
A few months later Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II came out. yeah.. sorry not sorry

Not my first game but certainly the one which made the most impression on me, anyone with me on this?

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Same here, first game and also freaked out by this. The octopus and its tentacles on the first level used to scare me too and the idea of crashing my motorcycle into the red bricks on the next level was another fear of mine

I still have the disc as well

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Miner 2049er innit? but i dont' remember any boxes, maybe a later version of it, probably not it

which level has the best music track? I think the best music on game boy goes to skate or die:
stage 6:
stage 5:

probably one of the strangest games i played when i was a kid and it just so happened to be my first

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i think a lot of people here played maxis games as their first videogame.
I had the displeasure of playing the shittiest one.

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Skyroads is probably the oldest game I can actively remember playing

Is it Contraption Zack? I got that from Game Dungeon.

There was some sorta exhibition in my town where you could try both

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not entirly sure if it was exatly this one but one of my earliest video game memories is playing this dinosaur themed LCD handled on a airplane when heading to Canary Islands for beach vacation with my family.

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My brother showed me how to play, or at least tried to (I was like 3 or some shit). I only have extreme vague memories of it, I didn't even know the name. Just googled "chess amiga 500" and looked at the pictures, it was definitely this one. I remember the colors for some reason.

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>forgot pic

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My dad thought it was funny to let me play this when I was like 3

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I don't think I ever completed it

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still an unashamed fanboy after all these years

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damn I remember that one, hyped to play it and figure out every possibly kill animation interaction between the pieces

There are a lot of ancientfags in here


Pretty sure the game sometime got unsolvable but otherwise it was a fun little rougelike that get's way more shit than it should.

still a kino *sips*

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I definitely didn't remember the animations being kind of fucked up. But hey at least I didn't get a vore fetish

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some commander keen game

You know those CD-ROMs our parents bought us because they were ostensibly educational? I had a Muppets one on our old Mac. I have never seen any mention of it online, all the common Muppet CD-ROMs look nothing like it. I very specifically remember one scene in which Gopher (I'm pretty sure, it could have been Gonzo) lights a match in a dark room, revealing that it's filled with TNT. It explodes and then you just see Gopher's eyes blinking in the darkness. Freaked the shit out of me as a kid. Anyone else remember this?

Dem feels

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Cover art gave me one of the first boners

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I feel like I've played this. Name?

Me, but on Atari Jaguar

probably one of my favorite video game related images, I love that drawing.

The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril
& the second game is : The Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

haven't played it, so this is just a shot in the dark, was it a point and click adventure? could have been the Muppets treasure island game, or was it a educational game?

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>remember this game, sonic 2, ecco, and taz manian devil

>this game came out in march
>sonic 2 in november
>ecco and taz in december

I guess that's it then

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I've looked pretty closely at the treasure island one and it doesn't check out. There's another one where they get lost in cyberspace that really didn't look much like what I was thinking of.
It was one of those things that was marketed as educational but was really just a collection of basic animations and minigames you could click through

I remember the day I got this, I played it for so long I ended up with a migraine

Nope, not these, thanks for trying though. It was definitely flat 2D btw, not isometric.

>From Software will never pick up the Nightmare Creatures license.

Why even live?

Video games and Yea Forums have been around for a long time

Abe's Oddysee leaves a permanent mark to your life if you play it as a child
I want more Oddworld so badly

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The game you describe does sound familiar to me. If something comes to me, I will post it.

Based, the music was amazing

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>played it through most of my childhood and never made it past that inverse jump and 5-2
>finally going back to as a man and still getting my ass kicked and then discovering that I never even reached the real bullshit that the game has to offer
finally beating my original copy is probably my proudest moment

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>you can only beat the game if you play on Hard
>game wasn't in my native language so I couldn't figure this out
>wonder for years why the ending was so anti-climatic

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That game pushed the C64 to its limits until it was further surpassed by Mayhem in Monsterland.

Super Mario Land.

Yo this game was dank as fuck. Played through it many many times.

This game was brutal. People say Rayman was tough but it was nothing compared to Mickey's Wild Adventure.

The first one I can remember the name of at least.
The very first game I actually played was some super basic top down rocketship racing kind of thing I've never been able to find again.
Chip's Challenge was great though. I remember just giving up on one of the ice levels and just brute forcing the solution by moving around randomly for like an hour until I ended up in the right place

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what year do you estimate this was?
maybe there is a company catalog

not the first, but one of them

This looks like all the shareware I played when I was 10.

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i remember playing it two-player with my mother and neither of us knew what to do.

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Either pic related or Contra, one of the two.

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maybe one of the best game covers of all time

My older brother's copy.

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It was some zombie game on a floppy disc. You wore a hazmat suit and fought mutants or some shit. Literally only remember fragments of it and have never found out what it's called.

God, I wish I could remember the name, maybe an user could help me out? It was on PC, you played as this clown thing on roller skates, and the sky was red. That is all I remember of the game, I must have been 4 or 5, but I vividly remember something like that.

The c64 version i played had only music on the title screen. load screen, the flying stage and ending. I remember the flying stage music being amazing

I have no idea if it pushed it to its limits. It looked awesome tho and was smooth as all hell

this is just me fucking around in wikipedia which might not have completed lists, muppets seems famous enough that somebody would keep track of these

*having spooky flasbacks*

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I'm old as fuck, 37. But this is the very first game I remember playing. Back in the days when you could walk into any shopping mall and find an arcade.

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Rolling Ronny?

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I still remember the day I got my Gameboy Color for my birthday

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Along with Pastfinder and Starquake

35 year old boomer here


I had a friend with Vectrex many years ago. I actually thought I've imagined playing on the console until I've seen it being presented by some Youtuber years ago.

The game looses all momentum around the Aegyptian stage for some reason. Too bad cause I loved the music and graphics.

I believe you. I still fire it up sometimes.

That game along with the Indiana Jones counterpart was some of the more relaxing SW games I've played. Too bad no one did a little revamp of the original concept cause the base was uttermost solid.

Played that on my Amiga. Very basic platformer, criminally good OST. Got boring fast sadly.

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Mega Man (2?), Kid Icarus, Mario Bros., or Crash Test Dummies are my earliest memories. I don't remember which came first.

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Thank you user. I've been wondering what this fucking game was for months.

Here's another clown guy with red sky
Charly the Clown (1995)

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Don't even remember much about it

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No idea if this made outside finland

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Nice I remember that one, along with Clown was a pretty strange though enjoyable introduction to platformers.

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Nintendo came out the year I was born, so that was always in the house and I was probably playing duck hunt when I was 3. Going with computer games, and not counting educational games, it was probably Spaceship Warlock.

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This could've been a decent song if it had better audio quality

based I was wonder what this was called

Jacob Zoomer here

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SMB3 but I probably played Pac-Man and just don't remember well.

>ywn be as happy as you were playing gen 1 perkymanz in the 90s with your buddies at school
Why is life such a shit my boys? I pity anyone who was too young/old to not experience the literal wonder that was a childhood during the original outbreak of pokemania.

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I think this shit shaped my taste.
>I won't drop a game just because it's difficult
>But I will drop a game (at least temporarily) if I just don't understand what I need to do
>I'm willing to forgive some issues with a game if it has a fucking baller OST

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> the king's quest series
ah, fun times.

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>A physcal box and manual
>A fucking certificate to request a backup copy
>A keyboard overlay
I wasn't even born when this came out and I felt warmth in my heart seeing this shit. What the fuck.

this game gave me severe anxiety

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it's either this or Vectorman. Can't remember

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God fucking damn, I just remembered playing this even earlier than I thought my earliest vidya memory was

was this game good? I can't seem to remember but I do remember replaying it a lot because I didn't have a memory card

It was janky but fun. Platforming was alright but it had some weird bugs.

there was a mathematics learning series of games like this of various grade levels.
the version that involved building a racing car from parts based off of completing minigames of varying difficulties was one of my fondest videogaming memories.

doing all the easy puzzles would never let you win the race except on the easiest difficulty, which in hindsight is how the game scored your progress. getting all the best parts was equivalent to getting 100% on the test (race) at the end.

the obvious answer for console games

could you really use SCURK to drive around your SC2000 cities with this game? always thought that was a dank idea

Gizmos and Gadgets.

Still got that one too. Was my favourite as a kid. I think you also got to build a zeppelin in it too.

I can also remember one involving doing maths on a mountains to stop a storm, a spelling one and one set in a tv station but I can't remember what you did in it. All I remember is the theme was a Beethoven Symphony.

It was all happy super solving back then

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