Who the hell directed this crap? This has no soul. Bring kamiya back.
Who the hell directed this crap? This has no soul. Bring kamiya back
Did Barry wake up or something? This is the second one in less than half an hour.
It's actually been even less than 10 minues, lol
what happens when it ends up being the best selling game in the series?
reminder that if someone posts how DMC1 is the only good DMC game it's actually barry posing as a bayonettafag trying to start a war between fanbases
no thanks, no more dark souls filled with light cringe
No-no-no, keep set pieces and shitty QTEs out of my DMC.
Based user
You're supposed to remove your name when you're trying to make multiple bait threads dumbass.
>samefagging & namefagging at the same time
Reminder that this game is bullshit
>Oh you died? Don't worry you can just pay red orbs to reset forever!
>he thinks I'm trying to hide something
>Makes multiple bait threads
>Gets called out
>Makes a poor attempt at deflecting
face it dmc never had soul
Biggest disappointment I've experienced since Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier.
I shitposting using a name shamelessly and don't mind making multiple threads. I've done a lot worse.
This game is really bad though. I can't stand playing as V. Is there a way to skip these chapters?
Blame Inafune for dissolving studio clover
HAVING to play as him ruined the game for me
>I shitposting using a name shamelessly
English motherfucker do you speak it
It already is.
Oh great more ESL cancer.
make sure to get your nigger hand in frame next time
Finished it in hunter difficulty, don't want to play it again cause V gameplay sucks and while the action is good, almost all backgrounds looks the same and are full red or full black and i don't want to play thoses.
Give it dmc 1 diversity, all characters playable for all missions (once the game finished one time) and it may be the best dmc
Did you read the text on the screen?
>HAVING to play as him ruined the game for me
Me too. It's really boring. I can't stand it.
DMC 5 is such a let down man. It makes me really sad because 1 and 3 are in my favorite games of all time, after 4 being a rushed mess and then waiting 10 or so years for dmc 5, I expected it to be the best, but alas, it was average at best.
>almost all backgrounds looks the same and are full red or full black and i don't want to play thoses.
Yeah, the scenery is just absolute crap. It's all the same and it's all ugly as fuck. Either it's generic subway, or literal hell that is just unpleasant to look like. They should have learned something from bloodborne and put some nice architecture to see or nice sceneries instead of this blank bullshit.
Let's commit seppuku together. This world has nothing good in it.
Big mood :(
Quick rundown on Barry please.
It's XVkun's real name, and he thinks making fandoms fight will somehow prove his mediocre as fuck Final Fantasy game isn't as mediocre as everyone knows it to be.
You do understand that if you namefag people will just filter you right, Barry? Filtered.
Who the fuck is Barry unironically? My name is Mark and I'm the shitposter who keeps posting pic related and talking about incest. You've confused me with someone else.
Dante's skillset is overflowing with soul though
>he's doubling down on the denial