Who is your vidya husband, Yea Forums?
Who is your vidya husband, Yea Forums?
>Autistric soibois have vidya husbands like the faggots they are
For me, especially looking at that picture, it’s a noose
How would your parents feel about this? Do you ever think about that?
thats going to be a kys from me dawg
>He doesn't have both a real husband and a vidya husband.
That's gonna be a yikes from me, sweetie.
I guess I need to make a 3x3, because I've become attached to a couple.
I wish I had an Arcanine to sleep with. Would be cozy as fuck.
>He doesn't have both a real husband and a vidya husband.
>Not a sugardaddy.
That's going to be an oof from me, sweatie.
Hogen. He's cute
I'm not autistic enough to fall in love with fictional characters.
Literally no reason to.
>Abuh bwah I hope mommby and daddy approve...
Be an adult, do what makes you happy, faggot.
This is my wife Mipha!
What on earth would you need nine husbands for, user?
mhhhh id fuck incineroar, but this thread isn't advertisement friendly.
Post Bowser!
>His husband doesn't just provide for him.
That an, going be sweetie to me from yikes.
They don't know and there is no reason for me to reveal it to them because I haven't lived with them for a long time now.
That's a cute wife you have!
Not about having nine husbands, it's more about who I find attractive.
The one
The only
Oh. Well, give us the short list, then.
Tfw there won't ever be a Bowser that hugs you whenever, no matter what happens.
As far as video game characters:
>Lie-in Heart
Link is my wife!(husband)
He's all mine bois
Just call me Mrs. Rool.
>not Queen K. Rool
imagine having gay sex with hitler
I hate bowser
Fuck, he's too cute. I wanna fuck the choco spider. Either him or Meta Knight.
Oh, I forgot Daroach from Kirby.
That's not Hitler, it's clearly just a cool guy with glasses.
I love this art
Not my husband necessarily, but I think Leomon is pretty handsome.
Why is /V? so gay?
why are you?
He is.
I like cute boys in masks
There are fewer girls interested in video games than there are guys who are interested in video games. Eventually, some guys who like video games decide that they'd much rather have someone who understands and shares their interests than someone who has boobs.
Good taste. Too bad his art flow is so slow. I thought it would be faster considering how hard Yea Forums was thirsting for him.
>forgetting about the superior 2D waifus
Nah, you folks are just fags who take it up the bum!
Shovel Knight is great and full of cute helmet boys.
I dunno. I have a lot.
Well, it feels nice
you just posted the best husbando though, no one else compares
Until I change my mood anyway.
this, especially if the fucking is done by a HIV-loaded penis
If waifus won't do that, they're worthless.