
Redpill me on this shit. It looks empty. I know your shills are out there so give me a fucking reason to buy it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


it is published by deep silver, so there is a 99% chance it will be a epic exclusive. It is apparently an adventurer simulator.

>Looks like a mixture of Morrowind and DS1
>meh graphics but great use of lightning
>seasons, which means every area except the desert can turn into a comfy snow area

Where were you when TES finally lost its throne because of Bethesda's blundering?

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>original but not too bearsome crafting system
>if you want to use mana you have to give up part of your stamina or health
>only one autosave slot, all choices are permanent
>couch splits reen co-op
>axes, swords, spears, halberds, 2 handers, (cross)bows and flintlock pistols confirmed so far. Also traps.

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More info in this video:


What about quests? From the videos/streams the world looks empty as shit. Sure there are a couple monsters in the wild but is there a story?


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lol imagine being literally too stupid to understand the concept of a sandbox survival game

Very little is known about the story so far. Expect lots of written dialogue and loredump, most NPC's will only have their first sentence voiced.

The only thing we know is that your character startswith a blood debt and will lose his/her starting home if you dont pay within the stated time period. Expect many stories and quests told mainly through the environment (e.g. you have to go on a pilgrimage to a certain mountain in order to unlock magic).

3D Terraria with souls-like combat

The character creation is pretty decent for a 10 man made game. Normally not a fan of Unity games but this looks decent

What can i say? I like a fucking story in an RPG. Hell, a fucking note in a dungeon would be nice.
Sounds interesting

I like it. makes me think of gothic 2 + some survival elements. the diverse biomes help too

IDK how people can get hyped for generic shit like witcher 3 but then this is not on their list. makes no sense to me desu

actually now that I think of it, it makes me think of someone merging gothic 2 and kenshi and then removing (most) of the jank

maybe i'm getting hyped for nothing but whatever

looks like shit with to many ideas, just like every other open world survival game

>RPG with survival elements
>expect no story
Absolute state of Yea Forums
There are three main factions, they each have their own questline.

>game doesn't have a game over or "you died" state
>if you lose all your health a random event occurs
>this can be good, as in someone else finds you and nurses you until you're healed. Hell they might even give you a good luck parting gift.
>or you get taken to a bandits rapecave and are forced to escape and get your shit back
>or they simply leave your half dead naked corpse on the floor, forcing you to survive the wild until you find shelter/civilization while dealing with severe injuries or diseases

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>character creation is pretty decent
Have they shown it? I thought I heard them say it was just preset faces.

imagine wanting to play a open world survival game with crafting in fucking 2019

>""""""""""survival"""""""""" aka use a food item every X minutes
>Actual content like quests, characters, story, complex combat, deep loot system all take way too much effort so we've added a bunch of little meaningless gauges for you to keep filling

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looks bad

looks like shit and will be forgotten. The devs made one shit game and that's all they have.

100% this
filling meters < food items give the player buffs

Yeah they showed it on stream last week. Faces are indeed preset but the hair stuff and cosmetics looked pretty good for a A- game

It looks disgusting. Cheap generic soulless survival trash.

>DS1 poise mechanics confirmed


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Looks a lot like a Risen or Gothic game honestly.

>deep silver
Lmao I had no idea about this. Instant drop, thanks user

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How does the co-op work? Can they participate in quests and interact with npcs or are they just a guest along for the ride?

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They can interact, however the story only progresses for the host. XP and loot carry over however.

Okay cool just checking. After State of Decay 2 fucked up co-op super bad i've been sure to check how this stuff works

Looks like a boomer game

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>survival gimmick garbage
>open world
>literally not a line of dialogue shown throughout the entire demonstration
How's this game anything but zoomer shit?

It doesn't have a battle Royale mode (yet)

The video, posted somewhere in this thread, is all about how the game won't hold your hand. Something oldfags are known for hating in modern games.

>couch co-op and trophies
>better graphics & framerate

What do fellas?

Mods are supposedly supported so definitly PC

Go for PS4, the graphics look like shit anyway. The splitscreen looks fucking great

What's stopping you from playing splitscreen on the PC version?

>EA ever
damn, got interested and dropped it in under five minutes
new record

Oh shit, you're right. Especially if mods are supported.
Go for PC.
>Wake up in a bandit cave getting raped
Just like Skryim.

It's on steam anons

How's the combat?
I don't mind the "survival" aspect as long as the combat is fun.


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So was metro

the legend of zelda, a link to the past didn't hold your hand, had a pretty free world but directed you through the game well and had an at least somewhat compelling story. Dark souls doesn't hold your hand, but guides you in directions through a somewhat linear and illusory open world.

How this game gives you a direction and reason to go will be it's make or break, and this is from someone raised on NES. Just having an open world and saying go with no direction only works in sandbox survival, and only if you like menial laborious tasks for the sake of doing said task.

It's kinda like DS1 with rolling, blocking and poise being important. Each weapon gets a number of unique weapon skills. Hitting weak spots seems important in order to stagger enemies. I-frames are tied to your equipment, if you want to fast roll you can quickly drop your backpack right before engaging in combat.

You don't want to fight multiple enemies early on. Traps, poisons and long range weapons are also available to counter this early on.

it has splitscreen so there is little chance it's not on steam

M-maybe they've learned their lesson!

combat looks so shitty with no hit feedback

Honestly this game looks pretty good, they've straight up said what the game is about and it looks a bit like a co-op Gothic
I think them being involved with deep silver won't change shit, the game and dev are too obscure to throw on epic
The only thing I can see being a problem is timed quests, but I think it will be more about how this is executed
The content consists of dungeons and there aren't many, so I'm expecting them to be in-depth
I'm strangely interested in this game as a lot of information is unknown, thats a breath of fresh air in this market

How did you even come to that conclusion?