Are you ready

for his next masterpiece in 4 days?

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based memezaki
i love him, and i'm ready for sekiro to rip my butt

Honestly, I forgot about it and haven't been following it. Your post reminded me it's coming out this week. Looks fucking great.


Got Friday on PTO. Can't wait.

Genius nigga

>only 16 gig download
>11 bosses confirmed through achievements list
Its going to be like 10 hours long lmao what a fucking blunder ahahahaha

Everybody, laugh at this faggot.

is it really officially his baby or just another b team anomaly with his name slapped on

"B-Team" doesn't exist. It has been years since was published.

>30-60fps variable on pro
>year of our lord 2019

14 bosses were confirmed fucktard


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Most souls games only have 11 ish bosses unless you count dark souls 2 that had like 30 shit bosses and 10 good ones

>fucking western studio can't into compressing reeee forza horizon 4 is too big for my xbox fucking niggers ree
>sekiro is only 16gb lmao what a trash game with no content

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I'm ready for another disappointment.


Dark Souls 1 had 22 bosses, DS3 had 19, both without DLC.
>but they're all shit!
So? Maybe Sekiro's bosses are shit.

what is it about this fucking cat that makes me laugh everytime I see it

Yes, my body is ready for another comfy souls game

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when tf preload is going live? suck ass living with a 6mb connection , any word when the preload go live in steam?

You're both wrong, no one knows how many bosses it has but it's definitely more than 11 or 14.
All Souls games have between 30-44 bosses.

I've already poured like 500 hours into these games in total. I'm honestly okay if it turns out to be like a 40 hour game.

Then explain the achievements list only listing 11 bosses. All of the other Souls games had achievements for all of their boss fights. Checkmate, retard.

>"B-Team" doesn't exist. It has been years
>hurrr me retarded
They literally have two teams retard, they made many games at the same time. Such as DS2 and Bloodborne. That means they had two teams.
Guess which one is far less talented.
Sekiro has been officially a Miyazaki game since its E3 announcement.

It's not even 16GB, it's 25GB but the guy is lying.
>All of the other Souls games had achievements for all of their boss fights
No they don't. If you're going to lie, come up with something believable.
Dark Souls 1 has trophies for 6 bosses, yet the game has over 30 bosses.

still waiting for Demon's Souls HD

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>Guess which one is far less talented.
The one that got the shaft by Bandai-Namco, as stated in that interview?

>Guess which one is far less talented.
you're retarded if you think they would purposefuly keep a team that vastly underperforms the other
the reason DS2 was underwhelming is lack of budget, period

my guess is this game is again the B team , few miyazaki inteviews about the game and the usual meetings the press have with him like it happened with bloodborne

Dark Souls has 21 bosses, user, but yes.

Miyazaki is directing, someone else is writing:
>Miyazaki said he knows Patches is a fan-favorite running gag, but there are two good reasons he likely won’t appear in Sekiro. One, Miyazaki said he feels unsure about being obligated to repeat a particular in-joke or meme. Two, he’s not writing this game. Someone else at FromSoftware is handling script duties this time.

>The game is 60 bucks it must be a 60 hour single player campaign!!!!! multiple difficulties and modes WTF is that?

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>One, Miyazaki said he feels unsure about being obligated to repeat a particular in-joke or meme.
He saw the I CLAPPED threads, huh?

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>All Souls games have between 30-44 bosses.
That is a fucking lie.

You mean 3 days. It's already 8:00 pm here so really it's only 2 days.

No it doesn't. I did remember wrong, it is a bit under 30 but DS1 has 26 bosses with the DLC, 22 in vanilla.

legit genius unlike cuckjima

It's practically coming out tomorrow if you really think about it

They litearlly only did that for DaS1 you fucking idiot. Look up thier more recent games. DaS3 had trophies for every boss fight except for the last boss. Same thing for BB. 18 trophies for 18 bosses. Sekiro more than likely is listing every boss besides the last one as well. Sekiro is going to have 12 boss fights and there is nothing you can do about it.

1. Asylum Demon
2. Taurus Demon
3. Capra Demon
4. Gaping Dragon
5. Queelag
6. Ceaseless Discharge
7. Iron Golem
8. Stray Demon
9. Fatboy Slim
10. Demon Firesage
11. Centipede Demon
12. Bed of Chaos
13. Seath the Scaleless
14. Pinwheel
15. Nito
16. Four Kings
17. Sanctuary Guardian
18. Manus
19. Black Dragon Kalameet
20. Gwyn
21. Priscilla (if you were a monster)

It's literally the A-team nigga because Miyazaki is alone directing Sekiro and he came up with the idea of making the game. How are you dumb you can't see he wanted to make this game, you're in that much delusion of wanting another rehashed Souls game?

>few miyazaki inteviews about the game
Miyazaki has never appeared in a video interview, he refuses to do that. So of course its someone else talking in all the video interviews they've done. Miyazaki in some written interview articles.

>DaS3 had trophies for every boss fight except for the last boss
Aktschually on PS4 the bosses are hidden trophies and on Steam there are no achivements for the Demon Princes, Gael, Friede, Halflight/Spear of the Church, or Midir.

DaS2 put big enemies as bosses with generic "boss music" theme while DaS3 just adds the enemies normally in the world so you can cheese them. Everyone then proceeds to say DaS3 has the best bosses.

Whatever, I still win. Time to suck my dick faggot.

>Everyone then proceeds to say DaS3 has the best bosses.
It does, user.

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Dark Souls 3 was A team
Deracine was B team
Sekiro is A team
You’re a retard if you think A = good, B = bad when Bloodborne is the only exceptional title From has put out in the past decade

Super embarrassing. Don't let the jani spank you on the way out.

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22. Moonlight Butterfly
23. Sif
24. Gwyndolin
25. Bell Gargoyles
26. Artorias

I don't know why you are so insistent on arguing that it has 21 bosses when you can't remember even Sif or Artorias, wtf are you doing.

>when Bloodborne is the only exceptional title From has put out in the past decade
Wew, lad.

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>lied that all Souls games have trophies for all bosses
>get called out for lying
>"t-t-they only did that f-for DS1"
Get shit on retard. You have no argument. There exists no reason to think it has only the amount of bosses listed in the trophies.
Also Bloodborne does not have trophies for Chalice Dungeon bosses.

Man Deracine was really bad. It had potential but the "puzzles" were laughable and the writing was so dry that I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters.

>Dark Souls 3 was A team
But that's wrong, DS2's B-team moved onto immediately making DS3 once DS2 had released, led by Tanimura. Miyazaki joined DS3 project after Bloodborne was released, and after DS3 release Miyazaki started Sekiro with A-team (or maybe both teams combined?).

I want to get into dark soul demo soul games w.e which one do I play first?

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I almost want it to fail because the whole community has completely lost their shit over it. Everyone is acting like it's the second coming before it's even out. There's no way it's going to live up to this autistic level of hype.

ready for that torrent

Miyazaki joined DSIII's development extremely early on.
Also, your timelines are mixed. Tanimura did DSII's DLC which were doled out over the course of six months. Development on Bloodborne started after Artorias of the Abyss. This means nobody was working on DSIII until at least September of 2014, giving DSIII the shortest possible dev time out of the recent From titles.
I watched a longplay and the writing was really great. Made me wish I had the VR bullshit to experience it myself. You didn't care about the kids? Lorence's sacrifice was great, the deaths of the children was an incredible moment.

Hype is generated by the resume of the people working on a game, their past games were a masterpiece of its generation (Bloodborne) and a fantastic action rpg (Dark Souls 3), they have made some of the best games of past generation (Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls 1), why shouldn’t I be excited?

That doesn’t mean I’m going to defend it if it’s bad, but it does mean they have credit pre-release.

I don't know but it's amazing

Release order.

don't bother

>This means nobody was working on DSIII until at least September of 2014, giving DSIII the shortest possible dev time out of the recent From titles.
This is true, it literally is a reskin of Bloodborne basically.

retard with fake news up his ass
> Dark Souls 3 was A team
true. Miyazaki wasn't fully involved though, he was producing it

I realize that, and I'm a fan of the series as well, but I'm disappointed in a community that's usually critical and reserved suddenly acting like this is the only thing they're going to play for the rest of 2019 when they don't know if it'll have any replay value beyond one or two runs.

>retarded From drone
>doesn't include DS2 because reddit hates it

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Do I play any of them on pc? or console

how come?

Dark Souls 2 isn’t bad, it’s just not remarkable in any way. It’s a good game in a series of great games.

Demons is ps3 but I think it might be emulatable by now. Obviously Bloodborne is PS4 but the rest are on PC. A controller is necessary.

If you have a PS3, play them in order, that means start with Demon's Souls since it is the first one.
Then play Dark Souls 1 on PC.
Then DS2 on PC.
Then Bloodborne.
Then DS3 on PC.

It is by no means emulatable for 99.9% of peoples PCs. It requires an extremely specific setup of processor and graphics card to function correctly, otherwise it will have crazy audio stuttering and/or texture loading issues on emulator.
So, it's best for him to start with Demon's Souls on PS3.

I think Dark Souls 1 does a better job as an introduction to that style of games, DeS requires a level of patience sometimes that people rarely have today.

>21. Priscilla (if you were a monster)
no user, she is the monster

Thank you friend
I played and beat bloodbourne, I know DeS is still considered more difficult though.

memestop is doing a 9pm release and I'm off Thursday and Friday. Fuckin perfect, honestly I probably won't be able to beat it but I'm gonna try my best. I still haven't beaten nioh and I refuse to summon.

>intent doesn't matter because I said so

Yes user, we are judging bosses based on the bosses. Just because DS3 could've "hypothetically" made the winged knights into bosses doesn't mean they are, you shriveled prune.

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Pretty much everything we have seen and heard about this game indicates that it's souls formula taken to the next level, and even more intense. A healthy dose of skepticism is always fine but I'm very confident about it.

>I know DeS is still considered more difficult though
I don't know where you heard that but I'm pretty sure Bloodborne is the hardest one, there is no boss in DeS as hard as Ludwig for example.
DS1 is less forgiving than BB if you make mistakes, like if you attack a friendly NPC even once they are permanently hostile for your playthrough.
Still, start with DeS, not DS1.

All evidence points towards it being a damn masterpiece, you're the one being pessimist, we are being realist.

Actually download the prepare to die version instead of the remastered ds1.
Do trust me.

*meant to say DeS is less forgiving for mistakes, not DS1

After Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3, not really. Dudes a hack who accidentally struck gold once

Broke: believing From is divided into A and B teams
Woke: realizing Japan Studio is the A team and Bloodborne would not be half as good without them

>like if you attack a friendly NPC even once they are permanently hostile for your playthrough.
Wut. You have to deal a set amount of damage to make an NPC hostile, but you can also "absolve sin" and it'll make them peaceful again. At least check your facts before stating them, please.

Absolute pleb, Deracine was great. "I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters" is the most asinine criticism of that game anyone could make. It's easily the most thoughtful and mature game FROM has made

>"Those who identify as 'soulsfags', they sicken me deeply."
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

Read nigga You retard

The only way that is available anymore is torrents, if there are any of it. The worse remaster replaced the original on Steam and it can not be bought anymore.

What are the odds of combat boiling down to the exact same shit as every other Souls game in practice?

DaS3 advertised shit like weapon arts a lot but in practice it was the same exact circle strafe/roll around enemies and spam R1

Nice damage control, just accept that the game is shit

100%, and that's fine. If the Souls combat formula wasn't great the games wouldn't have gotten so big.

Why do you need any more than just a dodge button and an attack button?

0%, we've already seen dodge-R1-dodge-R1 playstyle does not work in Sekiro dumbass. All enemies can parry you.

They can't parry you if you hit them from behind which is what you did 100% of the time in Souls

Is there any info on performance on PS4 vs PC yet?

Sounds like you made the games really boring for yourself.

How is it my fault for just doing what the game encourages me to do through its design?

he played them like they're meant to be played because they're shit games for retards

>git gud

>Overly optimistic about a thing he hasn't even experienced

user, pls.

That only ever consistently worked in Dark Souls 1 though. In DeS and DS2 and DS3, a large amount of enemy types are good at protecting their back. In Bloodborne there are no backstabs at all.
In Sekiro you can't circle backstab any type of enemy either, you can only do that from stealth or if their Posture was broken. This is common knowledge that has been known for ages by now.
You never played any of them cuck.

Yes, I am not being overly optimistic, I am being a realist. Everything they have shown looks fucking fantastic from gameplay terms and design wise.

If it gets 91+ on metacritic I will buy it day one. Another Miyazaki masterpiece. If not I will probably wait and pirate it, unless it looks really awesome and I can find it for $45 or less

None because the posture system alone is a huge difference. The skill ceiling is increased dramatically just with that alone. Dodging will still be effective simply for avoiding attacks but you'll be missing out on potential posture damage everytime you dodge.

bear in mind that Dark Souls 1 has an 89 on Metacritic.

Name one enemy where locking on, circle strafing and counterattacking their back or side after you roll through a hit doesn't work.

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Deflecting does not give you an opening to attack, hitting an enemy reduces posture faster than smacking their guard or deflecting them does, and reducing HP to 0 also causes an instant posture break so you can perform a deathblow.

are you honestly trying to pretend that you couldn't backstab to your heart's content in Demon's Souls?

A lot of them. That roll and instant back stab has not worked since DS2 either. Most enemies rotate fast enough that you can't circle strafe to their back, like Red Eye Knights in DS3 for example. To backstab them you have to trick them by moving to different directions and also attacking/blocking, otherwise they just autorotate.
>and reducing HP to 0 also causes an instant posture break so you can perform a deathblow
No, reducing HP to 0 makes them instantly die. You don't have to kill an enemy with a finishing move.

Not anywhere near as much or as easily than in DS1. You had to be much more accurately positioned in DeS. It was still technically easy to do, in the sense that you strafed around them.
But they did fix that after DS1, and in Bloodborne and Sekiro there are no normal backstabs at all.

>no custimization
no fuck this bitch

mi jk his next IP will be epic. howver, this isnt the one, im afraid.

I'm not talking about backstabs. I'm talking about just swinging at their rear. Wait for an opponent's attack while circling around them, roll past, attack.

Did you really never do this? Or circle around bosses hugging their asses and attacking them there?

>Not anywhere near as much or as easily than in DS1. You had to be much more accurately positioned in DeS.
You really need to replay that game.