would you tell this girl that you love videogames?
Would you tell this girl that you love videogames?
yeah. Believe it or not girls prefer a man who is confident in his hobbies.
Stay mad virgin salts.
this, virgin fag OP BTFO
I would never be fortunate enough to have a female remotely care about me in any way.
Well yeah, of course, it's not like she'd care about me anyway.
I mean, I wouldn't hide it, but I'm not gonna lead with video games. That's just retarded.
Implying there would ever be an occasion to be talking to a creature such as this.
Yes. Also good hips for childbearing.
I'm sure she can already tell by looking at me
>that face
la goblina...
Get that cumdumpster out of my face
>talking to women
Women are amoebas, just punch them and fuck them.
>asking this on Yea Forums
Who here sincerely loves video games? Really?
no tits
But I don't love video games, so no
I love videogames. And a lot of others stuff. And you? What do you love?
No, because I'm almost pathologically honest and I hate video games.
Why would you wish someone to live on this miserable mortal coil? And also
>wasting at least 18 years of your life on another human being that's going to be nothing but an annoyance
and also
>ruining good pussy with a fucking baby
>fuck them
No thanks, I would never have sex with subhumans because I'm not subhuman. Real men only have relations with their fellow men.
videogames bore me
Name one country you can get away with this that isn't a sand covered shithole full of angry incels that don't masturbate.
I want to press my face against her breasts and feel their warmth on my face.
this (based)
>wasting at least 18 years of your life on another human being that's going to be nothing but an annoyance
Jokes on you, i already do this to myself so im the perfect guy to project my misery on another person.
Sure, why not.
She's not fucking me either way.
I can't tell if you're larping or not anymore
I've got a nine inch dick so she wouldn't care if I liked vidya or not.
>implying you could ever get a meaningful relation to another human being
Come on user, who are you trying to fool here?
I mean seeing that she's on the younger side sure, might luck out and she happens plays splatoon or something
I'm a zoomer so its accepted by girls.
she looks like she only fucks white boys
what makes you believe she plays splatoon? does she look like she plays splatoon?
yes. it's not like that detail is going to be the dealbreaker
Why would I lie to her?
I would pee on her and run away
delusional whitey
>stretch marks
>arm hair
>fake lips
>dumb hippie bracelets
yeah, fuck this ugly whore
Why would I talk to her at all?
its too early for this...
Who's this?
t. chink fever dicklet
stop the incel
why the fuck would i go up to some random girl and tell her i like vidya?
On the one hand I want to fill her with my seed, on the other these galleries are always depressing because these girls seem to be so superficial, their lives completely frivolous, it's more wholesome and meaningful to waste time shitposting about games here than putting on make up and posing every waking moment. At least the former is more honest.
my gf
Okay. I enjoy the thoughtful storytelling the medium allows for, and long walks to my beach house.
Can you animefags just get the fuck out of this website you are worse than redit posters
Yes but only after i fuck her
LSD rid me of this feeling unironically
Real life is not a sitcom and real people aren't walking stereotypes of chads, staceys and other bullshit.
And unless you're from north korea you'll find girls that are into videogames, animu and whatever other embarrassing bullshit you don't normally associate with females literally everywhere.
Because even though this is anecdotal, from what I've seen pretty much anyone from all walks of life can splat. Pic related is a cousin I occasionally play matches with
I married my gamer girl. She kicks my scrub ass repeatedly and I love it
no, i would tell her to fuck off instead and look for a decent women
I'd rather not get jailed for stare raping said woman like the "incel misogynerd" i am in her eyes
why would i tell that to some random person i dont know
Tell her I like mobile games.
you don't know if she's having fun or not, this is your problem.
she may think the same about you.
Nah, I don't love them
>ywn have a girl literally fighting to suck your dick
fucking kill me
literal sexual harassment, just like what i'm posting.
fucking thots
so you enjoy gettingf fucked by strapon?
literally no one
That's right. We're here because we honestly like videogames and are interested in discussing topics related to them.
Those insta thots do their whole song and dance not because of any genuine feelings, but purely for the attention of others.
>can you animefags just get the fuck out of this website
I'm not even an animefag but you are aware that this website was created for discussing anime right?
>you are worse than redit posters
yeah you would know, go fucking back you retard
I have a loving boyfriend. Guys are actually capable of meaningful relationships, it's not that hard once you take the gaypill.
stupid niggers
He looks like he wants to die, the poor man.
I thought she was just in a boat in someone's backyard for a second.
fucking hell I'm feeling old.
just why?
his eyes are damn funny
>trannies not even a topic
>user still can't help but think about them
go suck a shenis already, maybe you'll finally feel better
Yes, and i deeply hope that she'd bully me for it
It's irrelevant if she's having fun or not (though I doubt it), everything about her is fabricated. Her whole life is a big attention whoring sequence of events, everything is done for the exterior apperances of it.
>she may think the same about you.
She doesn't think about me except what the media feeds her about incels or mass shooters driven to kill by those darn vidya gaems.
bro, what the fuck is that retard webm trying ti prove?
Also, getting triggered by a anime website is fucking retarded
>girls prefer a man who is confident in his hobbies
Not if that hobby is being a virgin edgelord. You're talking about a girl that could easily hook up with a guy with 10 times your income. Saying "I love video games!" is not going to win you the opportunity to fill her with your seed.
>no way fag.
>all that plaque on her tongue
fucking disgusting
touching her would cost him his job, and probably have a law suit follow behind it. fucking bitch knows that, so she takes advantage because she's a stupid slore
metaphorically, yes, as it challenges me to get gud
literally, also yes
Liking video games isn't really a social stigma anymore.
Why would I lie to her?
yeah I know you have a tranny folder, user
My tongue is always discolored but it's not plaque or anything based on what my dentist said. I can't vouch for anyone else though
this so fucking much unironically
>talking to women in real life
For what reason? Is she behind the counter at gamestop?
What is the problem with 2D ?
Based chad poster
>thread about actual women
>posting this
recalibrate yourself
she's going to find out about it anyway eventually once i impregnate her and raise beautiful white children with her.
1488 and have a blessed white day.
you can't be fucking serious user
it's like common knowledge that women prefer confident chads over timid insecure faggots
or at least most of them, mostly normies
Do I need to post incase so you go completely haywire? Take your pills user.
what kinda pathetic virgin cuck faps to literal chinese kid cartoons?
just kys mc fucking yourself fucking perma virgin
>pick on animeposter on an anime website
Fuck off, go back to wherever you came from.
what kind of socially dysfunctional retard just screeches I LUB BIDOGAM in the middle of a casual conversation? that shit just doesn't happen.
>electionfugee faggotry
>reddit spacing
name a more iconic duo
Yeah, along with all my other hobbies. If any of them bother her then she's not worth the effort.
Mee Too
what are you even talking about my dude
save your anti-discord content for relevant threads
>he thinks that girl is white
man, you fuckers really are deluded
Depends on the region and country, don't expect to find a mate talking about games and mechs if you live in farmlands.
>name a more iconic duo
Your lungs and Zyklon B
Mee Too
>inb4 that guy's gay
God only knows what she's on and what STD soup is down in her crotch.