Everyone knows old games are better anyway. What ports do you want to see on Switch?
I'd like Skies of Arcadia, Tales of the Abyss and maybe Final Fantasy Tactics for strategy.
For western shit I'd like to see Timesplitters 2.
Everyone knows old games are better anyway. What ports do you want to see on Switch?
I'd like Skies of Arcadia, Tales of the Abyss and maybe Final Fantasy Tactics for strategy.
For western shit I'd like to see Timesplitters 2.
Other urls found in this thread:
I would suck Konami's dick for a Metal Gear Rising port
I unironically love the Switch for the fact it has a fuckload of ports that I can play on the go or at work.
For some reason a laptop + DS4 gets more noticed than a Switch.
I'd like to see GBA games on it and NDS ones - like the Castlevania games
I'd also pay $19.99 for a port of Wario Land 3
MGS needs some representation on Switch.
Twin Snakes Remastered
>I'd like to see GBA games on it and NDS ones - like the Castlevania games
I'd love to see Castlevania on the Switch. Maybe as part of a Virtual Console service?
Would love this. Also MGS3 got a 3DS remake, maybe a Switch version is possible.
Sega ages will hopefully get to Dreamcast eventually, that and Saturn ports are all people care about. The devs keep saying it's possible but won't fucking announce anything
The funny thing is that metal gear rising runs on the tegra X1... On Android lol
So does Warband and Half-Life 2
I would really like to see dragon age origins, mass effect trilogy, metal gear rising, and perfect dark hd.
Panzer Dragoon Saga would be awesome.
I know Sega have supposed to have lost the files or something. But why can a neckbeard emulate it on a computer but Sega can't rerelease it as a download?
Dark Souls 2, 3, and Demon's Souls
>Raised in a strict poor household
>Parents would get me 2-4 games a year, 1-2 in my birthday and 1-2 in Christmas
>Missed out in tons of vidya because of this
>Be an adult with a job
>Can waste my money all I want
>Still tend to go out a lot
>Can finally play all the vidya I missed
>Can play them wherever I want
Switch objectively needs more new games and peoples hesitancy of it is justified especially with the new console generation coming around the corner, however this console is essentially perfect for me and the extremely niche group of people like me.
With CFW you can have all of that and it's really easy to set up. If you're not into online play that is!
I'm on the latest version since I buy from the store so no CFW AFAIK
Firmware doesn't matter, it all depends on whether it's hardware patched or not. I bought mine a few months ago and it was hackable.
Check your serial! gbatemp.net
>Sonic CD
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles (never fucking ever)
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Heroes
>Sonic Unleashed
>Sonic Colors
>Sonic Generations
A Tactics Ogre complete collection
Bravely Default + Second HD port
A Fantasy Life port (with extra features)
Is a Virtual Console on Switch likely?
i think p5 would work far better on a handheld. it gets exhausting playing on a console and its calendar system would work great traveling imagine playing through a whole palace on a plane
Definitely not
its to not awkward enough for nintendo
I want the Trails games on Switch
Here are some "upcoming" ports that are to be announced between now and the end of April.
>Let It Die
>Gwent + Thronebreaker (It's coming with a big crossplay update, so Switch, PC and Xbox all play together)
>Codename S.T.E.A.M
>No More Heroes 1 + 2 (1 is the PS3 "remake")
>Catherine Full Body
>Gwent but no Witcher 1+2
fuck that
Just imagine a dead space collection
There was a rumour of CDPR trying to remake Witcher 1 again (after they scraped Rise of the White Wolf), but were struggling to "modernise" it, so they were going to Thronebreaker it, and just retell the Witcher 1 story with Gwent gameplay.
>not masturbating to dirty dive bar lady
it's on a home console for a reason, spic boy
The Wonderful 101
I don't want to have to buy a wiiu for one fucking game.
get a load of this faggot. he actually plays the jrpg sections. haha
never happening, tendie
mile high club palace
After playing Vesperia on it I think all jrpgs (that the Switch can run aka the good old ones) should be ported on it.
Definitely Xenoblade HD. I already have it on the Wii but it's my favorite game and would love to play it on the go.
Also would love a MGS 1-3 collection and killer7.
I don't need to see many more ports aside from Rune Factory 4. I'm waiting on Daemon X Machina and Astral Chain atm. Might get the Link's Awakening remake and Mario Maker 2 as well
Kingdom Hearts The Story So Far
Resident Evil 1-3 and Code Veronica
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
Power Stone 1-2
Sakura Taisen 1-4 (maybe the new game too)